** Very Special and Happy Announcement** Some of you may - TopicsExpress


** Very Special and Happy Announcement** Some of you may remember Steel from a few months ago. Steel was the self-taught service dog for a blind Vietnam War Veteran who had to surrender him as his health had deteriorated and he had to go into a hospice. Steel had special significance as his name was made up from the letters of two of his comrades who didnt make it. Steel did have some health issues such as skin and issues with his hind legs when he was surrendered to the pound. But instead of simply writing Steel off they did their upmost to find him rescue and Steel joined us. All too often pound staff are labelled as heartless and uncaring. The bad stories make social media - but the good stories when pound and shelter staff go above and beyond does not make social media headlines and their efforts go unnoticed so we would like to acknowledge the very lovely lady who runs the pound where Steel was surrendered for all that she has done for Steel and for following his progress since he came to us. A very lovely young couple called Liz and Rheinhold hearing of Steels story immediately offered to foster him and make him part of their family and I am very pleased to say he is now a permanent addition to their family and they will be adopting him. It has not always been easy for them with Steel - he had a period of adjustment and they have worked through his issues. We will also be paying for Steel to have a salvage surgery on his hip next year. For those who are wondering there will be a reunion between Steel and his former owner which will be arranged. Those who take on a rescue dog are very special. Those who take on a rescue dog with significant medical issues are even more special but most of all we are so proud to have helped a man who sacrificed his health for his country and to take care of his beloved dog who gave meaning to his life. The German Shepherd, To Care for One is an Honour, To Rescue is a Privilege
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 10:17:32 +0000

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