Vegetables (efo) are an important part of your daily diet. They - TopicsExpress


Vegetables (efo) are an important part of your daily diet. They contain vitamins and minerals that can help to protect your body against lifestyle disease such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and high blood pressure . Vegetables contain a number of vitamins and minerals beneficial to the human diet. Potassium, vitamin C, foliate, and vitamin A, among many others, can be found in abundance in vegetables. These vitamins and minerals are needed by the body on a daily basis. They provide a lot of fibre, which reduces fat absorption in the intestine. This causes not only a reduction of blood cholesterol, but also helps you lose weight. A vegetable meal increases the purification of the body , removing waste and toxins that the body does not need. Ingredients Three cups Spinach, cleaned and chopped Two cups beef/goat meat, boiled One cup dried fish One tablespoon crayfish Two tablespoon tomato paste One fresh tomato, diced One onion, diced One red bell pepper, diced One tablespoon red pepper Half cup palm oil Two seasoning cubes Salt PREPARATION Step 1: Add two tablespoonful of palm oil to a dry pot and allow to simmer on medium heat. Step 2: Add onion, bell pepper and tomatoes and fry in the palm oil for five minutes. Add tomato sauce and allow to fry for five more minutes. Step 3: Add seasoning cubes, crayfish, dry pepper and salt to taste and bring to a boil. Add diced spinach and cover pot. Allow to simmer for five minutes. Do not stir. Step 4: Add boiled meat, dried fish and remaining palm oil. Stir properly. Add meat stock if you feel water is needed and allow to boil for seven more minutes. Step 5: Remove from pot and serve with rice or any solid; boiled yam, garri, pounded yam,semo nd wheat..
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 22:36:16 +0000

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