Values We describe val­ues as “the way we do things around - TopicsExpress


Values We describe val­ues as “the way we do things around here”. We find it very import­ant that we know not only the dir­ec­tion of our work, but also how we would like to get there. Values show the heart and the prin­ciples of the church. Simplicity: A middle-of-the-road atti­tude to income and expenditure. Leading by example: We value prac­ti­tion­ers, the doers of the faith. Leadership: We value ser­vant leadership. Honouring oth­ers: ‘It is so not about me.’ Transparency: We want to be open about fail­ures as well as successes. Faith: We will encour­age adven­ture, pas­sion and cal­cu­lated risk-taking. Justice: We will stand up for oth­ers more than ourself. Uniqueness: God has given each of us the abil­ity to do cer­tain things well. Holistic: We work for a value-transformation as much as a moral and a beliefs transformation. Fellowship: We encour­age deep friend­ships with com­mit­ment and integrity. God’s pres­ence: We want to recog­nise God’s pres­ence in our every­day life. Reflection and action: What are you going to do about it? Journey: The Christian life is a jour­ney, not a destination. Discipleship: We value whole-life dis­ciple­ship. We are not just inter­ested in people’s spir­itual life. God’s will: What is God’s will for the world and how can we get in on it? Multi-ethnic: We want to become a truly multi-ethnic fellowship. Agree to dis­agree: As a church, although we expect that Church mem­bers sub­scribe to the Apostles’ Creed, we do not expect people to con­form abso­lutely to our theo­lo­gical views. Passion: We encour­age people to live a pas­sion­ate life, but we dis­cour­age ‘hype’ in our wor­ship services. Hospitality: We encour­age people to be hos­pit­able to fel­low church mem­bers and to the community. Proactive: We encour­age people to take ini­ti­at­ive and to find their mis­sion in life. Thinking envir­on­ment: We want to cre­ate an envir­on­ment where people are free to think through their faith, ask ques­tions and count the cost. Hints from heaven: We believe that our faith is all about being in part­ner­ship with God. We there­fore encour­age every­body to listen to God.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 16:45:23 +0000

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