Venturing on something this site doesnt have a clue the - TopicsExpress


Venturing on something this site doesnt have a clue the height of arrogance..Falling prey for catholics idolizing or worshipping images is ONE BLATANT FALSEHOOD...CATHOLICS ARE NOT TAUGHT TO WORSHIP IMAGES EITHER OF SAINTS, VIRGIN MARY OF THE ANGELS. THERE IS NO SHRED OF FORMAL OR INFORMAL DOCUMENT FROM THE SINGLE AUTHORITY OF THE CHURCH THAT TEACHES THIS..THIS IS PROPAGANDA... The context of the prohibition of images should be understOod in the light of the exodus story...The jews in egypt had been contaminated by pagan worship, and the the Decalogue in deutereuronomy is a reminder of the first ultimate end of all. If images and temporal symbols is the object of the prohibition, WHY DID YAHWEH ORDERED AN IMAGE OF AN ANGEL IN THE TABERNACLE?...People dont really realize it, but they hate not the catholics but the propaganda against the catholics..and secondly, there are those who genuinely are lost because of ignorance, but there are those who maliciously advancing the DEFORMATION cause without regard to the truth...Scripture says, YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUIT....and so the protestant denominations (and i refer to the malicious as well as those who dont know their bible and history) are growing geometrically, (AROund 30,000) because of the fallacy of their Sola Scripture...And yet the bible they hold came from the Catholic Church, and nothing in the Scripture says that it is the sole authority on matters of faith....SCRIPTURE SAYS, THE CHURCH IS THE PILLAR AND BULWARK OF TRUTH.....and yet in the face of facts after sola scriptura, where anyone could be an authority making his own dogma and interpretation breeding DISUNITY AMONG CHRISTIANS, they keep on repeating the cycle of doom...In contrast, the catholic church has only one authority and that authority grounds its decision on history, the teaching of the apostles and the early fathers, scripture....And in the end catholics have 3 rulers of our faith...THE SCRIPTURE, THE TRADITIONS, AND THE MAGISTERIUM...IT IS THAT WAY BECAUSE JESUS AND THE APOSTLES SAID SO THROUGH SCRIPTURE. SUPPORTED BY NON SCRIPTURE WRITINGS OF THE EARLY BISHOPS AND POPES IN ROME SUCCEEDING PETER...Catholics have the pedigree, being able to trace its lineage to Peter and Christ...other protestant churches is built by men, WHO ARE EITHER DELUSIONAL OR JUST PLAIN DECEPTIVE...STOP THE IGNORANCE, READ HISTORY, WRITINGS OF THE EARLY FATHERS, AND READ YOUR SCRIPTURE AND ASK THE RIGHT INTERPRETATION...
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 21:57:22 +0000

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