Vegan Ethics of AR/AL - Racism & Its White Skin Privilege Is - TopicsExpress


Vegan Ethics of AR/AL - Racism & Its White Skin Privilege Is a-Theoretical to the fundamental basis of Vegan Ethics, Animal Rights/Animal Liberation ideologys. One Struggle One Fight, Human Freedom Animal Rights. Who here has ever uttered this chant? Its not just a nice sounding sentiment. Many here among my friends truly believe and got into AR/AL/vegan diet, etc., because they are for a equatable considered world of, and for us all. And thus against oppression of all, including of both human animals and non-human animals alike. It is very much a social justice movement and not just a lifestyle. People of color have been increasingly under attack, again and again, including murdered by racist cops, who routinely get away with it, with impunity.. A few have spoke up, but the over all silence from almost all quarters, including AR/AL/vegans, have been quite notable and deafening. Its at times like these it is most important to stand up and speak out... even if your voice shakes.. .. Im thinking of our allies in this, others with white skin privilege like my self, and others, who would other wise speak up but might not out of fear of offending, dividing those privileged others who many not agree, or not get it. Many may not recognize the depths of there own white skin privileged and some may be even deny it exists, ugh. For white people, White Skin Privileged is not something you can be rid of by ideologically rejecting it. It is something that others see and afforded to you, whether you want it or not. Allys of people of color. Its time to start taking courage, stand up and speak out... mike d (draft # II) 1023
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 20:35:12 +0000

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