Very Disturbing !“When Delores did not fall, Letalien - TopicsExpress


Very Disturbing !“When Delores did not fall, Letalien immediately shot Delores with the less lethal shotgun at her thigh,” the complaint states. “When once again Delores did not fall or release the letter opener, Letalien shot Delores once again in the other thigh. The second round did knock Delores to the ground but she was able to get back on her feet. Defendants allege that Delores maintained her hand on the letter opener during this time. When Delores turned to walk away from the officers, Letalien shot Delores a third time in the left buttocks with the shotgun. When the third round did not cause Delores to fall, Letalien switched to his Taser and deployed a cartridge with one probe hitting Delores in the back and the other hitting her on her right buttocks. Letalien found this force to be ‘effective’ when she fell to the ground.” [source] Officer Reed then tried to step on her wrist to handcuff her, according to David, breaking it in two places. Thinking she was resisting, Reed Tasered her a second time while on the ground. Doctors later closed a cut on her chin and a gash on her head, requiring 17 staples to repair the damage. After using a great deal of unnecessary violence against her, the police proceeded to further violate the Seyfried’s Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches. Against David’s objections, the police searched their home without consent by declaring “exigent circumstances.” It was after an ambulance transported Dolores to the hospital that they then told David that they had “saved his ass,” ostensibly by violently attacking his confused, disoriented wife. policestateusa/2013/texas-police-shot-tasered-67-year-old-alzheimers-patient-when-she-wouldnt-drop-letter-opener/
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 00:36:34 +0000

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