Vanity - excessive pride in ones appearance, qualities, abilities, - TopicsExpress


Vanity - excessive pride in ones appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements; words that are relative to vanity (egotism, vainglory, pride, triviality). Lets look at one of those relative words that stood out to me as I read: Vainglory - excessive elation or pride over ones own achievements, abilities; boastful vanity; empty pomp or show. In todays scripture the Psalmist asks the Lord to turn his eyes away from beholding vanity. God must be first Children of God. The Lord must be what is truly first in our lives not what we can get out of Him, but loving Him, this is the first and great command. Matthew 22:37-38 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. For some loving ones self has been put in first place. This is not acceptable unto God. God the Father is our maker, without Him there would be no, me, us. Some of us have put our own self on the throne when it is not our seat to take. The throne belongs to the Lord and He is the one who should be sitting upon it. So I have a question. Who sits, who truly sits on the throne of your heart? We must examine, evaluate the motives of our heart, of the chambers of our heart. How many of us have gone before the Lord and cried out to Him saying Lord, sit on the throne of my heart, take control, I need you to be on the throne of my heart, I cant guide myself in the way I need to. I cant lead and keep my own self on the right pathway. I need you Lord to show me. How many of us have gone before the Lord and cried out to Him saying Lord, I want to walk in obedience to your word, I want to walk in obedience to your will and your way for my life. I need you Lord to help me. I cant do it on my own. The humble heart goes to the Lord and lays their faults and flaws at His feet. The humble heart by the grace of God the Father is not will not and cannot bow down to pride, allowing pride to have its way. The humble heart runs to the Lord and cries quicken me in your way. The humble heart is determined to walk in obedience to the Lord. Will they fall short at times? Yes we all do. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; The difference between the vain hearted and the humble hearted is the vain heart embraces pride and the humble heart will not embrace pride, but rather the humble heart will take it all to the throne of God surrendering it asking the Father to remove it from them as often as they must until all Meism, (my own word), is gone and God be glorified.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 02:52:49 +0000

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