Verse For Today 6-26-14 Test me, Lord, and try me; examine my - TopicsExpress


Verse For Today 6-26-14 Test me, Lord, and try me; examine my heart and mind. (Psalms 26:2 HCSB) *EXAMiNE* That we would be more like You At first I was hesitant to write about this verse. I asked my self the same question for hours as I pondered the outcome, Do I really want God to test and examine me?! The answer at first was a resounding no. What would He find as He pulled back the rug of my uncertainty and even worse what would He make me change? After much thought it became aware that God already knows, so what would it matter? I was soon to find out it did matter and in fact matter a lot. There are particular sins that we tend to hold on to and certain motives that would be less attractive if they were exposed to the outside world. Our hearts and minds are like a huge recycling center. Constantly going over the same beat down sin and past hurts. Once one comes in another goes out and quickly returns with a similar result. Sin, repent and repeat! Over and over we go to throne room of God with the same old trash. Over and over we ask to be relieved of its heavy burden continuously asking ourselves the same recycled question, Why can I not get victory over this area?! I believe the answer lies on our heart. We are so attached to the way certain things feel we are afraid to let them go. In fear of the painful grieving process that is usually involved we tend to hold on. Here in lies the difference. Unlike a bad relationship or a toxic addiction once you completely surrender your sin to the Lord it goes away. It might rise up its ugly head from time to time but when it does you will be able to put it back in its rightful place which is trampled under foot and brow. Each time you successfully defeat sin the desire gets less and less until it is eventually removed completely. We are more than conquers with Christ on our side. It is time that we as a church start to walk like it! Examine and clean out all the does not belong. I pray that God the glorious healer will strip us gently of anything that would be considered unworthy in His sight and create in us a clean heart as our Spirit is renewed. Amen & Amen Please SHARE, Pastor Scotty P.S #1844PRAYERZ Call 1-844-772-9379
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 00:03:13 +0000

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