Vancouver Filipino-Canadian Family Scamming Their Fellow - TopicsExpress


Vancouver Filipino-Canadian Family Scamming Their Fellow Filipinos? November 2, 2013 Around end of July 2013, a website was launched by a Filipino-Canadian named Nellie Vandt to inform the public how she and others were victimized by a Vancouver based Filipino-Canadian family. Vandt, a businesswoman who according to her website lured a total amount of almost a hundred thousand Canadian dollars, finally came out after she heard the familiar stories from other Filipinos who were also scammed by Juatco family. Erlinda and Roque Juatco Sr, publishers of the Philippine Asian Chronicle, have been a prominent family in the Filipino community in British Columbia for decades. They have owned and operated the newspaper since 1991 and their kids are the Pinoy Fiesta Vancouver organizers. “Pinoy Fiesta” is tagged as the biggest Filipino Cultural event in Canada drawing crowds of more than 25 thousand, according to their newspaper. The website of Nellie surprised those who are supporting the Juatco family for years because the stories were supported by police and court reports. There were six stories expressed by the victims themselves which can be found on Nellie’s website. Some of whom have been distressed for years as the scamming has been around since the 90s. The news about this story didn’t only circulate among Filipino community but also to the major Canadian newspaper, The Province. The newspaper contacted the Juatco family and Erlinda, the wife, said “This is a campaign to take us out . I can’t understand it. I know that I have tried so hard and I have done so much for my community.” Aside from Nellie Vandt, the five other alleged victims on the website are the following: Mauven Hauser for $15,000 Rolly Salazar for $20,000 Multicultural Helping House Society for $500 bounced check Pork and Bean Stars for $300 Cita Schijven for $1,500 Other Filipino community leaders have aired their dismay on the issue when the mainstream media finally reported it. Luisa Marshall, a TV host and world renowned Tina Turner impersonator, said she’s personally embarrassed by the news. “I am sad that this courageous act of regular hardworking Filipinos taking a stand is dividing this community just like what the headline claims. But I’m confident to say it is not the intention of these so called victims who bonded together against certain individuals to divide the community. And YES, I agree it is negative. Of course, it is negative. It’s inevitable because the allegations have brought a lot of tears, fears, grief and anguish to these people.” Narima dela Cruz, an awarded top 25 Canadian Immigrant in 2012, quoted Jose P. Laurel in making a stand for the victims. The quotation goes “The foundation of good leadership is morality and the basis of morality is righteousness. The true leader neither tolerates nor connives with those who easily fall prey to the temptations of wealth, power, and glory. He is devoted to truth and justice, fortitude and benevolence, courage in action.” “Two sentiments for me : First, disheartening to read such an article since it speaks of not just particular individuals but it is an unfortunate reflection of the Filipinos here in Vancouver. You would think that since we are in foreign land that we are to keep our Filipino values and morals to a higher standard. The sense of kapatiran and bayanihan seems to have diminished, is it survival of the fittest once we get to a foreign land? Second, this is an issue not a propaganda nor is it a smear campaign of some sort. Factual Issues that deserves factual rebuttal. Much like politicians during their campaigns, negative issues arise questioning their credibility.” said Winnie Chan who’s also known to have big contribution to the Filipino community in BC. Other victims are encouraged by the community to come out. And to those who want to know the real story, the public is welcomed to make their own judgement by reading the story on the website. ofwstories/vancouver-filipino-canadian-family-scamming-their-fellow-filipinos/
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 05:41:45 +0000

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