Venezuela has more than Saudi Arabia, and Haiti has more oil than - TopicsExpress


Venezuela has more than Saudi Arabia, and Haiti has more oil than Venezuela. When comparing Haiti Oil site with Venezuela, it is like comparing Haiti stadium oil sites with Venezuela pool oil sites. Can Haiti to be reliable on Venezuela and U.S for oil and natural gas, and why should the Caribbean leaders need to report to Vice President Joe Biden, and for what the U.S lawmakers, Congress, the West, and foreign jesus christ billionaire thieves call First Caribbean Energy Security Summit. This is the reality of Haiti sequential political crisis in Haiti. First, U.S lawmakers, Congress, the West, and jesus christ billionaire thieves attempted to amend the Haitian Constitution by pressure the Haitian Congress in Haiti to pass an Electoral Law so that these foreign invaders can illegally put their hand on Haiti’s most precious richest parts of the land. Second, because the Haitian Congress has refused to do so, these foreign thieves has ordered Ex President Martely not to conduct the Haitian congress in Haiti for three so that they can come up with illegal authoritative and dictatorial laws of Law by Decree where Martely has illegally terminate all of the Haitian Congress to form and other body of government with fraud and unconstitutional power to enable these thieves to steal Haiti’s resources. Third, without even a week after, Vice President Joe Biden has already planned to meet the Caribbean Leaders, especially Haitian Leaders to sign the accord of exploiting Haiti, calling it FIRST CARIBBEAN ENERGY SECURITY SUMMIT. Fourth, how can Haiti be dependable of U.S oil and Venezuela gas when Haiti has more gas than these countries? This is how thieves work; they went to Haiti and attempted to mess the Haitian Constitution and used Haitian politician Traitors to steal Haiti resources to bring gas gold, uranium, zinc steel, aluminums, Bronx, copper, diamond to their countries, such as United States, France, Canada, Spain, and other European countries, and then pretending to invest billion dollars in Haiti to finance GAS PROJECT by returning some of stealing resources like gas back to Haiti. However, through Non-profit organizations creating by foreign thieves and U.S and west politicians, they have sent some of the illegal and fraud money to some of Haitian politicians while most of the money have gone to THE ACCOUNTS OF FOREIGN NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS REGISTERING IN UNITED STATES OR OTHER WESTERN COUNTRIES WHERE U.S. lawmakers, Congress, the West, and foreign jesus christ billionaire thieves will split funds to get their shares from NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. When these foreign invaders thieves inform people of the world that billion dollars have gone to Haiti to help with the process of rebuilding Haiti after the earthquake being made by United States Air force and the Cholera by United Nation terrorist officer gangs, they have only used Haiti as a cover up to steal donation giving by the world population to Haiti during a crisis so that they are not being investigated and persecuted for stealing money from the world population. United States and Western Countries must close all of their embassies in Haiti to go back home, including United Nations because Haiti does NOT need your help or your sympathy as exploiting Haiti to boost your economics.How can Haiti be the poorest country in Ameria when We United States of America owe China 13 trillion without counting billion dollars that we owe some of middle East countries. You can deny the true that Haiti has been the country to revitalize the U.S and Western countries ECONOMICS during this recession through exploitation. Tell Haiti, is it Democracy or Democratickaka, US LAWMAKERS, CONGRESS THE WEST, foreign jesus christ billionaire thieves and the European Union. Cosmos Stonar
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 19:37:08 +0000

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