Valley of the Kings Valley of the Kings and also known as the - TopicsExpress


Valley of the Kings Valley of the Kings and also known as the Valley of Pepin of Kings is a valley in Egypt used over 500 years during the period between the sixteenth and atheist century BC to the construction of the tombs of the pharaohs and nobles of the modern state extended through the eras of dynastic eighth century and until the Twentieth Dynasty in ancient Egypt, and is the valley on the West Bank of the Nile River in the face of Thebes (Luxor currently) the heart of the ancient city of Thebes funeral. The Valley of the Kings is divided into two main valley beds; Valley East (where most of the royal tombs) and the West Valley. The discovery of the burial chamber the last in 2006 (known as the tomb of 63) in addition to the discovery of two entrances others for the same room during the year 2008, the number of graves discovered so far to 63 cemetery of varying sizes ranging from a small hole in the ground and even cemetery complex composition containing more than 120 chamber buried inside. These graves were used to bury all the kings and princes of the modern state in ancient Egypt, in addition to some of the nobility and was connected to the royal family at the time. And is characterized by its proximity to the royal tombs drawings and inscriptions of ancient Egyptian mythology describes the religious beliefs and the memorial ceremony at the time. All the tombs had been opened and looted in antiquity, and although it remained compelling evidence on the strength and prosperity of the kings of that time. This area is a center of excavations scout for the study of archeology and Egyptology since the end of the eighteenth century, it raises interesting cemeteries students to expand in such studies and archaeological excavations. The first found fame in the modern era of the valley after the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun and a full house of around hearsay about the curse of the Pharaohs, the valley remained Msthra Baltnguibat archaeological scattered among the entire hotel until it was adopted as a World Heritage Site in 1979, in addition to the funeral the whole city of Thebes. Operations continue to be detected and excavation and restoration are under way in the Valley of the Kings so far, has recently been the opening of a tourist center there. Geology Consists soil region fact by Valley of the Kings of thick layers of limestone and sedimentary rocks Other (composed cliffs scattered valley and the Temple of Deir el-Bahari nearby) as well as thin layers of clay marl, and due date of the sedimentary rocks to more than 35 and even 56 million years ago, where deposited in this region whenever the Mediterranean occupies a vast area much larger than that occupied by now, and the valley during the Pleistocene (or Pleistocene) by precipitation continuing to rain on this spot led to the digging waterways contacted each other over time made up Current Valley. Studies indicate that this part of Egyptian territory exposed to continuous precipitation to rain very little throughout the year, as the region is usually exposed to flash floods, leaving impurities attached to the open graves. And characterized by rocks in the Valley of the Kings inherently divergent between rocks minute smooth and even cutting rocky harsh large size, this latter type is suitable for building or construction, as well as shale, which covers classes different parts of the valley which has increased the difficulty of building tombs or mortuary to the inadequacy of the surrounding environment where the expanding shale in the presence of water leading to spacing rocks surrounding it, causing cracks in the walls and floor of the graves, which in turn leads to water leakage inside the cemetery, causing great damage to both the building itself or the mummy preserved inside, it is believed that the quality of the rock used are the cause of mutations, which affected the shape and size of some of the tombs. Constructors Egyptians have benefited from the differences existing geologic Valley, where some of the graves were constructed by direct drilling in the cracks between the layers of limestone, while constructed Another behind Almnhaddrt gravel and rubble rockfalls or on the edges of the rocky outcropping from the old sewer flooding. To determine the difficulty of the construction of these graves is worthwhile looking at the tombs of Ramses III and his father six Nkht, where he began six Nkht drilling (Cemetery 11), but the working out has stopped after leading the excavation work to penetrate the cemetery Amon draft and then did not find six Nkht escape only rape (Cemetery 14) Queen Tosrt own. And when he took Ramses III rule, which has already completed the cemetery and his father began in excavated. The tomb of Ramses II has been constructed on the pattern of the curved axis which is the first building methods royal tombs and the reason for this is due to the quality of the rocks used in the construction of the cemetery, which is often caused by rocks rockslide that occurred in Isna. In the framework of the restoration project royal tombs Amarna between 1998 and 2002 has been cleared floor of the valley by using radar, the researchers discovered that the cracks in the valley stretches under the rubble of rockfalls composed shelves rocky natural Ktqtah one above the other for several meters below the surface rock component to the floor of the valley. Hydrology Located hills good and where there is the Valley of the Kings in one of the areas prone to storms severe thunderstorms, also confirmed recent studies that seven tracks Faadanah active at the very least is in the heart of the valley, a region which reports indicate that she has been flooding at the end of the era of the Eighteenth Dynasty which led to the extinction of many of the graves under deposits flood which was confirmed by drilling and exploration during the discovery of both the cemetery 63 and Cemetery 62 Cemetery 55, which was disclosed in the rocky ground actual valley and covered by sediment flood and it was determined the real level of the floor of the valley in that era, which decreases For more than five meters from the level now. In the wake of the Eighteenth Dynasty work of the Pharaohs on the settlement of the land of the valley and then collects sediment flood away from the cemetery and then remained those graves reserved until it was discovered the late twentieth century, that space plane from the ground were the subject of study within the framework of the renovation project of the royal tombs Amarna, which confirmed Radar surveys of the area and there are many variations of underground proven later that one of these textural differences are finally discovered the tomb 63. History Began in ancient Egyptian human habitation and the Valley of the Kings since the middle Stone Age. Above the summit of the century plateaus good of all and known to the ancient Egyptians as the Ta Dahunt (meaning summit hieroglyphs) which looks pyramid-shaped when viewed from the entrance to the valley in appearance similar to the pyramids of the Old Kingdom, which were used as tombs thousands of years before the establishment of the first royal tomb in the Valley, and likely some Egyptologists that the pyramidal shape of the summit is one of the reasons for choosing this spot for the construction of the Tombs of the Kings completely such as the use pyramids to bury the Kings in the Old Kingdom, which was the site of the Valley of the Kings relative isolation of the cause of the difficulty of the arrival of the robbers and being exhumed him, helping the forces of private property protection Graves (Madچaa ) to protect the citys entire funeral. Pat belief for a long time that the buildings form of a pyramid, in particular the Pyramids of Giza is the traditional model of the royal tombs in ancient Egypt at various ages, but the majority of the royal tombs carved entirely of rock, although the pyramids and terraces (models of the royal tombs in the Old Kingdom) has been Chiedhm by deduction from the ground level, but there is in Egypt, many royal tombs carved entirely of rock (along the lines of the royal tombs Valley of the Kings) and dating to the era of the old state. After the defeat of the Hyksos and the reunification of Egypt under the leadership of Ahmose I work good kings on the construction of tombs tall they are evidence of the strength of emerging, and though some studies suggest that the tombs of Ahmose I and his son Amenhotep I exist at the city mortuary own family seventeen area arm Abul Naga west of Luxor, (albeit locations graves are not detected them conclusively yet), but other studies confirm that the first royal tombs constructed in the valley are the tombs of Amenhotep I (and that are not specified), and Thutmose I, which appear on the walls of tips senior advisers Anini and who advised him to face the king to choose this spot for the construction of his tomb (and ongoing studies yet to determine cemetery Thutmose I categorically The dispute revolves around the cemetery 20 graves and cemetery 38). Valley of the Kings and I thought I was alone in the King Cemetery carving the rocks here is, what is Hearing and of the seer. Valley of the Kings And began to be used for the burial of the valley of the Kings first time around 1539 BC. AD. And continued to bury the kings of the modern state there until 1075 BC. AD. It features 63 cemetery at the very least, the beginning of the tomb of Thutmose I (and probably before that date also, specifically during the era of Amenhotep I) and the end of the era of Ramses X or Ramses atheist century, but the burials had lasted for individuals nothing in common with the families of the ruling in the tombs usurped after this history. In spite of the name, but the Valley of the Kings does not include the tombs of the kings only;, but includes the tombs of the nobles close to the Kings in addition to the tombs include the wives of kings and their children, as well as the wives of noblemen and their children and therefore graves actual containing the remains of kings and nobles and members of the ruling families does not exceed the number twenty cemetery while form graves which did not specify the identity of the owners as well as mummies embalmed and buried in the ground digging Bgeoff rest of tombs and burial chambers that have been disclosed. With the beginning of the reign of Ramses I (about 1301 BC. M.) Began to work separately in the construction of the Valley of the Queens close to the Valley of the Kings. City funeral property Valley of the Kings known as the ancient city funeral majority ownership for millions of years in the life of the pharaoh and his strength and his health in western Thebes (the name of the city hieroglyphs written below) also known as also known as Ta Secht Maat any great valley This was the most common name. In the early era of the Eighteenth Dynasty Kings were the only ones buried in the tombs of great, when you bury one of the individuals outside of members of the royal family were usually buried in a room carved out of the rock next to the tomb of his master as usual to bury the king in a cemetery next to the tomb of his father, and proving to the cemetery Amenhotep III, which was constructed in the western valley, and when he held his son Akhenaten power has transferred his tomb personal to Amarna and then believed that the cemetery incomplete (Cemetery 25) is a cemetery which had been prepared in advance for him, and with the return to the Egyptian religion of origin at the end of the era of the family eighth Ten of the Kings returned to be buried in the city and the funeral was at the head of these kings Tutankhamun and Khپr Khپro Ra Aye and Horemheb. And witnessed the era of dynasties nineteenth and twentieth increase in the number of cemeteries constructed either Valley of the Kings or Queens, the beginning of the reign of Ramses II and later Ramses III hunters who They built two cemeteries Haúlten them and their children from after two Almcyprtan cemetery 5 and cemetery 3, respectively, and there are many kings who not buried in the city mortuary or not inferred tombs after; For example, there is a claim that Thutmose II was buried in the arm of the Abu Naga (although Momyate property found in the monastery cemetery property maritime), also has not been inferred burial site Smonkh Ka Ra as well as Ramses VIII and who is likely to bury him in a different area of the city mortuary. In line with the religious rites authentic since the age of Builders pyramids, where he was attached to a temple funeral next to the pyramid, continued curvature itself in times of successive but with work to hide the tomb of King deliberately constructed these temples at a considerable distance from the site of the burial basic and close to agricultural land opposite the city of Thebes, and turned these temples to various shrines during the holidays, which was held in the city mortuary as a feast beautiful valley, which celebrates the god Amun - Ra and Mut and Khonsu contextual leave to visit the Temple of Karnak temples Kings Almtnhristin the West Bank of the Nile and their tombs in the city mortuary. Thanks to the establishment of these cemeteries and decorated with inscriptions and frescoes to the workers village of Deir el-Medina, located in a narrow valley that separates the Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens face good and the workers were traveling between their village and their workplace by paved roads between the hills of Thebes, was to know a lot about these workers During the official records and documents that were found in the graves, and within these documents and document talking about a strike of workers may be the first in the history of mankind, a document known internationally as the Turin Papyrus strike. In the next episode we will complete the rest of the story Regards Mahmoud Mahzam
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 12:04:01 +0000

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