Vanaf Jaco Koekemoer - Onder Voorsitter, Villieria GPF CRIME - TopicsExpress


Vanaf Jaco Koekemoer - Onder Voorsitter, Villieria GPF CRIME ALERT WARNING CRIME EXPECTD TO SPIKE 31st DECEMBER and 1st JANUARY Wednesday it will be the last day of the year, and with the rush kicking in purchase those last items on your list for your New Year’s celebration functions which some will host or attend on the 31st of December or 1st of January, we tend to forget that these two days are when criminals “cash in” on the lay back mood of community members to be vigilant as the rush to finish our preparations to welcome in the year consumes us. Vehicle related crimes are expected to spike including house robberies, hijackings, common robberies and aggravated robberies. Here are some guidelines to follow to minimize you falling prey to those with criminal intentions as we enter the New Year; ●Make a list of items that are to be purchased, if possible get another person or two to share the responsibilities of shopping for items, it will decrease your levels of stress and allow you to be more vigilant when you go shopping in a calm manner. ●If you are hosting a function at our home ensure that your guests are aware of what safety measure you wish for them to adhere to. Let the children know that they cannot open the gate to the premises and rome the streets. Ensure that gates to your premises and house door gates are locked. Ensure that there is sufficient light at the venue when using the outside yard area. Criminals can pounce on you and your guest from the most vulnerable area of your home. Do not ignore the barks of your dogs. If you have the services of a security company ensure that your guests are aware of the places your panic alarms are situated for emergency purposes. Also ensure that you lock the garage as these are also easy access routes to the inside of your home if there is a door leading to your yard or living area. Also ask your guests who have to use the verge as parking area to ensure that they have secured their vehicles and the content there of. ●When visiting public places like shopping malls, your local butchery, liquor store or grocer ensure that you take the necessary precautions to ensure your car is locked securely. Wind windows always up and ensure that all doors to your vehicle are locked. Face your vehicle when activating your vehicle alarm system ensuring that you hear the alarm being activated, view and hear the door locking and that you can see the indicators flashing confirming activation. Also before walking away watch your vehicle for a few second to ensure that your locking device has not been deactivated (remote jamming) Invest in a vehicle tracking/security device, this could assist the SAPS to trace or even recover your stolen vehicle. A crime deterrent to consider is to install mechanical devices that lock the steering wheel, column and brakes. Do not leave your identification document or any accounts with private information lying around inside your car or console, your expose yourself to becoming a victim of identify fraud if your vehicle is broken into or stolen. ●Ensure that you have your vehicle keys on hand before you arrive at your vehicle, take them out of your hands or pants pocket before leaving the mall, butchery, grocer or banking hall; while you stand fidgeting around for your keys you could be robbed or hijacked. When entering your car, immediately lock all doors.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 10:34:45 +0000

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