Vasantha Senanayake and I presented this at a Press Conference - TopicsExpress


Vasantha Senanayake and I presented this at a Press Conference this afternoon. We had stood by the government in its fight against terrorism, but have been increasingly worried by governmental failure to defend itself against false allegations. Instead they simply raise the cry of an LTTE revival, but help this to develop - and will now benefit if those they identified as LTTE supporters continue to call for a boycott. Four statements designed to secure Mahinda Rajapaksa’s re-election Issued by those called Extremists by government Three urge Tamils to boycott the election 1. Ananthi Sasitharan whom government kept calling a Tiger. She did well in the Northern Provincial Council election after she was attacked by government goons. TNA Northern Provincial Councillor Ananthi Sasitharan will not Support Maithripala in Elections Despite Party Decision. Posted by Administrator on 31 December 2014, 12:28 am TNA Northern Provincial Council Member Ananthi Sasitharan has said that she will be boycotting the presidential election, despite the decision by her party to support the common opposition candidate Maithripala Sirisena. Speaking to the BBC Tamil Service she has pointed out that the TNA election manifesto for the last Northern Provincial Election was clear on its stance on the Tamil identity and the autonomous rights. Therefore she has said that she cannot support a candidate who is against these policies. 2. Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam who set up a new party to challenge the moderate line of the TNA during the 2010 Parliamentary election. His party was conclusively rejected by the Tamil people in the North. Tamil people should reject both Mahinda and Maithiripala: Gajendrakumar [TamilNet, Thursday, 18 December 2014, 18:55 GMT] The global and regional powers locked in a geopolitical gambling have brought a contest between Mahinda Rajapaksa and Maithiripala Sirisena. Rajapaksa is backed by China while the West and possibly India back Rajapaksas former associate Sirisena, said Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam, the leader of Tamil National Peoples Front (TNPF) on Thursday. Declared that there is no use for Tamil people by going behind any of the two mainstream candidates of the South in the upcoming Sri Lankan presidential election, the former Tamil parliamentarian, who addressed the press on behalf of the TNPF and the All Ceylon Tamil Congress, urged the Tamil people to refrain from backing any of the two candidates. The TNPF leader blamed the TNA for betraying the Tamil people for the second time as it did by backing Sarath Fonseka in 2010. 3. The International Council of Eelam Tamils which continues to press the separatist project and wants international intervention. As recently as June 2014 the Ministry of External Affairs reproduced an article under the heading ‘LTTE’s Next Generation’ which attacked Ranjan Sri Ranjan who issued this statement “The expectation that Eelam Tamils will benefit from a regime change is certainly a fallacy based on decades-long lessons learned by us. Particularly, after careful analysis of the actions of the incumbentMahinda Rajapaksa and the beliefs of Maithripala Srisena we have come to the firm conclusion that neither is fit to be the choice of our people.” says the International Council of Eelam Tamils…. Particularly, after careful analysis of the actions of the incumbent Mahinda Rajapaksa and the beliefs of Maithripala Srisena we have come to the firm conclusion that neither is fit to be the choice of our people After the armed resistance aimed at safeguarding the Tamil Nation was silenced, through the struggles upheld by our kith and kin in our homeland, Tamil Nadu and around the world seeking justice for the Mullivaaikkaal genocide, our National Questions has attracted the attention and interest of the world. 4. Then the Front Line Socialist Party attacks the JVP for supporting Maithripala Sirisena. The government accused the FSLP of dealings with separatists, and as recently as December 2013 the FLSP maintained that of its ‘ctivists, Jaffna District organizer of the “Movement for Peoples Struggle” Lalith, and Kugan had been abducted by the security forces. The last para of today’s Island article makes it clear that government facilitated the return of Mr Gunaratnam to attach the JVP’s principled determination that Mahinda Rajapaksa should not be re-elected Gunaratnam: JVP shaken to core by its support for MSk Calls its present day leaders traitors to the revolutionary cause January 1, 2015, 12:00 pm by Saman Indrajith Leader of the JVP splinter Frontline Socialist Party Kumar Gunaratnam alias Kumar Mahattaya yesterday said the JVP had dug its political grave by entering into an agreement with common opposition canidate Maithripala Sirisena. Asked whether it was owing to any sort of understanding with the government that he had been granted a visa by the verygovernment he accused of abducting and trying to kill him once, Gunaratnam said that there was a political opportunity and he had grabbed it as a leftist. It is the practice of leftists to grab any such political opportunities. We do not create them but it is our modus operandi to make use of them. Former JVP leader Somawansa Amarasinghe did likewise and came back to the country after 12 years of exile in 2001.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 11:19:30 +0000

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