VOTE FOR A GOOD CANDIDATE OF ANY PARTY OF YOUR CHOICE (Tenth post in my endeavour to post inspiring stories about some little known candidates) VIJAY PANDHARE: AAP candidate from Nasik (Maharashtra) A week before Arvind Kejriwal announced that he intended to form a political party, there was another equally important announcement in Maharashtra. On 25th September 2012, the Deputy CM resigned. But his exit was not due to the resignation letter that he sent to the CM. It was the result of 2 letters sent to the CM by whistleblower Vijay Pandhare - Chief Engineer at Water Resources Department and Member of the state-level technical advisory committee. In his letters addressed to the CM, governor and senior bureaucrats, he alleged that that most irrigation projects in Maharashtra had not taken off and that the amounts spent had been wasted. He also wrote about the lack of quality in dam constructions leading to grave danger to peoples life. He indicated that most of the problem emanated from the politician-contractor nexus leading to false cost escalations. He wrote a similar letter to his fellow engineers. Indeed, politicians from NCP & BJP have had close links with contractors and are allegedly linked to the irrigation scam. Subsequently, the Chitale committee examined the irrigation projects but that report is still kept under wraps. Pandhare sought voluntary retirement from service in November 2012, a year before his retirement was due. Today, he is state executive member of AAP and its candidate in Nasik.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 13:44:02 +0000

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