Valuable information about RSS 1. RSS was founded in 1925 by - TopicsExpress


Valuable information about RSS 1. RSS was founded in 1925 by Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, who was a doctor in the city of Nagpur 2. “Sarasnghachalak” is the head of the organization. Till today seven swayamsevaks have worked as RSS “Sarasnghachalak” and they are : K. B. Hedgewar (1925–1930. 1931–1940) Laxman Vaman Paranjpe (1930–1931) M. S. Golwalkar (1940–1973) Madhukar Dattatraya Deoras (1973–1993) Rajendra Singh (1993–2000) K. S. Sudarshan (2000–2009) Mohan Bhagwat (incumbent since 21 March 2009) 3. RSS works on the basis of its Constitution which was drafted by the second Sarasanghchalak Shir Golawlkar Guruji in March 1949 which was approved by Government of India in July 1949. 4. Commenting on the efforts by RSS workers in maintaining peace during Partition in 1947,noted Gandhian and recipient of the highest civilian award in India, Bharat Ratna, Bhagwan Das commended the role of the high-spirited and self-sacrificing boys of the RSS in protecting the newly formed Republic of India, from a planned coup to topple the Jawaharlal Nehru Administration in Delhi 5. It was alleged that RSS was involved in assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. But Kapoor Commission which was set up to make inquiry about the assassination of Gandhi found out that there was no role RSS in assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. Kapoor Commission reached to the inference that “RSS as such were not responsible for the murder of Mahatma Gandhi, meaning thereby that one could not name the organisation as such as being responsible for that most diabolical crime, the murder of the apostle of peace. It has not been proved that they (the accused) were members of the RSS” 6. On 15 January 2000, a daily, The Statesman, carried a story about the RSS by A G Noorani, which depicted the RSS as the killer of Gandhi. Subsequently the Delhi unit of the RSS filed a criminal case of defamation against author of the article A G Noorani along with the cartoonist and the Managing Director of the publishing house. When two of the accused did not respond to the Court summons, non-bailable warrants were issued in their name by the Court. On 25 February 2002, Noorani wrote an unconditional apology to the court in which he regretted writing the defamatory article against the RSS. On 3 March 2002, The Statesman also published an apology regretting the publication of the said article. 7. In 1955, RSS leaders demanded the end of Portuguese rule in Goa and its integration into India. When Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru refused to provide an armed intervention, RSS leader Jagannath Rao Joshi led the Satyagraha agitation straight into Goa itself. He was imprisoned with his followers by the Portuguese police. The peaceful protests continued but met with severe repressions. On 15 August 1955, the Portuguese police opened fire on the satyagrahis, killing several civilians. 8. The RSS was invited by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to take part in the Republic Day parade of 1963 in recognition of its volunteer work during the Sino-Indian War in 1962. When many organisations objected to inviting the RSS, Nehru said, I have invited all patriots to take part in the parade” 9. During M. K. Gandhis visit to RSS Camp accompanied by Mahadev Desai and Mirabehn at Wardha in 1934, he was surprised by the discipline and the absence of untouchability in RSS and commented When I visited the RSS Camp, I was very much surprised by your discipline and absence of untouchablity. He personally inquired to Swayamsevaks and found that they were living and eating together in the camp without bothering to know their castes. 10. Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar while visiting the RSS camp at Pune in 1939 observed that Swayamsevaks were moving in absolute equality and brotherhood without even caring to know the cast of others. In his address to the Swayamsevaks, he said that This is the first time that I am visiting the camp of Sangh volunteers. I am happy to find absolute equality between Savarniyas (Upper cast) and Harijans (Lower cast) without any one being aware of such difference existing. When he asked Hedgewar whether there were any untouchables in the camp, he replied that there are neither touchables nor untouchables but only Hindus.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 13:08:08 +0000

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