VOICE EXERCISE 1. Active: He can do the work. Passive: The work - TopicsExpress


VOICE EXERCISE 1. Active: He can do the work. Passive: The work can be done by him. 2. Active: We ought to help the poor. Passive: The poor ought to be helped by us. 3. Active: He teaches us English. Passive: we are taught English by him. 4. Active: He bought me a book. Passive: A book was bought for me by him. 5. Active: He ran a race. Passive: A race was run by him. 6. Active: He killed himself. Passive: He was killed by himself. 7. Active: The flower smells sweet. Passive: The flower is sweet when it is smelt. 8. Active: The house is building. Passive: The house is being built. 9. Active: We elected him chairman. Passive: He was elected chairman by us. 10. Active: I found it easy to do. Passive: It was found easy to do by me. 11. Active: I saw him do the work. Passive: He was seen to do the work by me. 12. Active: I saw him going there. Passive: He was seen going there by me. 13. Active: There is no time to lose. Passive: There is no time to be lost. 14. Active: I am to make a telephone call. Passive: A telephone call is to be made by me. 15. Active: I am going to buy a computer. Passive: A computer is going to be bought by me. 16. Active: Do the sum. Passive: Let the sum be done. 17. Active: Do not do the sum. Passive: Let not the sum be done. 18. Active: Never tell a lie. Passive: Let never a lie be told. 19. Active: Let him do the work. Passive: Let the work be done by him. 20. Active: We talked of them. Passive: They were talked of by us. 21. Active: Please help me. Passive: You are requested to help me. 22. Active: I want him to do the work. Passive: I want the work to be done. 23. Active: He invited me to go. Passive: I was invited to go. 24. Active: He decided to sell the house. Passive: He decided that the house should be sold. 25. Active: I remember them taking me to the zoo. Passive: I remember being taken to the zoo. 26. Active: I know him. Passive: He is known to me. 27. Active: He pleased me. Passive: I was pleased with him. 28. Active: He displeased me. Passive: I was displeased with him. 29. Active: He satisfied me. Passive: I was satisfied with him. 30. Active: He dissatisfied me. Passive: I was dissatisfied with him. 31. Active: He annoyed me. Passive: I was annoyed with him. 32. Active: His conduct annoyed me. Passive: I was annoyed at his conduct. 33. Active: His conduct stunned me. Passive: I was stunned at his conduct. 34. Active: His conduct vexed me. Passive: I was vexed at his conduct. 35. Active: His conduct satisfied me. Passive: I was satisfied at his conduct. 36. Active: His conduct dissatisfied me. Passive: I was dissatisfied at his conduct. 37. Active: His conduct pleased me. Passive: I was pleased at his conduct. 38. Active: His conduct displeased me. Passive: I was displeased at his conduct. 39. Active: The news shocked me. Passive: I was shocked at the news. 40. Active: His performance surprised me. Passive: I was surprised at his performance. 41. Active: Her beauty marveled me. Passive: I was marveled at her beauty. 42. Active: Dust filled the room. Passive: The room was filled with dust. 43. Active: Dust covered the room. Passive: The room was covered with dust. 44. Active: The newspaper contains daily news. Passive: Daily news is contained in the newspaper. 45. Active: The book greatly interests me. Passive: I am greatly interested in the book. 46. Active: Panic seized the man. Passive: The man was seized with panic. 47. Active: People lined the road. Passive: The road was lined with people. 48. Active: Spectators thronged the streets. Passive: The streets were thronged with spectators. 49. Active: English is spoken all over the world. Passive: People speak English all over the world. 50. Active: Nothing can be gained with labour. Passive: We can gain nothing with labour. 51. Active: He is called a liar. Passive: People call him a liar. 52. Active: He is not known here. Passive: Nobody knows him here. 53. Active: The tree has been uprooted. Passive: The storm has uprooted the tree. 54. Active: Rome was not built in a day. Passive: The Romans did not build Rome in a day. 55. Active: Promise should be kept. Passive: One should keep ones promise. 56. Active: Rice is mainly eaten in Asia. Passive: The people in Asia mainly eat rice. 57. Active: It is time to finish the work. Passive: It is time for the work to be finished. 58. Active: My pen has been stolen. Passive: Someone has stolen my pen. 59. Active: My pen has been lost. Passive: I have lost my pen. 60. Active: I was obliged to go. Passive: Circumstances obliged me to go. 61. Active: This building was built in 1990. Passive: Someone built this building in 1990. 62. Active: Keep your word. Passive: Your word should be kept. 63. Active: Obey your teacher. Passive: Your teacher should be obeyed. 64. Active: Prepare for the worst. Passive: Be prepared for the worst. 65. Active: I know what he thinks. Passive: What he thinks is known to me. 66. Active: He urged the council to reduce the rates. Passive: He urged that the rates should be reduced. 67. Active: The police ordered the criminal to be shot. Passive: It was ordered by the police that the criminal should be shot. Or, It was ordered to shoot the criminal. 68. Active: I know that he has done the work. Passive: It is known to me that the work has been done by him. Or, That the work has been done by him is known to me. 69. Active: My teacher embodies all the good qualities. Passive: All the good qualities are embodied in my teacher.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 17:49:31 +0000

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