Vedic Saturn transit in Libra and the effect to all 12 - TopicsExpress


Vedic Saturn transit in Libra and the effect to all 12 signs Saturn or Sani will enter sidereal Libra or Tula from November 14, 2011 through November 2, 2014 US time zones. Saturn enters Libra every 30 years and the sign Libra is Saturn’s exaltation placement helping it give it’s best results but Saturn is still the great malefic and will give delays, detachment, obstacles, separations, suffering, hardships, chronic conditions and death. But an exalted Saturn is very good for attracting and handling major responsibilities, relationship commitment as its in Libra, business partnerships and for being more disciplined and focused. Saturn rules democracy and can give beneficial support transiting in Libra to bring a more democratic government to the Arab nations who are currently fighting and struggling for a government to be voted and ruled by its people. When Saturn enters Libra it will be supported by the great benefic Jupiter or Guru, who will be in the opposite sign of Aries throwing a favorable aspect until May 16, 2012. Jupiter’s protective grace along with Saturn in its exalted sign will bring growth and support to Libra but Saturn will still bring delays and challenges but Jupiter will allow Saturn to begin slowly to bring more favorable results. But when Jupiter is in Aries and Saturn in Libra it will trigger a double transit to the sign Sagittarius. A double transit is when Jupiter and Saturn influence the same sign that brings support, protection and growth to the conditions of the house that Sagittarius rules in each horoscope. This double transit should be more favorable for business and our world economies and especially for the US because the most commonly used Lagna of the US is Sagittarius. Jupiter will enter Taurus May 16, 2012 through May 30, 2013 and while in Taurus will be form a 6/8 relationship to Saturn, which gives struggles and delays. Therefore the Jupiter will no longer be providing its luck and protection to Saturn and Jupiter in Taurus will be joining malefic Ketu, who is also in Taurus until January 15, 2013. Ketu and Jupiter aligning can be excellent for spiritual growth but as Ketu also brings confusion and chronic dissatisfaction and Jupiter is a karaka of wealth then May 16, 2012 until January 15, 2013 could be challenging for business and finances. Jupiter will enter Gemini and form a very favorable 5/9 planetary relationship with Saturn from May 30, 2013 through June 18, 2014. Jupiter in Gemini will bring its blessings to Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius and Saturn is also occupying Libra and aspecting Sagittarius, therefore Sagittarius will regain support by the double transit again and Jupiter will also help Saturn give its best results to Libra. This is also because of the 5/9 relationship of Jupiter and Saturn is generally very favorable for the world economies. Jupiter enters its exalted position in Cancer as it does every 12 years June 18, 2014 for one year with Saturn still in its exalted sign until November 2, 2014. Jupiter and Saturn will form a 4/10 challenging relationship but Jupiter will bring many opportunities to Cancer but Saturn will delay the process as it will be also be aspecting Cancer. However, Saturn leaves Libra and enters Scorpio November 2, 2014 and begins to form another auspicious double transit to Capricorn and Jupiter will bring more protection to Saturn’s transit in Scorpio until July 13, 2015. Saturn in Libra will affect the Lagna, Moon and the Sun in your personal horoscopes as well as the charts for countries and corporations. Aries/Mesha: Saturn will be transiting the 7th house/bhava that will bring pressure and responsibilities to marriage, the spouse, business clients and contracts. Jupiter’s transit in Aries until May 20, 2012 will provide protection, luck, and growth and is especially good for health but when transiting the lagna can often give weight gains. Many Aries will find a mate and can get married because Jupiter bring positive support to an exalted Saturn who is dik bala giving more strength to the 7th domain of marriage and partnerships. The supportive double transit will bring growth and improvement to Sagittarius Nov 14, 2011 to May 16, 2012 and May 30, 2013 through June 18, 2014. Sagittarius rules your auspicious 9th bhava of prosperity, luck, education, teachers, long-distant travels, law.father and bosses. This is an excellent period for education, foreign travels, publishing and media. Taurus/Vrishabha: Saturn will be transiting the 6th house/bhava of employment, health, debts, quarrels, struggles, competitors or enemies and self-improvement. The 6th is an upachaya bhava and embraces Saturn’s nature of hard work and discipline with its lessons improving over time. Saturn is yogakaraka for a Taurus lagna giving favorable results in addition to it being exalted and therefore a great cycle for winning against competitors or in litigation, developing business skills to enhance one’s employment and strengthening the health when pro-active with good habits. The supportive double transit will bring growth and improvement to Sagittarius Nov 14, 2011 to May 16, 2012 and May 30, 2013 through June 18, 2014. Sagittarius rules your 8th bhava, which is a difficult dusthana that when affected adversely can bring endings, changes, upheavals, chronic conditions and scandals. But the double transit will mitigate the worse and help bring the best, which could be legacies, financial settlements, wealth, astrology, psychological healing and spiritual insights. Gemini/Mithuna: Saturn will be transiting the 5th house/bhava of children, learning, speculation, entertainment, romance, creative projects and spiritual techniques. Saturn will trigger worries, delays and challenges to the 5th but an exalted Saturn can be very good for deep thought, mental focus, a probing mind and for the detachment and discipline necessary for spiritual practices. The supportive double transit will bring growth and improvement to Sagittarius Nov 14, 2011 to May 16, 2012 and May 30, 2013 through June 18, 2014. Sagittarius rules your 7th bhava of relationships, marriage, the spouse, contracts and business affairs. Many Gemini’s will meet their spouse and marry or go into a favorable business partnership. Cancer/Karka: Saturn will be transiting the 4th house/bhava of mother, family, property, education, vehicles and happiness. Saturn will put pressure onto the 4th and could bring endings and separations within family or one’s home or real estate holdings and perhaps the need for a new automobile. An exalted Saturn mitigates the worse results and can give more favorable gains especially with construction and property and can bring the focus needed for obtaining a higher degree in education. The supportive double transit will bring growth and improvement to Sagittarius Nov 14, 2011 to May 16, 2012 and May 30, 2013 through June 18, 2014. Sagittarius rules your 6th bhava of employment, health and self-improvement and will bring the support needed to fight any legal disputes and succeed against business competitors and will help the body fight against any illnesses. Leo/Simha: Saturn will be transiting the 3rd house/bhava of siblings, courage, adventures, communications, the fine arts of music, drama and dance, sports, short travels, publications and all desires. The 3rd is an upachaya house meaning that it improves over time and that malefics; such as Saturn do well in upachaya houses. Saturn in the 3rd can bring challenges but also more responsibilities and being exalted can be very favorable for the focus and discipline needed to succeed in the arts or for communications; such as in television, internet marketing and publications. Relationships with siblings could be strained or problematically but always best to be forewarned and forearmed. The supportive double transit will bring growth and improvement to Sagittarius Nov 14, 2011 to May 16, 2012 and May 30, 2013 through June 18, 2014. Sagittarius rules your 5th bhava of children, learning, entertainment, speculation, romance, creative projects, past life merits and spiritual techniques. Many Leos will have children, do well in gambling and business speculations, succeed with creative projects and return to school learn or teach. Virgo/Kanya: Saturn will be transiting the 2nd house/bhava of finances, speech, writing, education, family life, domestic happiness and food. Saturn can restrict one’s income but in Libra could also build a financial future with patience and discipline by gaining more education. The focus of Saturn is supportive for writing and speech projects and can be good for dieting or quitting smoking and drinking as the 2nd rules the mouth and all things that enter it. Good idea to see a dentist to prevent any dental problems. The supportive double transit will bring growth and improvement to Sagittarius Nov 14, 2011 to May 16, 2012 and May 30, 2013 through June 18, 2014. Sagittarius rules your 4th bhava of mother, family, property, education, vehicles and happiness. Therefore this is an excellent cycle for purchasing property, changing residence and support from the family and favorable for all family events. Libra/Tula: Saturn will be transiting the 1st house/bhava also known as the Lagna that rules the body, personal appearance, health, confidence, self-esteem, new beginnings, fame and the head. Saturn in the 1st can bring pressure and challenges to the health and confidence. Saturn is yogakaraka for a Libra lagna giving it more favorable strength when transiting Libra as it forms a Mahapurusha Sasha Yoga from the lagna, Sun and Moon. This auspicious yoga gives organizational and executive ability and therefore can be excellent for leadership positions and building a stable business. You could become so focused on work that you exhaust your body and ignore good health habits. The supportive double transit will bring growth and improvement to Sagittarius Nov 14, 2011 to May 16, 2012 and May 30, 2013 through June 18, 2014. Sagittarius rules your 3rd bhava of siblings, courage, adventures, communications, the fine arts music, drama and dance, sports, short travels, publications and all desires. With the Sasha Yoga influence the 3rd can be favorable for all communication, media, and publication businesses as well as marketing and business trips. Scorpio/Vrishika: Saturn will be transiting the 12th house/bhava of expenditures, losses, uncertain transitions, foreign locales, endings, retreat, hospitals, prisons, ashrams and spiritual pilgrimages and liberation. Saturn being a malefic can increase debt, trigger serious health problems and can give depression and confusions. But an exalted Saturn can give excellent results with foreign travels, spiritual practices, doing seva and working for non-profit or charitable organizations. The supportive double transit will bring growth and improvement to Sagittarius Nov 14, 2011 to May 16, 2012 and May 30, 2013 through June 18, 2014. Sagittarius rules your 2nd house of wealth, finances, speech, writing, education, family life, domestic happiness and food. This is a favorable double transit for making money, speaking engagements, writing projects, domestic life and better eating habits. Sagittarius/Dhanus: Saturn will be transiting the 11th house/bhava of gains and profits, friends, groups and organizations, elder siblings, major desires, goals, ambitions and achievements. The 11th is an upachaya house that improves over time and Saturn does well in the 11th and with Saturn in Libra along with patience, dedication and determination the best results of the 11th can be achieved. Jupiter is the lord of Sagittarius and when transiting Aries until May 16, 2012 it will be aspecting its own sign, which is a very favorable influence. The Jupiter influence can bring more wealth, recognition, honors and achievement of goals. The supportive double transit will bring growth and improvement to Sagittarius Nov 14, 2011 to May 16, 2012 and May 30, 2013 through June 18, 2014. Sagittarius rules your 1st bhava of health, self-confidence, initiating new projects, fame and leadership abilities. Therefore with Saturn in the 11th being supported by Jupiter and the double transit to your Lagna, Sun or Moon indicates a very auspicious period to start new projects, achieving desired goals and receiving recognition for past accomplishments. Capricorn/Makara: Saturn will be transiting your 10th house/bhava of one’s profession, career, fame, status, government and authority figures. Saturn transiting the 10th can give hard work in the career and downfalls when afflicted. Saturn is the natural lord of Capricorn making it a functional benefic and when transiting its exalted position can give very favorable results with one’s career and could also give fame or recognition in one’s profession and is favorable for winning political office or gaining a government job. The supportive double transit will bring growth and improvement to Sagittarius Nov 14, 2011 to May 16, 2012 and May 30, 2013 through June 18, 2014. Sagittarius rules your 12th bhava giving benefits with foreign travels, charity and seva, healing, paying off debts, or spiritual practices and meditation. Aquarius/Kumbha: Saturn will be transiting your 9th house/bhava of prosperity, luck, long-distant travels, education, wisdom, law, philosophy, religion, teachers, father and bosses. Saturn can bring challenges in education, with teachers, legal matters, delaying travels, and problems with the father. But Saturn exalted can also give positive results with its ability for focus, discipline and determination that can be excellent for accomplishing educational goals or for international business travels as well as gaining support using the legal system. The supportive double transit will bring growth and improvement to Sagittarius Nov 14, 2011 to May 16, 2012 and May 30, 2013 through June 18, 2014. Sagittarius rules your 11th bhava supporting the achievement of goals, fulfilling major desires, gaining recognition and honors and receiving help from friends and organizations. Pisces/Meena: Saturn will be transiting the difficult dusthana 8th house/bhava that can give breaks, upheavals, changes, scandals, divorce, death and chronic health conditions. Jupiter is the natural lord of Pisces and Jupiter is very favorable in Aries influencing Saturn in Libra and when also when Jupiter transits Gemini from May 30, 2013 through June 18, 2014. Therefore Jupiter when aspecting Saturn’s transit through the eighth along with Saturn being exalted can give positive 8th bhava outcomes; such as inheritance, legacies, financial settlements, joint ventures, mortgages and outside income. The supportive double transit will bring growth and improvement to Sagittarius Nov 14, 2011 to May 16, 2012 and May 30, 2013 through June 18, 2014. Sagittarius rules your 10th bhava of the career, fame, leadership, authority and government. This can be a favorable period for career success, fame and gaining more wealth with the Saturn transit through the 8th when supported by Jupiter’s transits in Aries and Gemini.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 13:43:24 +0000

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