Venker is right. I used to be a militant feminist. I used to be - TopicsExpress


Venker is right. I used to be a militant feminist. I used to be very lonely. I used to be at war with my body. I wanted to be a mother desperately, but much less so a wife. I felt so much pressure from society to do well in my career, but nobody ever taught me or told me the truth about my body, my fertility. Even my mother expected me to focus on my career and my career alone- nevermind how to attract a good man, nevermind how to be a good mother, nevermind how to accomplish those things that I really wanted in life: a family. Whats wrong with masculinity these days is that we arent teaching men to be good men, and were not demanding that they be good men. How to Choose a Husband is incredibly helpful, I wish I had had it 8 years ago. Good men are vital to the health of our children. Good men are vital to the health of women. Lets start rewarding good men more. The only way to end misogyny is to end misandry. Like Venker, I have learned to invite the spirit of masculinity into my life, respect the good things it brings like technology, focus, problem-solving, and protection.. and my life is soo much better because of it. Congratulations to the woman who buys and reads this book on the journey to a strong marriage, happy family and kids.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:25:41 +0000

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