Verify Agric obj 1-10) BAACABAEAA 11-20) CDCCCABDBB 21-30) - TopicsExpress


Verify Agric obj 1-10) BAACABAEAA 11-20) CDCCCABDBB 21-30) BBECCDCAEA 31-40) ABEBBCEAAD 41-50) EEACEEEDCD 51-60) AECDAEECDB (1a) commercial agricultural is a type of agriculture which is concerned with the production of food,animal and cah crops in large quantities of sales. It involvess the cultivations of large hectares of land, huge investment of capital, the use of hired labour and the use of agro-chemicals (1b) -They assist in rural development by providing social amenities like, road,water supply,health centers. -They carry out research to improve or develop new crops varieties -The carry out research to improve or develop breeds of animals -Provision of financial support for agricultural extension project -Improvement of farmer awarness and agricultural knowledge (1c) -Construction of new feeder roads to open up the rural areas -Construction of wider ways to link up the river in areas - Construction of railways to connect rural area to the urban centers (1cii) - it prevent fragmentation of land since land aquired under the decree cannot be shared into bit - it has facilitated borrowing of capital for further investment in agriculture - it has reduce in the number and frequency of court case over land ownership - it made land acquisition relatively easier for new entrant into agriculture (3a)weathering can be defined as the breakdown of rock into tiny pieces to form soil. (3b) 1. planting cover crops:cover crops help to provide shade,prevent erosion and add more nutrients to the soil. 2. application of compost manure:it help to blind the sand particles together and also add more nutrients to the soil. 3. application of farmyard manure:this will add nutrients and also improve the structure of the soil. 4. mulching the soil:mulching sandy soil prevent water loss through evaporation and nutrient loss by water erosion. (3c) determines the level of fertility of the soil. 2.a good soil structure support aeration. also prevent erosion and wodertogging. 4.a good soil structure has a good water retaining capacity. also supports the growth of crops. (3d) 1.limestone-cac os 2.slakedlime-ca (OH)2 3.quicklime-cao 4.calcium bicabonate-ca(H CO3)2 5.gypsum-caso42 H20 (5a) 1.aphids 2.cohoonstriner s 3.mealy bugs (5b) - 1.maize-(1)dent maize(2)flourco rn - 2.citrus-(1)swe et orange(2)sour orange - 3.yam-(1)drosco ren rotundata-white yam (2) dioscorea alata -water yam (5ci) -Taungga system is the planting of both food crops and forest trees on the same piece of land (5cii) 1.the prohibition of bush burning- 2.ban of indiscriminate culting of timbertrees- 3.encouraging people to plant trees (6ai. i. Mass selection: crop plant are selected or rejected on d basis of their own performance or merit. ii. Pure line selection: this type of selection in which only one crop plant with good characteristics (6aii).Dominant character: this is a trait or character that is expressed in an offspring when two individuals with contrasting characters or traits are crossed.Dominan t genes on the other hand are genes which control dominant characters. For instance, in a very tall plant, there may be the gene for shortness but the gene has no influence on the gene for tallness. (6aiii) i. Proper timing of plant ii. Adoption of better cultivation methods iii. Use of manures and fertilizers iv. Control of pests of crops v. Use of resistant varieties vi. Use of good crop varieties. (6b) i.Cassava mosaic diseasei.Causua l Organismvirus.i i.3 Symptoms1. Stunted growth. 2. Vein clearing 3. Distortion of leaves and stems iii.2 Preventive and control Measures 1. Uproot and burn infected plants 2. Farm sanitation (7ai) Animal Improvement refers to the ways of developing and breeding onlythose animals that show the greatest merit under consideration such asgood feed conversion,grow th rate,disease resistance,egg size etc. (7aii)Six Aims Of Animal Improvementi. To produce animals that can give high yield or products in form ofmeat,egg,milk ,etc. ii. To produce animals that can provide high quality of products suchas,low back- fat thickness,yolk size,shell hardness,etc. iii. To produce animals with highfeed conversion efficiency. iv. To produce animals with highgrowth rate. v. To produce animals with earlymaturity. vi. To produce animals which can adapt to climaic (enviromental) conditions. (7b.) Effects of feed shortages in animal production. i. It leads to low birth weight ii. It result in poor reproduction or late maturity iii. Draft animals become weak and unable to workiv. There is slow growth rate of livestockv. It also leads to increased susceptibility to diseases (7c) Conditions Neccesary For Siting a Fish Pond. i. Vegetation of d area: low vegetation, especially grasslands arepreffered. Woody suites are not suitable because clearing and stumpingwill greatly increase the cost of setting up the fish pond. ii. Topography: the shape of the land should allow for easy drainingand filling of pond with water. iii. Soil structure: soil structure in the area must be fertile so asto supply nutrients to the fish. E.g. Clay soil (8ai)disease can be defined as any forms of abnormality in thefunctions of the tissues,organs of system of the animal body. (8aii) 1.heaalth status of the animal:animals with poor healthstand therist of getting infected with diseases faster than animals with goodhealth 2.nutrition:ani mals which are poorly feed are easily infected withdiseases than animals that are well feed with balanced diet 3.sanitation:-p oor sanitation,incl uding dirty environment couldpredispose animals to diseases 4.breeds of animals:poor breeds of animals are in position to getinfected with disease than good breeds 5.unfavourable climate conditions:extr emes oftemperature,w inds,rainfall e.t.c do predispose farm animals to diseases (8b) 1 animal are culled because of disease 2. failure to reproduce 3. undesirable breed type 4. animals may be culled because of age 5. inherited defects. 6. they may be culled because ofdeath (8c) 1. it maximizes the used of land 2. it maximizes the used of labour 3. birds are protected from harsh weather condition. 9a) 1. Inadequate transportation system: lack of vehicles and bad roadprevent easy transportation of food items from rural to urban areas. 2. Small scale production: production is in s:all scale becausepeasant farmers produce very little output. 3. Inadequate market infrastructure: infrastructure such aselectricity, pipe borne water, telephone e.t.c which can promote goodmarketing are inadequate. 4.Inadequate storage facilities: most produce are wasted due tolackof storage facilities. (9b) 1. planning finances and production to maintain farm progress againstbudget parameters 2. practical activities, e.g. drivingtractors , operating machinery,feedi ng livestock, spraying fields, etc3. marketing the farms products 4. buying supplies, such as fertiliser and seeds 5. arranging the maintenance and repair of farm buildings, machineryand equipment 6. planning activities for trainee staff, mentoring and monitoringthem 7. maintaining and monitoring the quality of yield, whether livestock or crops 8. understanding the implications of the weather and making contingency plans 9. making sure that products areready for deadlines, such as auctionsand markets. (10a)Agricultur al extension is a proccess whereby modern farming techniquesand research findings are taken to the farmers through extensionworker s and,problems of the farmers are taken to research institutionsfor solution. (10b) i. Innovators: innovators are farmers who introduce changes or newideas of farming into a new area. Such ideas may reach the innovatorsthrou gh the extension agents,mass media,or they might have seen itdone in another place. ii. Early Adopters: Early adopters is the second group that comes inimmediately after the innovators. Depending on a number of factors asdiscussed above,the percentage of early adopters may be be high or low. iii. Late adopters: are the third group of farmers that can accept newideas and techniques. In Most Cases,the number or percentage of lateadopters is ussually very high. (10ci) Importance Of Profit and loss account in Agricultural Economics. i. It helps to detect if the farm enterprise is mak
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 07:55:30 +0000

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