Valerie Jarrett is no more believable than her puppet Hussein - TopicsExpress


Valerie Jarrett is no more believable than her puppet Hussein Obama and she’s proving it to all who care to direct a discerning ear to her amnesty propagandizing. In an interview on CNN on Thursday morning, Jarrett was out pitching her program of importing a workforce and voting bloc, the Obama amnesty dictate, to the ignorant masses who are incapable of thinking for themselves, the CNN Democrat viewers. She made a couple of comments in the process which would be quite revealing if those viewers paid attention and remembered previous indoctrination messages. They don’t, however, which is why they are so easily misled and why Jarrett is saying the ridiculous things she is. The most noteworthy comment came as she was attempting to label the usurper as being someone the people could trust, who is acting within the bounds of the Constitution. Breitbart reports that Jarrett justified her claims by saying the “president” was “a constitutional law scholar” who was certain that his actions on immigration were “very well within his legal authority.” Of course this is the same “scholar” who said on more than twenty occasions, twenty-two according to John Boehner, that what he is doing is in violation of the Constitution. Obama maintained that position until he decided that the only way to get what he wanted was to violate the Constitution that he knew so well, and that he had arguable, although losing points upon which to base his illegal acts. She’s making the pitch that if Obama is doing it he must be sure, in his infinite wisdom, that it is legal. Actually he is sure that it is illegal but that he can buy enough time through legal maneuvering and dodge the consequences long enough to push his agenda through regardless. That is something to him which is just as good. For the communist devotees of radical Saul Alinsky, such as Jarrett and Obama, the end justifies the means and our laws and Constitution, as they demonstrate in a stream of endless examples, just don’t matter. It’s not as if the Constitution is that complex of a document. It’s pretty easy to understand although those in the CNN audience who have never bothered to read it and rely upon their imagination probably envision something that only an intellectual can comprehend, full of the type of legalese that we find cluttering the legislative documents of today. She attempts to make the point that somehow this pathological liar is telling the truth this time, about this subject and that we can just sit back and relax knowing that we’re in the safe, trustworthy and benevolent hands of our Dear Leader. She makes the moronic pitch of “Rather than trying to reverse what the president did, which will strengthen our immigration system, keep America safe, why not pass a bill?” Jarrett is implicitly admitting what they are doing is illegal or passing a bill would not be an issue. Her claims that they are strengthening our immigration system and keeping us safe after totally destroying our border enforcement are the hideous lies of an equally hideous criminal political operation. Capitulating to an evil dictator’s usurpation of power for the sake of convenience is what officials do in tyrannical regimes. We haven’t arrived there quite yet. Our representatives are duty-bound to fight this outlaw regime by whatever means possible. That includes preventing expenditures and the implementation of the political crime that is the Obama illegal amnesty. NO FUNDING FOR IMMIGRATION UNTIL THE IMMIGRATION BILL WE HAVE HAS BEEN ENFORCED 100%. A new Immigration Bill would be treated like the one that has been the law when it was passed, but as of yet, never enforced. What is being done with the funds allotted for enforcing the standing immigration law and building the border fence? Almost 9 years of funding for this one bill passed and signed into law with no results. Where did the money go?
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 01:46:07 +0000

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