VOTE People - and learn about who your voting for now - Before - TopicsExpress


VOTE People - and learn about who your voting for now - Before you VOTE... Here is a couple things you need to think about: 1.Healthcare for a small group plan that I have experience with went up 16% last year and everything stated the same... This year another 64% and they were increasing the ability to manage what they would approve... Less choices and more copays in that... Then you get fined (taxed) if you have too little and you get fined (taxed) if you have a plan that is too much - it is clearly moving toward they (the Government) will allow you to be treated or not allow you to be treated for ... what-ever.... 2.When guns are outlawed - only outlaws will have guns. A few years after our government collects (most cause they will never get all of our guns) - are you ready for the Lone Wolf activity to continue to grow - ever heard of home evasions going on in some of our towns and cities now? Can you image when those 2 things dont run risk of running into the armed home owner? ((It is so much closer than you think if we dont start changing our government leadership)) 3. GITMO in New York or Chicago? or maybe in Brookville PA... 4. I have not started on the hard issues yet but when we do, you better know what we are talking about - AND Why are these people against a voter ID that verifies you can only vote 1 time, or keeps you from having a stand in voter... WHY DO YOU THINK -- What about the immigration - biblical marriage - people not being able to talk about their views of how we govern when that connects what they believe (faith)... How did US get to be the United States of America... Those founding people, our great grandparents and theirs died to stand for some of those issues and more... THEY DIED to take a stand on things... and now We Dont Vote? - Quit taking the cop out and saying they will do what they want to do in government - Learn a little about what is going on and tell the leaders of our government what you want them to do and then pay attention. Stay engaged. They will have people from both sides of some of these things talking to them and they should listen to both perspectives - But TELL THEM What you stand for! and then hold them accountable when the next election comes - dont give up! We need to get involved
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 13:39:52 +0000

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