Venezuela’s oil export accounts for up to 97 percent of export - TopicsExpress


Venezuela’s oil export accounts for up to 97 percent of export earnings of the country’s budget. The export earnings of Venezuela’s budget have dropped by 30 percent in October, according to Bloomberg. The oil production by Venezuela within OPEC stood at 2.4 million barrels per day in Third Quarter of 2014, according to the US JP Morgan bank. Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates totaled 2.8 million barrels per day during the same reporting period. Saudi Arabia ranks 1st with 9.8 million barrels of oil per day and is followed by Iraq now being plundered by U.S. and UK oil companies for 3.1 million barrels per day. JP Morgan estimated that actual OPEC production in the third quarter of 2014 was 36.5 million barrels per day. There is no question that the US is engaged in economic espionage. The NSA has rejected his claims saying it doesnt steal trade secrets on behalf of US companies. September 9, 2013 Jonathan Watts in Rio de Janeiro reported “The US National Security Agency has been caughtf spying on Brazils biggest oil company, Petrobras, following the release of more files from US whistleblower Edward Snowden. The latest disclosures, which aired on Brazils Fantástico news program, exposed that the NSA is conducting intelligence-gathering operations on Petrobras which is the largest company in Brazil and one of the 30 biggest businesses in the world. Majority owned by the state, it is a major source of revenue for the government and is developing the biggest oil discoveries of this century, which are in a pre-salt region deep under the Atlantic. Fantástico revealed a top secret NSA file – given by Snowden to Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald – which shows Petrobras is among several targets for the agencys Blackpearl program. The presenters noted that many top-secret US intelligence documents were categorized as FVEY (five eyes) relating to the national agencies entitled to see them: US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Fantástico also released files showing the NSA monitored the phone calls and emails of Rousseff and her aides, as well as Mexicos president Enrique Peña Nieto and the former president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva who also condemned the spying. Former World Bank economist and author of “Confessions of an Economic Hitman”, John Perkins revealed “Jaime Roldós, president of Ecuador, and Omar Torrijos, president of Panama, both died in fiery crashes. Their deaths were not accidental. They were assassinated because they opposed that fraternity of corporate, government, and banking heads whose goal is global empire.” A secret U.S. cable published online by WikiLeaks in 2013 named the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI), as two agencies working abroad on behalf of the U.S. government to threaten and harm even friendly governments. OTI funded over 50 projects throughout Venezuela with the aim of “fostering confusion within the political ranks.” In addition, DAI brought professors, nongovernmental organizations’ members and political leaders — mainly from Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, United States, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru — to Venezuela under the guise of participation in workshops and seminars but with the real intention that they would then return to their countries with “as stronger advocates for the Venezuelan opposition.” according to the documents. In a secret document authored by current Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Craig Kelly, and sent by the US Embassy in Santiago in June 2007 to the Secretary of State, CIA and Southern Command of the Pentagon, along with a series of other US embassies in the region, Kelly proposed six main areas of action for the US government (USG) to limit Chavezs influence and reassert US leadership in the region. (Kelly played a primary role as mediator during the Honduras coup detat against President Manuel Zelaya). Kelly recommended US officials make more visits to the region to show the flag and explain directly to populations our view of democracy and progress. Kelly also offered details on how Washington could better exploit the differences amongst South American governments to isolate Venezuela: Brazil...can be a powerful counterpoint to Chavezs project...Chile offers another excellent alternative to Chavez...We should look to find other ways to give Chile the lead on important initiatives, but without making them look like they are our puppets or surrogates. Argentina is more complex, but still presents distinct characteristics.” (NOTE: In 2013 Brazil discovered it too was now a target in U.S. efforts to spy on, weaken, and control Petrobras which is the majority state owned oil company and one of the 30 biggest businesses in the world). Kelly also revealed the pressure Washington has been applying to Mercosur (Market of the South) to not accept Venezuela as a full member in the regional trade bloc. With regard to Mercosur, we should not be timid in stating that Venezuelas membership will torpedo US interest in even considering direct negotiations with the trading bloc. In 2006, Washington activated a Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Mission Manager for Venezuela and Cuba. The mission, headed by clandestine CIA veteran Timothy Langford, is one of only four such intelligence entities of its type. The others were created to handle intelligence matters relating to Iran, North Korea and Afghanistan/Pakistan, evidencing the clear priority that Washington has placed on Venezuela as a target of increased espionage and covert operations. Eva Golinger, winner of the International Award for Journalism in Mexico (2009), is an Attorney and Writer from New York, living in Caracas, Venezuela since 2005. She has been investigating, analyzing and writing about US intervention in Venezuela using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain information about the US Government’s efforts to divide, destabilize, and control Latin America. Exactly as U.S. Major General Smedley Darling Butler exposed, and more recently General Wesley Clark exposed the U.S. is now doing against every country in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. April 17, 2014 the USAID plot to destabilize Cuba was exposed: The Agency set up US-funded “Cuban Twitter” specifically to spread rumors and unrest. ZunZuneo (slang for a Cuban hummingbirds tweet) is the name given to a social networking platform that was largely a replica of Twitter, set up in 2010 by the United States Agency for International Development and contractors hired by the agency. The purpose was to build a base of unsuspecting Cuban users, and then introduce rumors and misinformation to destabilize the country’s socialist government. As revealed in a recent Associated Press investigation, the operators of ZunZuneo at first generated what they called “non-controversial content” and did not manufacture any political posts. The true purpose of the site was not to be revealed until later, when the project’s directors envisioned “smart mobs” gathering based on rumors, slander, and Operational Mockingbird generated “disinformation” which they would then spread over ZunZuneo. The U.S. government thought that Cuban youth were easy targets. These schemes are usually referred to as “democracy promotion” activities. In this instance it was overseen by USAID’s euphemistically named Office of Transition Initiatives. After news of USAID’s involvement in ZunZuneo came to light, the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement pointing out how the scheme “once again demonstrated that the government of the United States has not given up on its subversive plans against Cuba and nearly every government on the planet, even allied ones as Germany, France, and others recently discovered. If my own children and I and so many other victims, insiders, and whistleblowers didn’t uncover and come forward to reveal this heinous Zionist takeover of the now-revealed private Federal Reserve, U.S. currency, and all three branches of the U.S. government in an evil desire for global control of every government, religion, economy, country, and population on the planet, I never would have believed it myself, but its happening right now and there isn’t a government, religion, country, economy, military, man, woman, or child on the planet not being monetized, minimized, instigated, manipulated, lied to, spied on, divided, pitted against one another, exploited, enslaved, and sacrificed by it right this very minute. “Were paid – well paid – to cheat countries around the globe out of billions of dollars. My job is to encourage world leaders to become part of a vast network that promotes United States commercial interests. In the end, those leaders become ensnared in a web of debt that ensures their loyalty. We can draw on them whenever we desire—to satisfy our political, economic, or military needs. Meanwhile, the owners of U.S. engineering and construction companies become very wealthy. If an economic hit man is completely successful, the loans are so large that the debtor, the recipient country, is forced to default on its payments after a few years. When this happens—like the mafia—we demand our pound of flesh. This often includes one or more of the following: Control over their United Nations votes, the installation of military bases in their countries, or access to precious resources.” ~ John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, Chapter 2. “Israel must follow through with the policies it has pursued since the inception of Zionism, seeking to purchase local agents among factions and communal groups who will assert themselves against other such communities at Israel’s behest.” ~ Zionist Oded Yinon published that in Kivunim (Directions), the journal of the Department of Information of the World Zionist Organization. They hate, and want to exploit, divide, indebt, enslave, and/or sacrifice us ALL! “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order. - David Rockefeller In Haigs presence, (Henry) Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy. -- Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein, The Final Days, p. 208 (and that has further been stated and exposed by Four Star U.S. General Wesley Clark, the most decorated U.S. Marine General in history Major General Smedley Darling Butler, and U.S. Marine Patrick Downey). “The idea was to destabilize the region and control the oil. “I walked out of there pretty upset,” said retired four star U.S. General Wesley Clark. On a second visit, he learned more. He was told plans were to “destroy the governments.” He was stunned by what he heard. America intended multiple premeditated wars. “Policymakers want the Middle East destabilized. They want it redrawn. They want unchallenged U.S. control. They want America’s military might used destructively. They want it used “to start wars and change governments. It’s not to deter conflicts,” said Clark. “It’s not about liberation and spreading democracy.” And he named seven countries targeted for takeovers which he saw in top secret documents in the U.S. Pentagon including Arab countries, Persian countries, and African countries. General Smedley Darling Butler exposed the same thing against Latin American and Asian countries. Edward Snowden exposed the same against the EU and Latin American countries. EVERY government, religion, and country is being attacked, divided, deceived, and pitted against not only each other, but even themselves, in an effort to further this Zionist evil now revealed. World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes in her November 2013 public warning: “If you look at Goldman Sachs, CitiGroup, Bank of America, or Wells Fargo, these are all one entity because their boards are all interlocking. This group is in control of the Federal Reserve system, AND of the central banks of the 58 countries that belong to Bank for International Settlements. These [central banks] are not government entities, they are private entities. This group thinks it sits above the law. What I found out actually is that there are layers upon layers and that there are secret groups that go around acting like the enforcers or the coordinators or whatever you want to call them. So I can tell you who these groups are so you can get a good picture of how this group operates. There’s something called the Knights of Malta, there’s something called the Council of Foreign Relations, there’s something called the Bilderberg Group, there’s something called the Trilateral Commission, and fasten your seatbelts, folks… there’s something called the Jesuits. These people are the ones that are determining and have mapped this out.” Interviewer: Do you think the proposed BRICS bank has anything to do with this group feeling threatened? Karen Hudes: “Yes, the BRICS nations, (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), currently accounts for 25% of global trade. They have given notice to the world that the trade among themselves is no longer going to be paid for in U.S. dollars. So the international reserve currency status of the dollar is no longer there, and what this super-entity had in mind is that we were going to have a one-world currency. Well, that’s not happening, because these economies, the BRICS economies, are not signing on for that.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 18:02:41 +0000

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