Various people have petitioned me to explain concerning my own - TopicsExpress


Various people have petitioned me to explain concerning my own system of magick, and i would like to shed some light on the subject. First, I am a very skeptical person, my believes are not founded on teleological data, blind "faith" or something acquired from others, teachers, orders, organizations, books, lectures..but on actual experience, proven methods and the knowledge about the entities from Invocation to physical manifestation and not some mental or roll playing of self masturbatory delusions where the karcist/magus believe hirself to be the entity. To me paranormal phenomena is not some "fantasy" or superstitious believe, but actual and proven phenomena, which defies the weak cognition of the materialistic man and his weak mundane science. I do not believe Man possess any supernatural or magickal power, as the new age followers like to make the mob to believe, putting the human ape into some pedestal. I believe all is done through the influence of the spirits or "inorganic intelligences". even if we use the Psychological Magickal Model( post Jungian Archetypes or deific masks), so wide spread specially by American dabblers. snake oil sellers and pseudo-warlocks, or the Energetic MagicKal model of the Neo-pagans and Ceremonial Magicians. I see the body of Man, the Adam Kadmon or microcosmos as similar to the moon, a dead rock, with a weak magnetic power or gravitational field, but this "rock" can reflect energy or even this energy can be absorbed and stored. What we perceive by our consciousness is just a reflection of the external reality, producing a vibratory movement or stimulus in our physical senses, thus the impression of the consensual reality is born and reproduced, passed or imposed into others. In the same way, the astral body or Kaibhit, when polished and purified can reflect the energies emanated from the spiritual entities on other planes of existence. Man when has mastered himself, his emotions and pranic energy of the fire serpent, may use this fire serpent as a "mirror" to direct and control the energies which the spiritual intelligences produce, and the Magus is exposed during ritual or magickal practice. This explain how magick, sorcery and witchcraft can be accomplished without "commanding" or direct intervention of a spiritual entity (demon, god, goddess, lwa, Exu, Elemental, Angel..) even this methods is often used for celestial intelligences. this can clearly explain the mechanism of the psychological and energetic model of magick. In the Case of entities which are earth bound such as the Goetic Demons, Lwas or Shades of the Dead(necromantic arts) are usually willing to directly aid the humans in their endeavors. Myself, I am traditional and practice the Sorcery of the Children of Cain not the white light magick based on the Tree of Life taught to low race of Abel Or the Christians stained filthiness found in most grimoires or modern Magical Orders(i do not need to cite names). As it has been said Sorcery or antinomian magick is "individualized Chaos", thus the advanced Black Magician uses his or her own system.In over 25 years of actual practice this has been taken to another Level, For Example, if i need to perform a ritual for a certain goal, i do not use a ritual written by other, and even one written by myself as the variables changes on each scenario, what I do is Invoking the Entities in this case Demons, since I am a Satanist, contact the ones which has build a relationship of trust with me, besides my Guardian Demon to whom i made a pact a very early age of this life, then, they will guide me and instruct me directly from the astral realms on the ritual, elements, tools, planetary hours, mudras, mantras, spells...etc. This explain why my system is based on actual spirituality, a path of worship, sacrifice and devotion. Many may ask, how that purification, that many sages have talked about is achieved ? The answer is not living a sanctimonious life of hypocrisy how the priest of the Abrahamic religions and the false teachers who engross their pockets by charging fees to ingress people in their "social clubs" do, But by living a righteous and honest life, being true to ourselves and being true to others, so the light may pass through without distortion, and Above all by purifying our thoughts, emotions, acts, words and deeds by focusing on the Divine. The Magus need to learn an be able "of seeing" the essence behind the forms, and the causes not the effects. The internal Light of the Lucifer-Christos and the Black Star of Satan-Ahriman, always be the keys of the Great Work. Salve, Salve, Salve Dominus Infernus !
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 02:38:19 +0000

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