Velvet is out next, followed by Brooke Tessmacher and her assets. - TopicsExpress


Velvet is out next, followed by Brooke Tessmacher and her assets. ODB is out last. Match 1 - Number One Contenders Match For The Knockouts Title: ODB vs Velvet Sky vs Brooke Tessmacher Brooke stars of the match with a booty shake, and her and Velvet have kind of a dance off. ODB knocks Brooke down and throws her and Velvet back in the corner and hits a double bronco buster. She goes for a scoop slam on Sky, but Brooke comes over with a schoolboy for a one count. Sky comes up and hits a few clotheslines on Brooke and a neckbreaker for a two count. ODB powerslams Sky, but Brooke comes over and hits a twisting necbreaker. She climbs the ropes and hits a flying elbow drop off the top rope. Gail and Tapa come down to the ring as we go to commercial. We come back and all three women are trading chops in the ring. ODB gets the best of them and locks in a single leg crab on Brooke. Sky comes over and hooks the other leg to make it a full crab. They both get off Brooke and trade blows in the center of the ring. Sky eats a shoulder tackle by ODB. ODB powerslams Brooke onto Sky and goes outside the ring to talk smack to Gail. Brooke gets up and knocks ODB down, but Velvet comes over and clotheslines Brooke. They all get in the ring and Brooke hits a short-arm clothesline on Sky. Brooke climbs the ropes again and sort-of hits a crossbody on both ODB and Sky. Tapa climbs the apron and distracts Sky who gets up. Sky fights off Brooke and goes for the pedigree, but Kim comes in and beats down Sky, causing a disqualification despite it being a triple threat match. Kim and Tapa get in the ring and decimate all three women. Winner: Disqualification Kim grabs a mic and says that she has beaten everybody and that she has no competition for the title. She issues an open challenge to any female wrestler outside of the company, and if they can beat her, she will give them a title match. Gail says no one can beat the first-ever, longest reigning KOs champion of all-time. We get a little recap of AJ in AAA and then a promo for the One Night Only for the Tournament of Champions Show. We see Hardy warming up backstage and they show us a recap of Hardy and Aries from BFG in 2012 where Hardy won the TNA World Title. Bully is talking to Garrett and Knux in the back. Bully says that he hears and sees everything that goes on, and questions them about Anderson. He says that he brought the club together not for him, but for us. Garrett calls him out and says when was the last time they voted on anything and Knux backs him up. Ray says that Knux has never been the brains of the group, but Knux flips out and says that tonight, they are voting, them three and Tazz. Knux storms away and Bully looks rattled. Dixie is backstage and she is yelling at somebody on the phone. She is screaming saying that this guy is humiliating her, and that also means he is humiliating him. She tells the person on the phone to fix it. EC3 knocks on the door, and Dixie asks him to pick his own opponent. EC3 says Dixie has tested him a lot since he debuted, and he is worried about tonight. Dixie reassures him and kisses him on the cheek goodbye. Garrett and Knux are in the ring, and Garrett is saying they are going to vote on the future of the club right now. He asks Tazz to come into the ring and he obliges. He calls Bully down to the ring and he also comes to the ring. Bully is pissed and he does is whole Do you know who I am? bit. Garrett says they all know who he is, the poison that tore this club apart. Since day one, it has all been about him, and tonight they are going to decide on the future of the group. Anderson hits the ring wearing a military jacket and Bully is livid that Anderson is there. Anderson says not to mind him, he is just here to watch this whole thing implode. Garrett says it is time to vote, and he is finished. He takes off his jacket and hangs it in the turnbuckle. Ray pleads with Knux and asks him to take out Garrett. Knux says he does not need Bully, the club, or these colors. Knux takes off his jacket and puts it with Garretts. Bully says fine, they are going to have a tie. Bully says they know what Tazz and him are going to vote, so the president breaks the tie. He points to Tazz and says since he is his best friend, and he knows he is going to side with him. Tazz grabs the mic and says Bully needs to pump the breaks a little bit. He says that there whole careers they have done the right thing, and this club has gone wrong. Tazz says that Anderson, Knux and Garrett are right, and he is done. He takes off his jacket and Bully demands that he puts them back on. Tazz says make me, and Bully turns his cap around like Ash Ketchem. They stare at each other and Bully says that he is going to say it one more time, put your colors back on. Tazz says make me again, and that he will destroy Bully. Bully points at Anderson and says that this is all his fault. Anderson says that Bully has no more men to manipulate. Anderson says that November, 24th, at Turning Point, they will have a No DQ match. Bully says that he is sick of Anderson, and that for someone that respects Stone Cold Steve Austin so much, he forgot the very first rule. Suddenly, Garrett and Knux attack Anderson and throw him into the ring and beat him down. Bully beats down Anderson with a chain and says Dont Trust Anybody. Bully says that when you ride with Aces & 8s, you never walk alone as all four men celebrate in the ring. Tenay and Tazz are talking and Roode pops out of literally nowhere and calls Angle out. Roode is screaming at Tazz and Tenay to bring Angle out here. The lights go out and Ethan Carter III comes out for his match. Apparently, Roode has left and he will not be facing EC3. Following EC3, Dewey Barnes is back for a rematch apparently. Match 2 - Ethan Carter III vs Dewey Carter III They lock up and EC3 gets the advantage and pounds away on Barnes in the corner. He hits a clothesline in the corner and a big atomic facebuster. He boots Dewey in the gut a few times and taunts Barnes. Barnes gets up and fights back with a few forearms and a single leg dropkick. He hits a swinging necbreaker and climbs the top rope. He misses a missile dropkick and EC3 hits the headlock driver, which Tenay dubs the 1 percenter for the three count. Winner: Ethan Carter III EC3 grabs a mic and says that he is a Carter, and that the world needs them. - Canadian Demon.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 04:19:53 +0000

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