Value of responsibility. What is responsibility? It is the - TopicsExpress


Value of responsibility. What is responsibility? It is the power that people have to make conscious decisions and accept the consequences of their actions, willing to be accountable for them. It is the virtue or habitual disposition to assume the consequences of their own decisions, including responding to someone. Conditions for establishing liability Freedom : For there to be liability, the shares must be made freely. Thus, neither animals nor madmen, nor small children are responsible for their actions because they lack the use of reason (and the use of reason is essential to freedom). Law: A standard from which to judge the facts must be made. Responsibility means accountability for acts to someone who has regulated behavior themselves. ¿Accountability to whom? The man answered for their actions to someone able to dictate standards, and this can only do God (moral responsibility) oneself (judgment of conscience) and other men. In turn, responsibility to others can be of various types: legal liability (to the civil laws), family-home (to the family), labor, etc. How to lessen the responsibility? Diminish the responsibility that hinders the will and understanding, which are the necessary powers to perform free actions. For example, violence, ignorance and fear. Is it better to be irresponsible? No, no. It is better to be free men, owners of their actions, able to make decisions and take the consequences. Why responsibility sounds bad? The word responsibility brings bad memories to the imagination for several reasons: It is normally only associated with errors or punishment, because when the consequence of an action is an award infrequently discussed responsibility but worthwhile. (Actually the credit requires prior responsibility). Responding to others seems to go against their own freedom. (But the two go together: without freedom there is no responsibility, only who is master of his actions can answer them). Reply to oneself is contrary to ones own tastes or comfort. (But being a slave to taste leads to selfishness). The responsibility is seen as opposed to the fun (Actually only opposes the kind of unbridled fun without measure or, for a responsible person knows fun at reasonable times and modes.). What excuses to avoid responsibilities there? To avoid responsibilities to others, often putting the blame to another, or say I am free and I do what I please; wanting to express not give an account of my behavior to anyone. (Obviously human freedom is not) take responsibility .People in order to avoid responsibility in consciousness, a common remedy is to avoid thinking: stun the head until you can not think. Another system that is step around or no issue matters to me. (But consciousness tries to protest against this neglect). Excuses to avoid are heavy responsibilities before God. Starting saying that God doesn`t exist, to say that Gods so good that everything will look good. (But true goodness like the real good). How to be more responsible? The fastest way to improve accountability is clearly seen that our behavior depend great things. Men with high ideals and goals immediately take responsibility for their decisions. What qualities help to responsibility? There are several virtues that relate to each other with the responsibility. Say three: Bravery : In order to account for ones actions need a value able to overcome the fear of punishment. (Liability to others). Humility: Pride difficult to apologize; while the humble person recognizes his faults. (Responsibility to oneself) based Divine piety. - affiliation who appreciate the great son of God where their behavior tries to please his Father. (Accountability to God). Is responsibility improves with age? With age often take major decisions, and usually the responsibility increases. But simply improving over the years, but the habits formed.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 03:07:32 +0000

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