VOICEs FROM THE WILDERNESS GREATEST NIGERIAN STUDENTS OF OGUN STATE TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS!!! It is my firm conviction that while an increasing proportion of young people are becoming more political conscious we are not necessarily politically smart, the depth of political understanding among the so called today come and raid can be best be described as shallow, In a lot of cases, it is non-existent. If we could recollect vividly, our leadership championed the struggle against astronomical inflation in tuition fee all over Ogun State Tertiary institution, we release a press statement with analysis to that effect. Lest We forget, despite threats and Intimidation from various angle, I led a peaceful protest of over 1000 students from different tertiary institution in Ogun State to the Governor’s office, where we were received by S.S.G, Commissioner for Urban and regional planning, Commissioner for education and other Government appointees, we air out our grievance to the State government delegate and we itemized them as follows…….. Then I wrote: OUR JOURNEY TO OKEMOSAN (GOVERNORS OFFICE) TODAY ALL STUDENTS OF THE TEN STATE TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS PROTESTED TO GOVERNOR OFFICE OKE MOSAN , Our plights goes thus: *Say Capital NO to oppression and maltreatment of Students on our various campuses *Say no to inflation of Tuition fees *Say NO to imposition of caretaker commitee/ scrapping of Student Union on campuses e.g TASCE OMU, GATEWAY POLY SAAPADE, AAP Ijebu igbo etc *Say NO to polarization of Students movement *Say No to Non payment of Busrary to Ogun state indegenes * Retainment of First class graduates from Ogun state varsities *Deduction of our Acceptance fees *Say No to enactment of callous policy by the University and Polytechnics Heads in Ogun state. Eg MAPOLY The aggrieved Nigerian students were addressed and calmed by the Governor Ogun state who was represented by SSG, Com for EDUCATION, COM for Urban and region, SA to the Governor and Other cabinet members. We shall never compromise our stand. Dare to Struggle Dare to Win Lest we forget. You can click on the following link to recollect the struggle so far! Ogun students protest hike in fees m.premiumtimesng/regional/162621-ogun- students-protest-hike-fees.html .Last Month, we were opportuned to meet his Excellency Gov. Ibikunle Amosun at his residence Valley View during an IFTAR programme organized for N.L.C AND NANS respectively, we were there presence despite all pranks played by some political office holder at helms of state affairs who find joy in polarization of Students movement, it pains them to marrow when the found out that I was at the event, they couldn’t bear the shame any longer, they believe I will disclose their can of worm at the present of Mr. Governor, to save their heads I was openly harassed me at the front of Mr. Governor. (They strangled my neck all S.U.G Presidents in Ogun State who were present on that day could bear me witness. If not for the rescue hands of SSS and my loyalist by now they would have murdered me cold bloodedly, because we stand for the truth. I see them as ignorant because they are doing that because of peanuts given to them. Ignorance is the bare of our social transformation, I see ignorance is the Child of the past, friend of today and of the future; if we do not radically transform the Ogun State students mind set from one of need to one relevance, then we are deceiving ourselves. I am of the firm conviction that it is our day to day agitation, doggedness and consistence that mounted pressure on the neck State to now take the new step of reduction in tuition fee. While some are rejoicing, some of us are also shedding tears in honour of our colleagues who have being affected negatively with the past policy of Ogun State tertiary institutions management 1*Those who lost their lives in struggle while fighting for the survival of their institution/SUG. Humble T.J of TASUED and Aromasodun Rasak of TASCE. RIP BROTHERS IN STRUGGLE 2*Those who lost their academic carrier because of Management obnoxious policy. E.g over 3000 who were migrated students from full time to part time in MAPOLY , over 5,000 Students who were unable to sit for 1st semester’s examination in TASUED which led to vandalization of School properties in their protest Over 7,000 O.O.U Students 3*Victims of fake admission /late payment in O.O.U who are now undergoing their studies at Awa-Ijebu National Open University of Nigeria 4*All Ogun State Students who read this and feel passionate for the titanic Struggle which we are treading! One day! We shall all leave the Movement/Organization but record must be straighten, that Once upon a time we stood our ground against oppression, intimidation and threat in Ogun State. We have done our best and we are still doing it. Thank you Mr. Governor for taking a drastic step to reduce our tuition fee. We are grateful. The end is always the the beginning. NO RETREAT NO SURRENDER FALOLA A.O NANS CHAIRMAN OGUN STATE 07086227222 BB: 288C8410
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 06:26:10 +0000

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