VOICE OF EUROPE In search of stories i reched Pollnd....i was - TopicsExpress


VOICE OF EUROPE In search of stories i reched Pollnd....i was in need of a dffrnt story this time..I knew tht mny Indians my fellow contrymen live ther..Som had gon and settld ther bfor my fathrs or forfathrs..a few of thm had lost their indian identity and live in a confused state and som hv indiannes only in their names..som evn thnk tht Indira gandhi is stil the prim minstr.... som recently migrated..som grls newly married and wer brot to this luvly contry..i knew tht they missd their contry vry much and a news from their roots wud brng colorful memories in their life..so i went straight into one of the plush indian residential colonies..i heded to one Mr Paul Aalakkattils palacial bunglaw..he is workng in the Polish Polic Dept as Chief Officer Crime..it was a warm wlcom..aftr the forml introduction by the offcr of indian embassy who accompanid me i xpressd my wish and purpose for the visit..he was mor thn hpy to hlp me out..he was redy to share his part of info about mny cases he had hndld...i was in need of a grippng bckground for my detectv story...i obliged him to hv lunch with his entire family at his persistence in return to his xtended cooperation...i noticed two eyes followed me evrywhr othr thn thos of Mr Alakkattil..Thos wer of his distnt relative who hd recently com from india for higher studies..shes workng part time to fund her studies as Mr Alakkttl wud not let her use his influenc...a principled man.. i studied her..shes about 23.. a gud lukng grl of gud fetures oozing confdnc in her postures..once i finishd temporarily wth Mr Paul I turned towrds her..Shes Rebecca...she said she ddnt want any tag wth her name..i came under the spell of her magicl eyes..brownish blck eyes with sharp eyebros nicely tweezed and sharpened..eyelashes wer thickly packed and bent lik small rainbows stacked togthr..the eyes wer drilling holes into my heart noislessly..i gasped for words... U r from India? Yes Miss Rebecca? So whts so gret about ur country? I red contempt in her deep eyes I com frm the land of gret leadrs..I com frm the land of gret poets writrs actors.. U tel me the presnt state of ur contry..Mr.... Alex Vrghese.. madam The transition from Mis Rebeca to madam was involuntary..unintentionl..lik refelexiv action..thnx to her authoritativ tone. I groped for words..I com from... Cut that crap u writer..i had red a few of ur fictions..u r bettr sorry gud at tht..hv u evr writtn anythng real?..for the voic of ur own women..ur mothrs and sstrs and dottrs?? U r full of cliches Mr Varghese.. Miss thts my fathr..am Alex.. OK whtevr..ur womn r raped day and night..r hunted down by an individual or a grup..how mny gang rapes in ur capitl..r nt u ashamed of belonging to a country who has a gngrape capitl..ur so calld metropolitn cities whch bost of ultra modern luxuries and othr infrastructures do not provide basic security to the self respect or the right to liv fearlessly to a citizen just bcos its a female..u men so addctd to female orgns tht u do not spare evn an infnt...fthr rapng dottr..techr rapng studnt...patrons raping def and dumb grl...wht u men thnk of urselvs..grls r kidnapd while going to answr natures call durng early morng..dont u pity urself..wht ur fukn govt hs don for us??nirbhaya was the tlk of town thn contry thn the whol world..thn anothr gngrape..thn anothr..then anothr..thn city chngd..mumbai..kolkatta...grls r defaced wth acids..wht dd ur do..simply clapped hnds like eunuchs to pass this bill and tht bill for women..how mny cases of acid throing..self immolation due to inlaws torture...inlaws participatng in immolation of grls like u do it to ravan durng dussera..damnit wht was her folt...tht.tht..she was born as she?? u kill her in her mothrs womb...how mny times u kill a female thru her life..right from inside her mothr to an infnt..to a cute litl grl..to a school goer..to a teenager..to a professionl..to a housewife..to a middle aged mothr...to an old lady....u ass dont hesitate to force urself upon evn a bedriddn 90 year old lady..or evn her corpse..man remmbr tht u wer also born out of female.. my studies wud b ovr by nxt year..i dont feel like comng bck to ur GREAT land..its bettr to commit suicide here or liv my life in jail aftr my permit xpired thn to com thr and gettng raped and killng myslf evry second for the rest of my life...ur gov has failed in all depts to protect their own women..u keep on raping and say its coz of the mentl make up of the male dominated society..wht if tomoro v all women...sory all females frm entire the cross sections of ages and society..join hnds and terrorise all males by severing their genitls publicly and announc the arrivl of a new generation females..wht u say blody male writer?? i clearly saw Rebeccas anguished turbulent concrnd mind of Indian womnhud.. Its high tim Indian woman made her voic herd for the right of lif wth dignity... DEDICATED TO ALL INDIAN WOMEN .
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 09:58:43 +0000

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