[Vegetarian help to improve physical fitness to teach you how to - TopicsExpress


[Vegetarian help to improve physical fitness to teach you how to eat healthy] (From: uho excellent live Health Network) Modern vegetarian, does not like before, only for religious reasons, but more factors in order to obtain physical health. People are more vegetarian pattern, there are vegan, milk plain, plain custard, Zen food, some vegetarian. According to the study, the human digestive system and, like sheep, cattle, more suitable for a vegetarian diet. Dr. Han Dingdun Columbia University made the human gut anatomy analysis report shows that human beings are not suitable for meat, and suitable for vegetarians. Because of the small intestine is short carnivorous animals, large intestine straight and smooth; vegetarian animals long small intestine, large intestine is also long. The human intestines is about 10 to 11 times their height, and back and forth arrangement, the intestinal wall is not smooth and overlap, such stomach more suitable vegetarian. Furthermore, the meat of animal fat, contains a lot of saturated fatty acids, long-term consumption likely to cause high cholesterol and heart blood vessel disease, but also the possibility of cancer, coupled with recent foot and mouth disease, mad cow disease, avian flu ... such as the occurrence of infectious diseases among animals is to remind us that rethink their eating behaviors and habits, to create a more healthy balanced diet. Vegetarian, what is the advantage of it? Adventist Hospital dietitian group nutrition courses proposed for public reference to the following four points: First, many studies have shown that a healthy vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and obesity and other chronic degenerative diseases. For example: Tofu is not only lower than the same weight of meat calories, contain unsaturated fatty acids and no cholesterol (only animal foods only contain cholesterol), so vegetarians have lower blood cholesterol, plus the cholesterol-lowering dietary fiber efficacy, so beneficial in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, and can delay the absorption of glucose in the small intestine, can help diabetics control blood sugar. Bulky plant foods, low in calories, and has a sense of satiety, so for weight control, obesity prevention can also help. Second, the plant-based diet, including: whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits, have reduced the chances of the role of human cancer. According to the study indicates, soy can reduce the incidence of breast cancer. Because plant sterols contained in soybeans (Phytoestrogen) can reduce tumorigenesis. Contained soy protein inhibitors can prevent and avoid colorectal cancer, oral cancer, lung cancer and liver cancer, which may be due to the presence genistein relationship (Isoflavones) and other anti-cancer enzymes. Plant foods plant sterols and saponins (Saponins) may also reduce the risk of colorectal cancer probability. Three, vegetarian can reduce the incidence of cancer. In particular, colorectal cancer, colon cancer. This is a factor in the food contains a lot of cellulose, can stimulate peristalsis accelerate so fast stool through the intestine, so that timely discharge of harmful substances and reduce the harmful substances on the intestinal wall damage. According to the U.S. study found that vegetarians low incidence of cancer than meat eaters percentage of twenty to forty. Four, vegetarian for prevention of osteoporosis is also good. Older people (especially women after menopause) in order to prevent osteoporosis, advocates eating foods containing calcium, and vitamin C help absorb calcium. Many plant foods (such as green vegetables, and certain fruits, etc.) are rich in vitamin C. Instead, the animal food sometimes affect the ability of the body to use calcium. So not only can purify the blood vegetarian, produce constipation and hemorrhoids prevention, prevention of cancer, osteoporosis, beauty beauty, and emotional stability. And meat compared to vegetarians really a lot of benefits in terms of health. However, that is only eat vegetarian vegetables, fruit? Vegetarian is not it will change the constitution? The point of view of medical research, the vegetarian diet can indeed affect the physiology of the human body, but must be balanced approach to eat vegetarian, so in order to achieve the purpose of improving the quality of life and healthy living. So how should a balanced, healthy vegetarian eating it? Some people often worry about whether a vegetarian diet adequate nutrition? Certain nutrients, such as: protein, calcium, iron whether there will be a lack of problem? In fact, diversity, extensive selection of foods to eat properly, can definitely get enough nutrition. 1) Wide selection of all kinds of food, reaching a balanced diet, which is the six major food grains balanced intake [rhizome, vegetables, fruits, legumes and soy products, soy milk, fats and oils]. 2) Adequate intake of calories to maintain ideal body weight. 3) Use multi-use unrefined grain foods (brown rice, barley, wheat, oats, ..., etc.) as an alternative to refined white rice, flour. 4) Body needs adequate intake of protein: a balanced vegetarian diet can provide enough protein needed by the body, and often result in meat protein intake too much, resulting in human suffering from kidney stones, osteoporosis, heart disease and certain cancers. Daily from corn roots, beans, nuts, seeds, class selection of food, we can achieve the complementary to enhance the utilization of protein. Such as: soy brown rice, red beans mochi ... so this combination is comparable to eggs and milk, can provide high-quality protein. 5) Balanced vegetarian diet, the body needs calcium available: Most people think that milk and dairy products, dried fish is a rich source of calcium, etc. In fact, many plant foods, such as: dark green vegetables, beans, tofu, sesame, seaweed, etc., are also rich in calcium. Many studies indicate that animal protein which contains a methionine (Methionine) after metabolism, easy to combine with calcium to sulfur compounds, with the loss of urine, which may be biased prevalence of osteoporosis one of the reasons for the high. Instead, vegetarian, even vegan, osteoporosis proportion is lower. 6) Every meal to eat fruit, especially vitamin C-rich fruits, in order to increase the absorption of iron. Plant foods, such as dried fruit (raisins, dates, California plum), whole grains, nuts, seeds, and dark green vegetables rich in iron, such as inclusive as long as the high vitamin C content of fruit and vegetables eaten together, you can promote the absorption and utilization of iron. 7) Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables, including yellow and dark green vegetables. Selection of a variety of fresh vegetables, fruits, contain at least one dark green or yellow vegetables a day, and vitamin C-rich fruits, such as: citrus fruits, kiwi, guava, tomatoes, etc., to supplement the vitamins and mineral substances. 8) Multi-use natural (unprocessed) plant-derived oils, do not use any refined oil refining. Many Taiwanese temple vegetarian meal containing large amounts of Pu partial cooking oil, are high-fat, high-calorie vegetarian, used for cooking vegetarian vegetable oils (corn oil, sunflower oil, salad oil, peanut oil, soybean oil), and animal oils, as are is a high-calorie foods, eat more, like make people gain weight, the same will contribute to hardening of the arteries, coronary heart disease and other evolved into atherosclerotic disease. Natural plant oils source for nuts and seeds, such as: beans, almonds, cashews, walnuts, pine nuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds ... and so on. 9) Eat Less Fried Vegetarian: fried eggplant, fried sweet potatoes and vegetables are high in fat, high-calorie foods, the benefits of the original low-calorie vegetarian diet has been lost. Another drawback is fried vegetarian fried at high temperatures, the usefulness of the original botanical compounds are destroyed deterioration; such as eggplant purple skin and yellow sweet potatoes are rich in carotenoids plant compounds with antioxidant, can protect human cells, making it free from oxide damage, after high-temperature frying, this botanical compounds lost due to degeneration of antioxidant, a great pity. 10) Vegetarian does not eat moldy: peanuts, corn, rice, wheat and other foods easily and mildew fungal infection, some fungi can release aflatoxin, a strong carcinogen, can become cancerous and normal liver cell disease, causing liver cancer . Although not all moldy foods contain carcinogenic toxins, but for safety, all moldy food, will be the best way to eat. 11) Should eat pesticide-free vegetarian: excessive pesticide residues can cause acute poisoning, but such cases are few. Containing pesticide residues in food after long food will inevitably win cancer risk, on the grounds that many pesticides when large, easy to cause gastrointestinal damage, the opportunity to have more gastrointestinal cancer. Both Chinese and foreign, government health agencies can not effectively constrained farmers use pesticides and pesticide spraying of crops by harvest time after, so consumers must rely on their own wisdom to care. 12) Shorten the cooking time, reduce the cooking temperature: high temperature or cooking a food, two hours later, nutrients and beneficial plant compounds are destroyed, the remaining nutrients can be said to be minimal. Durable boiled protein will deteriorate to the detriment of health. In fact, in order to provide a healthy and balanced vegetarian nutrition is a very easy thing to do. In short, low-fat (low fat), low-calorie, high-fiber, multi-moisture, low-sugar vegetarian wholesome, if not eclipse (but the amount), fresh ingredients, a reliable source, cooking properly, is a nutritious and healthy vegetarian choices.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 09:23:56 +0000

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