VOICE IN THE WIND......HEARD OR UNHEARD Praise be to the Spirit - TopicsExpress


VOICE IN THE WIND......HEARD OR UNHEARD Praise be to the Spirit of the Lord which we have been given to learn from. Our Comforter has dried many a tear and mended hearts untold, healed beyond our imagination. Although we may have not known Him, He has always known us. Jesus created the Way for our salvation and He had to leave so that His Spirit would be able to enter to whom He was called to enter into. When Christ walked among us, he was able to reach out to those who were around him, but the Spirit is able to reach throughout the world in the twinkling of an eye. When we were brought to the solitude of our hearts, we cried out to God and He heard us, He came. His Spirit is able to immerse within the very core of our soul and throughout our bodies. For those who have experienced the love of God through His Spirit, this is the imprint for our lives which we are unable to ever forget, even if we have decided to walk according to the pattern that this life presents to us. This life shall pass away, but the life that was shown unto us is eternal, which we shall live with or without Him. His Spirit is still with us and if ever our beings have embraced His and walked away, He is calling us back into His Presence. There is an urgency in the air, this world is able to sense it, but not many will call upon the name above all names to bring an understanding to their souls. This world sinks deeper into the deceptions that all is well as their ears are perked up into its lies. Swimming in the midst of false comforts which cloud there minds and filling their hearts with pride of things which shall pass away. Our Spirit which we have been given shows us the love of God within our own lives which we will be unable to deny, time and time again He calls. Nothing is of coincidence, it either brings us closer or takes us away from the things of God. Which way are we traveling? Father God we thank thee for the abundance of thy patience towards this world for it is thy desire that none should perish. Jesus this day we open our hearts unto thy Spirit and ask for thy love which has enveloped our hearts to be used as the trumpets of God shouting out the glories of His coming. We ask for every tune to touch the hearts as thy Word vibrates throughout their bodies, touching eyes, ears, the very senses of their being. Jesus thy blood has touched this earth, the very substance which man was created from and which shall return to, but thy breath which was breathed unto him shall return unto thee. Jesus we ask thee Lord to consume out very breath that with each spoken word that we speak we may be a part of delivering the hope of life which is in thee. Amen Act 1:2 Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen: Act 1:3 To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God: KJV
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 16:28:58 +0000

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