(Version 1.1) ATTENTION ALL TEA PARTY VOTERS: Please share - TopicsExpress


(Version 1.1) ATTENTION ALL TEA PARTY VOTERS: Please share and FB Like this post IF YOU AGREE THAT, in an effort to secure a UNITY SLATE of 2016 Republican National Convention nominees, for President of the United States, and also Vice President of the United States, AT LEAST ONE of the two GOP nominees MUST BE ACCEPTABLE TO TEA PARTY CONSERVATIVE VOTERS. Accordingly, there shall be convened in Iowa as a Conservative Voters Pressure Group, during the second week of January, 2016, the 1st Tea Party National Movement Tea Party Presidential Preference Convention, in anticipation of the voting to occur in the first weekend in February, 2016 Iowa Presidential Caucuses. The Tea Party National Assembly and 2016 Presidential Preference Convention, is a Tea Party Conservative Voters Pressure Group, consisting of one Principal Delegate and one Alternate Delegate to be elected during the periodic sessions of a Tea Party Congressional District Caucus (435 voting Floor Delegates plus 435 Alternate Committee voting Delegates), plus two Principal Delegates, and two Alternate Delegates (All floor voting Principal Delagates, Congressional District and State Conference Alternate Delegates, plus the Tea Party Super Delagates, each enjoy full voice and vote in each of the Commttee votes to be taken) shall be elected during the periodic sssions of each of the fifty, Tea Party State Conferences (100 floor voting Principal Delagates and 100 Alternate State Delegates), together with the ex-officio Tea Party Super Delegates (the Super Delegates are all Congressional Tea Party Caucus and/or all State or Local Tea Party member duly sworn Public Officials, and the Tea Party Alternate Super Delegates are all former public servants who are no longer serving in public office and all conservative radio show hosts, with all such Principal Delegates and Alternate Delegates (for IRS regulatory purposes) acting in their personal capacities as a conservative voter exercising their First Amendment Civil Rights of freedom of assembly. Due to IRS prohibitions, those persons officially holding notarized powers of attorney authorizing them to attend the Tea Party National Assembly and 2016 Presidential Convention, as representatives of one of the several 501(c)(4) status National Tea Party Organizations, who are the Officers/Governing Body Members of any National Tea Party Group having 20,000 members or more, are welcomed with a Plenary Session public introduction and are also assigned VIP preferred seating, as Tea Party National Assembly and Presidential Preference Convention, as VIP Credentialed Observers, by reason that the subject matter of this Tea Party mass meeting is an ultra vires violation of 501(c)(4) IRS restrictions and fines against Social Welfare League direct political activities and political endorsements, which Tea Party legitimate pursuits as an independent political organization, not controlled by a political party or any candidates campaign committee, which status is the lawful pursuit of Sec. 527 organizations. The anticipated Convention Committees may include: Convention Organizing and Rules; Tea Party Credentials; National Security-War-and Peace; Terrorism-Crimes Against Humanity-and International Crime Cartels; Free Enterprise-Economic Development-and Jobs Creation; Inflation-Taxation-and Monetary Affairs; Public Lands-Federal Land Development-Nomadic Tribal Eadement-Use of Federal Lands; Native American Tribal Policy; Free Trade-Land Air Rail Sea Ports-Canals-Coastal Waters-Merchant Marine; Fiscal Responsibility-Balanced Budgets-Debt Ceilings-and Deficit Spending; Convention of States and Proposed Constitutional Amendments; Armed Forces-Military Alliances-and State Militia; Public Safety-Law Enforcement-Secure Borders-and Treason; The Judiciary-Administration of Justice-and Arbitration; Immigration-Citizenship-Migrants-Armed Foreign National Invaders, Spies, and Sleeper Cells; State and Federal Legislative Bills and Practices; Civil Rights-Gun Control-9th and 10th Amendment Matters, Crime and Punishment; Transportation Infrastructure-Fuels-and Travel; Print and Broadcast News Media-Propaganda-and Disinformation; Warrantless Spying-Communications and 21st Century Technology; Executive Appontments and Administrative Policy; Creeping Socialism-Progressive Liberals-and the Communist Menace; Health and Wellness; Shrewd Yankee Trader Import-Export Markets; Parks-Recreation, and Professional Sports; In God We Trust and Muslim Sharia Law Dark Ages Practices; Special Committees and Ad Hoc Matters. Matters to be considered in committee must be referred by a Tea Party Congressional District Caucus or by any Tea Party State Conference, or by Petition signed by five hundred Principal, Alternate, or Super Delegate attendees. Proposals will be referred to a committee of germain subject matter. The Delegates shall meet in conference assembled, to address such matters of concern to the Tea Party National Assembly and 2016 Presidential Preference Convention, including as a priority, identifying in Plenary Session, the Magnificent Seven Critical Issues, the opposition to any one of which for the next four years affords any errant and foolish politician voting against any one of these critically vital issues receives the well-earned ongoing wrath, dismay, enmity, and political activism against any politician voting against one of the Tea Partys nationslly identified critically needed issues. The Tea Party National Assembly and Presidential Preference Convention will in addition to its other business, also hear the speeches and views of the 2016 Candidates seeking the Republican nomination for either President, or Vice President, of the United States, desiring to obtain the formal endorsement of the conservative voters of the National Tea Party Movement. The National Tea Party Movements duly endorsed 2016 Principal and Alternate Candidates for President and Vice President of the United States each run in the 2016 GOP primary elections, taking on all comers, none of which will have any real claim to Tea Party voter support. After formally endorsing the Tea Party Principal GOP candidates for President and Vice president, and also the Tea Party endorsed Alternate Candidates for President and Vice President, a NOTICE shall be sent via US Postal Service Certified Mail, to the Republican National Committee, each State Republican Committee, and when chosen, the Chairman of the Republican National Convention, with the Tea Party NOTICE stating that unless the GOP Slate of Candidates includes at minimum, one of the National Tea Party Movements Principal or Alternate prior endorsed Candidates for Presdent or Vice President of the United States, the conservative voters loyal to the National Tea Party Movement will not contribute money to, or vote for, the offensive pair of Moderate-Liberal RINOs on the endorsed Republican slate that are running for President and Vice President. If the GOP insists on snubbing its conservative base of voters, by nominating two Moderate-Liberals for President and Vice President, instead of voting for the endorsed Republican Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates in the 2016 General Election, due to GOP intransigence in snubbing its base of conservative voters, the American Conservative voters that are loyal to the National Tea Party Movement, shall each covenant to vote a write-in ballot in the 2016 General Election, to cast their vote for the National Tea Party Movements Slate of endorsed candidates for President and Vice President of the United States. If the GOP wants to shoot itself in the foot by offending the conservative voters of their own political base when it nominates two RINO Moderate-Liberal candidates at the National Republican Convention, the response of the Natonal Tea Party Movement is, Draw whenever youre ready, Partner.. Unlike spineless RINOS, Tea Party voters, as Precision Thinkers, defy Political Correctness by speaking their minds and then will vote according to the dictates of their conscience without compromise to the Progressive Socialists who are empowering Obamunist Marxist Muslim attacks on the American Super Power leadership of the Free World. As a Political Pressure Group, the National Tea Paty Movement suggests the reasonable accomodation of a GOP UNITY TEAM of at least one 2016 Republicn National Convention nominee for either President or Vice President, to be chosen exclusively from among the field of the previously Tea Party endorsed Principal Candidates, or Allternate Candidates, for President and Vice Presden of the United States, then a Tea Party Electoral College of 535 Presidential and Vice Presidential Electors will receive write-in votes in all 50 states, as the conservative voters choice of Electors for Presden and Vic President if the Unied States, which voting rights are federally guaranteed to American voters pursuant to the plain language of the 14th Amendment, at Section 2. And to these ends, trusting for the protection of Divine Providence, we hereby mutually pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. Judge Reed Chambers II (MO Admin-Elections) National Excutive Director US Tea Party Loyalists Author-Tea Party Battle Plan and Founder: US Tea Party Political Activists National Assembly and its 500+ affiliated state, locality, and affinity Tea Party groups (Become part of the solutions team. 10,000 new members join every six months!)
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 04:39:33 +0000

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