Very Interesting this Eblast email and a respond from one of the - TopicsExpress


Very Interesting this Eblast email and a respond from one of the LEP-P AFA S-CO. CEO Smisek Is Mismanaging United Airlines Author: Joint Communication Committee Last week, United CEO Jeff Smisek issued a press release, bemoaning the low profits of his past quarter, and outlining his plans to raise his companys bottom line in the coming year. Its no secret that Smiseks performance as CEO is under fire, as United investors pressure him to produce results. His plan is to increase efficiency throughout the airline. This is his “tactful” way of saying cutbacks and furloughs. Its already come to light that Smisek is calling to raise the number of voluntary furloughs on the s-UA to 1950. CEO Smisek is mismanaging United Airlines, and is expecting us to bear the brunt of his failures and shortcomings. Smisek’s other plans include introducing more fees for ancillary services for passengers in an attempt to raise revenue. The flying public is already sick and tired of being buried underneath mountains of hidden fees, but United’s CEO believes that piling on even more is the solution to his problems. We should be working to attract more customers, rather than driving away those that we already have. He is making his mess worse, rather than working to fix it, and we can be certain that he will do everything in his power to ensure that it is we the Flight Attendants who suffer the consequences of his poor decisions. In this moment, it is crucial that our voices be heard, and that we do everything we can to place the responsibility and blame where it belongs: in the lap of CEO Jeff Smisek. Flight Attendants are working tirelessly to create the greatest flying experience that we possibly can for our customers, even while management works to undermine us at every step. Uniteds financial results affect us all. If the company is doing well, then it strengthens our bargaining position at the negotiating table; a bigger pie means that everyone gets a bigger piece. In the context of negotiation, we often think of management as the opposition, but it is crucially important for our livelihoods that the people administering the company perform their job well. Jeff Smisek is failing to meet anyone’s standards, and we will not, and cannot allow him to project his incompetence onto us. This past week, United Flight Attendants across the system joined together with the Teamsters Union for informational picketing. It’s important to maintain solidarity not just within the Flight Attendant community, but throughout all labor groups working for United. We are all part of the same working family, and working together in support of one another will benefit us all. Negotiations will resume the first week of December. We are hopeful that the New Year will bring with it significant progress toward our Join Respond from Manny Mirales S-CO AFA LEC-P Manny Mireles Sisters and Brothers, As the President representing 4,000 members at CALAFA, I am calling on the point man in our JNC, Greg Davidowitch, and anyone on our JNC who agrees with the issuance of the latest email blast, to step down. The latest email blast, as seen on, is outside of the scope and job classification of a Negotiators role. Its Council 64s opinion that while there are serious issues with management that require our attention, our JNC leaders should put down the hammer and pick up a phone or a pen. They should be focused on creating the proposals and results we all deserve, rather than creating sound bites. We have more than one leader in our Union and the JNC should leave the battle cries and pitchforks, to those who dont have the duty to walk into a room ( in two days ) and face the company you just publicly slammed. Quite frankly, the Update seems to have more to do with the fate of sUA membership, and even the state of their current counter proposal to an sUA Crossover agreement than it has with the state of negotiations. These negotiations are about more than sUNITED. They are about three airlines, three cultures and a group of people who have done better collectively than any ONE group. In Solidarity, Manny Mireles
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 22:45:48 +0000

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