(Vampire romance) Name: carson or carly Age: 17 Bio:Just moved - TopicsExpress


(Vampire romance) Name: carson or carly Age: 17 Bio:Just moved from England to California to live with her older brother. Has a bad past but no one can tell. Random,and fun. Loves to sing,dance,and write I was taking the short cut trying to get home as fast as i could from a late night party. Out of no where a guy grabbed me and sat me on the ground. I looked up at him and saw fangs. “There is no way you can be real” I swallowed the lump in my throat and my eyes filled with fear as I crawled and kicked backwards until my back hit a tree. “Well I am, I’m not going to hurt you” He said his voice raspy. He was breathing just as heavily as I was from my struggling, kicking, and screaming, trying his best to keep me quiet. He had Dark brown hair. My eyes instantly jumped to his amazingly chiseled jaw structure. He had a beautiful smile but his canines were stained with blood.He stood tall at least 511 and he had a nice body structure too.Looking at his eyes, which were red a few minutes, they were a clear crystal blue which has always been my favorite eye color on boys. I looked him up and down starting from his grey short sleeved t-shirt stained with blood to his dirt and blood stained black jeans and his black converse.He leaned in closed to me as I tensed. His hot breath on my neck sent chills down my spine Listen,Im not here to hurt you Im here to protect you,you have a rare blood that the emerson clan wantsI looked at him and pushed him away from me. is this serious? This is a joke right? Before he could speak we heard a twig snap and our heads turned the same way. He covered my mouth and dragged me behind the tree and whispered Dont say a word I was probally going to regret this but Ill already be in a shit load of trouble if im not pretend sleeping. I bit his hand hard Ouch! Wait come back! I started running towards home. Come back. Was he serious? Hes playing twilight with some friends and im gonna be in huge trouble. I wasnt supposed to go to this party blah blah blah I crashed it anyway. After Running for a while I stopped resting on a tree. I llooked up and i saw my house. Before I could start running again I blacked out.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 01:02:47 +0000

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