Vaccines 2014: Revisiting the Germ Theory A recurring theme - TopicsExpress


Vaccines 2014: Revisiting the Germ Theory A recurring theme on this site, you may have noticed, exposes the substitution of new marketing for new science in the boom industry of global vaccines. No new science for these same old same old vaccines continuing on the Schedule. So the only thing that will keep people coming back for them is new marketing. Bring on the doubletalk. On prime time. Back in 1993, the world spent only $3 billion on vaccines. Today it’s approaching $60 billion. With sicker children to show for it. All we hear about are ‘outbreaks.’ Doesn’t take a genius to see the duplicity behind this argument: OK – they claim vaccines protect against disease. Even though the diseases were 95% gone by the time the vaccines came out. All that proof is in our vaccine text. Then they say that we have to keep vaccinating so that the diseases won’t come back. This ridiculous mantra, for which they cannot offer proof, flies in the face of Natural Selection. Diseases don’t come back once they’re gone. Species eventually become immune to diseases, as the diseases burn their way through a population. The strong survive and contribute their DNA to the proceeding gene pool. Everybody knows that. Now when the human genome was decoded more than a decade ago, scientists became aware of Inactivated Viruses in the mysterious 97% of the DNA helix that is no longer active. This is evidence of diseases the species has conquered. Jeffrey Smith talks about precisely the same phenomenon in his book Genetic Roulette, pointing out the unpredictable dangers that GM foods can have on these sections of the human genome that have been stable for aeons. The danger being re-activation of the old viruses. But it’s the same exact thing with vaccines. Our new policy of loading up the formative immune system of our children with 68 doses of experimental, lab-created microbial pathogens – new just within the past 2 centuries – what is that doing? Same opportunity for the random splicing of manmade microbial fragments into the individual and collective DNA, what with our 85% overall vaccination rate. So what does this do for the chances of normal development of the newborn’s immune system? It handicaps it. In several ways: Possibility of DNA alteration from lab-mutated pathogens in vaccines Susceptibility of cell membrane immune factors being damaged by poison preservatives and adjuvants, which scientists admit are in all vaccines Prevention of normal immune development, which would rely on gentle, regular stimulation from mild environmental stressors in the normal course of life (unvaccinated) So. Back to the ‘outbreaks.’ With CDC’s recent definition of outbreak as “more than 3 cases” in a given locale, outbreaks are an obvious sales technique to necessitate more shots of the vaccines the kids already got. But they can’t have it both ways. If vaccines really work, and are supposedly preventing these extinct diseases from coming back, why are they coming back? Which is it? What we have instead now are what scientists call the Atypical Diseases, which are mutations of the original disease. Mutations that are caused by our policy of vaccinating all our children for disease which would have faded away had we not vaccinated. So the “outbreaks” we’re always reading about are almost always exactly this: cases of atypical forms of old disease, which are now being kept alive by continuing with vaccines. Examples: measles, whooping cough, mumps, etc. The outbreaks always occur among the vaccinated. So why is the solution to every out break the3 same: another dose of the same vaccine that caused it. Why else? Marketing. It’s what makes the best return on investment for the manufacturer. *Excerpted from the 3rd edition of Tim OSheas book Vaccination is not Immunization
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 00:25:53 +0000

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