Vanimo people live in fear of Indonesian army, says Papua New - TopicsExpress


Vanimo people live in fear of Indonesian army, says Papua New Guinea (PNG) Opposition leader, Belden Namah. In an article today by Radio New Zealand. Mr Namah says the Indonesian military have established their presence at various points in PNG including Vanimo. On some occasions, if not most of the occasions, they go and burn down houses. They threaten PNG citizens with guns whether for shielding OPMs or for whatever reason. So our people on the border, they live in fear all of the time. Papua New Guinea (government) should come out and make an open statement. Because, if we do not make a clear cut decision on the issue of West Papua, this problem is still going to exist. This is an urgent situation for both West Papuans and Papua New Guineans. The PNG government needs to look out for their Melanesian people and send a strong message to the Indonesians that this island of New Guinea is Melanesian from Sorong to Samarai and that Indonesia is not welcome on either half. Could the Indonesian military be more clear in their intent to cross into Papua New Guinea and attack innocent Melanesians? We have just received some shocking footage of dozens Indonesian soldiers, including tanks driving right up to the very border mark here and firing on both sides of the border in the search for West Papuans. Please understand that this is Indonesian news and entirely pro-military and anti Papuan propaganda. In West Papua there is no such thing as a free media. youtube/watch?v=nLGPARUbsoA FREE WEST PAPUA
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 15:22:33 +0000

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