Vagina is not just a vehicle to reach the uterine cavity.. - TopicsExpress


Vagina is not just a vehicle to reach the uterine cavity.. Vaginoscopy means using the hysyteroscope to examine vaginal walls and crervix in details.. I presume that such little tips and tricks have turned the view into magical clear.. I dedicate this teachings to all my be love colleagues across the world.. to my be,loved friends in greater India and especially to my long time friend great surgeon and teacher Prashant Mangeshikar.. I hope he find it of value.. Meanwhile, if anybody in the world has further teachings.. spread it to all world.. It is never about who do it better.. it is about who can make people do it better It is never about i am the one who first did it.. it is about ..I am the bone whom can make all people do it well NB: In that video, you camn obviously see the difference between classic vaginoscopy technique and the modification proposed from my side..( sort delete proceed from my side) ..Just grasp it ,,learn it and forget me.. I will be happy pif you do it well and give benefit to your patients .. Never care about Osama.. i will stay happy seeing you happier
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 06:50:21 +0000

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