Very Good Read Please Get to know all about VK Durham such an - TopicsExpress


Very Good Read Please Get to know all about VK Durham such an incredible Lady go to her blog SO.. YOU BEEN WONDERING WHERE THE MONKEY WRENCH GOT LODGED IN THE FINANCIAL DRAW WORKS? IT’S THE CONTRA’S TRYING TO COVER THEIR BACKSIDES AND NOTHING AVAILABLE TO COVER WITH.. [giggle-giggle] Posted on August 4, 2014 by V.K. Durham 2 Comments imperialism & war ABORTING THE “END GAME” OF The Treasury official playing the bankers’ secret End Game was author: Multiple Authors, Gordon Duff, Greg Palast, Tom Flocco, V.K. Durham, Ceo PUBLIC NEED TO KNOW: Hopefully this will be the aborting of the scheduled take-down of the United States Dollar backed by Durham (Intl. Ltd;)Holding Trust, Tias 12087. It is unfortunate Mr. W.J. Clinton, Robert Rubin, Timmothy Giethner, Alan Greenspan, G.H.W. Bush, G.W. Bush, James Brady III, the U.S. Treasury, Bank of England, U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organizations, Al Gore using The Enviormental Protection Agency, the United Nations and etals for such a horrific violation of HUMAN RIGHTS creating global wars to cover their rumps as explained below. V.K. Durham, CEO, Durham Holding Trust Tias 12087 ========================================================================================================= ABORTING THE “END GAME” OF The Treasury officials playing the bankers’ secret End Game was Larry Summers. Today, Summers is Barack Obama’s leading choice for Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, the world’s central bank. If the confidential memo is authentic, then Summers shouldn’t be serving on the Fed, he should be serving hard time in some dungeon reserved for the criminally insane of the finance world. The memos are authentic. gregpalast/larry-summers-and-the-secret-end-game-memo/#more-8455 Which confirms CEO, V.K.Durham, Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 [including why those involved denied the marriage of V.K. Durham and Russell Herman][they forged the wrong signature i.e., Russell Hermans] that which is contained herein. The following article posted by VeteransTodayNews was in error in some vital information to which corrections are made by the CEO, V.K. Durham, Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087. Sunday, November 11, 2012 link to beforeitsnews veteranstoday/2012/01/28/heres-the-deal-fixing-america/ wtsnb.blogspot/ Study this long and hard… they [the CI-Ltd. Contras] were counting on this to bail them out.. IT’S THE CONTRAS GLOBAL S&L TYPE BANKING CRISIS, FELLAS [Laws are made to protect UnAmerican Activity as We the People suffer] By: V.K. Durham Winston Churchill stood on the floor of ENGLAND’S Parliament encouraging all Allies, including the U.S. of A. to back Joe Stalin of Russia in his fight against facist German Troops, and stated: “There is no greater proponent of Communism, than I, Myself” which Roosevelt and others ‘bit’ on that ‘Communist Bait’..and brought about this current UnAmerican Activity..down to the bankrupting of the nation by allowing our National Security to be endangered by sending out U.S. Treasury Plates to the COMMUNIST to print the real U.S. Dollars backed by Gold and Silver..known as THE MORGANTHAUS.. This Banking, Financing and Economic Collapse was planned back years ago when U.S. DOLLAR (SILVER CERTIFICATES & GOLD CERTIFICATES) PLATES were deliberately sent to Russia in the early 1940′s ..see Major Jordans Diaries at .. and took firm hold On June 20, 1951, under Harry S. Truman’s directive establishing the Psychological Strategy Board, Directed to the Secretary of State, The Secretary of Defense, The Director of Central Intelligence ABOUT THE REAGAN CONTRAS: Reagan Doctrine in such hot spots as Nicaragua, Angola, Afghanistan, Cambodia, and Ethiopia. This policy worked well in Afghanistan, where U.S.-backed mujahideen guerrilla fighters inflicted heavy losses on Soviet forces and the Kremlin experienced a Vietnam-style quagmire of its own. In Angola, the anti-communist rebels became a liability for the Reagan administration as they destroyed U.S. oil facilities and accepted support from South Africa’s apartheid regime. Meanwhile, the Angolan government increasingly cooperated with U.S. oil companies and investors. The Reagan Doctrine received the greatest attention in Central America. The United States helped train and equip a 17,000-man Salvadoran army to wage a counterinsurgency against a guerrilla force roughly a quarter its size. The slaughtering of political opponents and a rigged election compelled U.S. officials to install a moderate government that ultimately failed to bring peace or democracy to El Salvador. In Nicaragua, the Reagan White House championed the Contras, who were fighting against the revolutionary socialist Sandinista regime. Reagan likened the Contras to America’s “founding fathers” despite reports of atrocities committed in their name. Washington authorized CIA training for Contras and the construction of military bases in neighboring Honduras to facilitate rebel operations. In 1983 the CIA mined Nicaraguan ports and launched clandestine attacks on oil facilities and airports. Congress suspended military aid to the Contras in 1984, which prompted Reagan officials to explore covert avenues of assistance and to solicit private donations. A preoccupation with applying the Reagan Doctrine to Nicaragua dovetailed with U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. In 1985, White House officials used Israelis as intermediaries to secretly supply military hardware to the Iranian government in the hope of securing the release of fifteen Americans held hostage in the region. This pipeline operated for fourteen months, during which time a few captives were released and other people were kidnapped. In November 1986 the story of the arms-for-hostages deal broke in the American press. President Reagan was compelled to admit to attempts made to influence those whom he called “moderates” in the Iranian government. The Central American connection emerged three weeks later when U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese disclosed that the proceeds from the Iranian arms sales had been clandestinely diverted to the Contras in violation of the 1982 Boland Amendment, which had banned any spending for the overthrow of the Sandinista government. rest of article:¤tSection=1130228&productid=4 Read: HOW THIS GLOBAL FINANCIAL FIASCO BEGAN READ: CHAPTER TWELVE from Major Jordan’s Diaries; Jump to CHAPTER…01 – “Mr. Brown” and the Start of a Diary02 - The “Bomb Powder” Folders03 – We Move to Montana04 – How My Alaskan Report Helped the Russians05 – The Black Suitcases06 – Don’t Make a Big Production07 – The Story of Heavy Water08 – A Look at Lend- Lease09 – The Greatest Mail-Order Catalogue in History10 – My Visit to the State Department in 194411 – The Priest Who Confronted Stalin12 – How Russia Got U.S. Treasury Plates13 – The Broadcast Goes on Tonight14 – Clouds of Witnesses15 – Conclusion Back to How Wars Are MADE | Issues index | Sweet Liberty HOME PAGE From Major Jordan’s Diaries CHAPTER TWELVE How Russia Got U.S. Treasury Plates I returned to Great Falls, for the first time as an Army Officer, on June 13th, since I had just been replaced by Lieutenant George Walewski Lashinski. I was due to speak in Omaha on the 16th, and this was my last chance to say good-by to my friends, including Colonel Kotikov. article: This will give you an idea as to what is going on with these ‘gangster’ Banks: Clearstream Banking S.A. (CB) is the clearing division, based in Luxembourg, of Deutsche Börse. It was created in January 2000 through the merger of Cedel International and Deutsche Börse Clearing, part of the Deutsche Börse Group, which owns the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Cedel, established in 1971, specialized in clearance and settlement. In 1996 it obtained a bank license. In July 2002 Deutsche Börse purchased the remaining 50% of Clearstream International for €1.6 billion. Deutsche Börse’s strategy is to be a vertical securities silo, providing facilities for the front and back ends of securities trading. By 2004 Clearstream contributed €114 million to Deutsche Börse’s total Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) of €452.6 million. It handled 50 million transactions, and was custodian of securities worth € 7,593 trillion. In Révélation$ (2001), by investigative reporter Denis Robert and ex-Clearstream banker Ernest Backes, Clearstream was accused of being an international platform for money laundering and tax evasion via an illegal system of secret accounts (the “Clearstream Affair”). In Spring 2004, a “Second Clearstream Affair” began, which attracted more attention in 2006. Peripheral to the primary Clearstream Affair, it accused several French political figures, industrial leaders, and members of the secret services of maintaining secret accounts at Clearstream, which allegedly were used to transfer kickbacks in a France–Taiwan frigates scandal. source: Read this; WHEN THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WAKE UP-2008 By V.K. Durham First written: 5/13/05 JANUARY 31, 2008 Read: In 2000, the year in which a young graduate called Jérôme Kerviel took a lowly job behind the scenes at Société Générale, many people doubted that his new boss, Daniel Bouton, would be able to maintain the French bank’s independence for long. EDITOR’S CHOICE Lex: Bidding for SocGen – Jan-29 In depth: SocGen scandal – Jan-24 Further revelations dent SocGen’s reputation – Jan-28 Hostile bidders would confront sharp obstacles – Jan-28 Fictional contracts kept Kerviel in his job – Jan-28 Bank’s version of events raises questions – Jan-28 The year before, the SocGen chairman and chief executive had tried to buy Paribas, a French competitor. However, this friendly alliance had been unsoldered by a hostile bid for both companies by BNP, a French rival. Michel Pébereau, BNP’s boss, succeeded in tearing Paribas out of Mr Bouton’s grasp – and narrowly missed out on conquering SocGen. The creation of BNP Paribas had left the bullet-headed, blue-eyed Mr Bouton facing claims that SocGen had been left without a strategy and would fall prey to a bigger bank. But Mr Bouton and his colleagues went on to prove the doubters wrong for the best part of a decade. Exploiting the French educational system’s talent for producing exceptional mathematicians, SocGen built a world- class equity derivatives business. Specialising in complex bets on market movements, this division was so profitable that Mr Bouton could convincingly argue that size was not everything in banking and that SocGen could remain aloof from consolidation. This strategy began to look less compelling at 8am Paris time on Thursday. That was when the bank revealed that €4.9bn ($7.2bn)had been lost because of unauthorised trading that it blamed on a rogue trader, later identified as Mr Kerviel, alongside a €2bn hit from the US mortgage crisis. Less than a decade after it escaped BNP’s grasp, SocGen’s independence is now the subject of renewed speculation, while the 57-year-old Mr Bouton’s reputation for odds- defying leadership is gravely damaged . Unlike Mr Kerviel, Mr Bouton arrived at SocGen with a swagger. The French like to call it entering “par la grande porte”, or “through the main door”. Mr Bouton gained a degree in political science and his agile brain won him entry to the elite Ecole Nationale d’Administration. After graduating from Ena, he was reputed to have been the youngest ever member of the Inspection Générale des Finances when he entered this elite corps of civil servants in the early 1970s, before progressing to such plum jobs as running the ministerial cabinet of Alain Juppé. Having shone in the public sector, Mr Bouton attracted the attention of Marc Viénot, a fellow énarque who had led SocGen through its privatisation in 1987. Mr Bouton left the ministry of finance to join SocGen in 1991, becoming chief executive in 1993 and then adding the title of chairman in 1997 as Mr Viénot gave up his executive duties. Mr Bouton’s professional style is more self-contained and shy than that of his debonair and languid predecessor. However, his hobbies are convivial – fine wine, cigars, golf, opera – and his guests eat well at the bank’s executive dining room, located high in one of the skyscrapers SocGen occupies on the outskirts of Paris. (One of the ways in which the bank differentiates itself from BNP is through architecture – BNP Paribas’ bankers are housed in low-slung buildings in the centre of town; Mr Bouton even said once that he fancied being an architect if he had not been a banker.) rest of article: ft/cms/s/0/00d5a556-cb61-11dc-97ff- 000077b07658.html Read this: BNP/SocGen 01 Feb 2008 BNP Paribas mulls SocGen bid The Wall Street Journal Investors on Thursday bid up Société Générale amid increasing talk that France’s largest bank, BNP Paribas, could launch a takeover bid for the scandal-hit bank. Sources said BNP is holding internal discussions over whether to resuscitate long-standing interest in buying its Paris rival. If BNP goes ahead with a bid, analysts have projected that SocGen could fetch between €85 and €111 a share in a sale that would total nearly $51bn (€75.8bn). SocGen stock price rose 1.7% to €83.20 ($123.81). The stock has climbed 17% this week amid increased takeover speculation – even though chairman Daniel Bouton has said he intends to fight for the bank’s independence. SocGen is understood to have hired Merrill Lynch and Rothschild to advise on defence strategies, in addition to JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley, which are handling a €5.5bn ($8.2bn) emergency rights issue. Any offer for SocGen will have to wait until the middle of next week, as the Bank of France requires eight working days’ notice before any bid is made for a French bank. Investors gave the news a cool response as BNP shares fell 1.5%, valuing its equity at €59.6bn. Sources say Barclays and HSBC are too stretched to contemplate any move for SocGen, while Unicredit is still integrating its recent purchase of Capitalia. A spokesman for Santander said the bank is not interested in SocGen. Potential suitors may also have been put off by BNP’s interest and the French government’s perceived hostility to foreign takeovers. Please read this: Friends of Saddam The UN Oil for Food Scandal (UNSCAM), Saddam, his many Global Friends, and other UN Scandals acepilots/unscam/archives/002006.html this: The BNP Paribas Watch - – from Inner City Press Click here for Inner City Press front page Click here for media reports Click here of ICP Predatory Bender For or with more information, contact us. Updated June 5, 2006 On May 14, 2004, Inner City Press / Community on the Move and the Fair Finance Watch (together, “ICP”) filed a ten-page comment opposing the proposal by BNP Paribas and its Bank of the West to acquire Community First National Bank and expand BNP’s business practices into ten more states. ICP’s timely comments, summarized below, have been filed with the U.S. Federal Reserve Board in Washington, and with the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. See also, “Watchdog Challenges Community First Merger: Consumer Group Seeks Fed Hearing on Minority Loans,” by Bob Mook, The Coloradoan, May 18, 2004. In this space, we will continue running updates. For or with more information, contact us. Update of June 5, 2006: Thwarted in its attempt to buy Russian Standard Bank in 2004, BNP Paribas announced plans to spend $700 million between 2006 and 2012 developing a network of 150 branches in Russia’s major cities and the all-important Moscow region. For or with more information, contact us. Inner City Press Bank Beat Archive 2003-2004 Click here to see ICP’s current Bank Beat Welcome to Inner City Press’ Bank Beat. We aim to scrutinize the industry, from high to low. Our other Reporters cover Community Reinvestment, the Federal Reserve, and other beats. ICP has published a (double) book about the Bank Beat-relevant topic of predatory lending – click here for sample chapters, an interactive map, and ordering information. The Washington Post of March 15, 2004, calls Predatory Bender: America in the Aughts “the first novel about predatory lending;” the London Times of April 15, 2004, “A Novel Approach,” said it “has a cast of colorful characters.” See also, “City Lit: Roman a Klepto [Review of Predatory Bender],” by Matt Pacenza, City Limits, Sept.-Oct. 2004. The Pittsburgh City Paper says the 100-page afterword makes the “indispensable point that predatory lending is now being aggressively exported to the rest of the globe.” Click here for that review; click here to Search This Site . The New York Times Meanwhile, European Union regulators have warned the French government against trying to protect SocGen from foreign suitors. “In previous banking cases, we made it quite clear that the government should not interfere by putting their national companies first,” Charlie McCreevy, the European Union’s internal markets commissioner, said on Thursday. financialnews-us:80/?contentid=2449704631&page=uspressdigest&m=98169MzM3NDM3OjI3NDYyNjoxNjMxMA%3D%3D NOW READ ABOUT MR. CHURCHILL AND OTHERS..KNOWN AS “THE CONTRAS” google/search?ie=ISO-8859+1&safe=off&as_qdr=all&q=THERE+IS+NO+GREATER+PROPONENT+OF+COMMUNISM+THAN+I+MYSELF&sa=Search&num=50&
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 04:19:49 +0000

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