Very brief update more later. We successfully siezed the town - TopicsExpress


Very brief update more later. We successfully siezed the town hall in Glastonbury this evening after a heated council meeting. Police later arrived and then left agreeing that we were doing nothing unlawful, six of them attended the scene. We could have remained there without a problem but we would have inconvenienced the kindly caretaker, so we decided to leave of our own volition. It was all videos so it will be uploaded later. Article 61 works and all we need to do is use it peacefully. I have demanded an interview with the local police inspector which has been logged by our cameras and by the police. He has been ignoring my emails and failed to pass out the information to his constables that I sent him about Article 61 and the nice treaty, when he faithfully promised to do so. Thanks to the half dozen or so people who bothered to turn up and assist in the seizure you are truly my brothers and sisters, namaste. Obviously the video will take just a short time to upload but am relying on my good friends the two debbies, to do this...they stayed throughout so will be tired no doubt, I expect the vid to be up by Thursday? anyway... It was an interesting event to say the least. Some of the councillors actually laughed when I stated that I was seizing the building under Article 61, they wont be laughing very soon as we publicly expose each and everyone of them for their criminality and, some of them whom have ties to corporations and the local freemasons. We are going to flyer the whole town again to use up the excess leaflets we have and included will be a statement about their so called representatives in the local council who will not abide by constitutional law (except maybe around 3/4 out of the dozen or so I speculate?). We have had enough now and mean business, We have the building regardless of the fact that we left to save causing the caretaker a loss, We can resieze the building if necessary but we have made our point. It depends on what Inspector Nicholson (Wells constabulary) does next. I demand an interview with him which will be recorded. If no interview is forthcoming then there will be more direct action to come. We also demand to know where each of the councillors stand on the EU and the pending occupation on November 1st. The meeting starts with the public who have a 3 minute slot to make a point or ask a question. 5 of us took the stand individually. Eddy (who is even more confrontaational than me) started out demanding to know where each councillor stands, he had previously kept up the demand from the last meeting emailing them with ultimatums. The town mayor Jim Barron would not respond to his questions and stated that they were going to make a statement later in the meeting. Sandy went next with a heartfelt plea over Agenda 21 and the Nice treaty, she met the same response. Dave went next ticking off the concillors for not providing any answers to our earlier questions as to where they stand and what they are going to do about it. He is a well spoken gent and local businessman, and a good friend. I was up next and reminded them that they had been fully informed of the facts and the invocation of Article 61over two and a half months and, that I had even given them an extra week to provide this information of each of their standing positions on Article 61and that, despite repeated attempts I had received no information whatsoever. I cannot remember exactly what was said, the video will show that anyway, I informed them that I was seizing the building under article 61 but that I would hear their statement also. The siezure was still in force from that moment as they had not remained honourable and were just talking bs i.e we dont have a constitution and that it was unlawful to stand under arrticle 61...the mayor is not a friend of the people he is a corporate puppet and probably a freemason. Our gary went next and made another heartfelt plea for these people to stand with us and to declare the whole town in lawful rebellion....later when the mayor asked what we wanted them to do, we said to stand under article 61.... there was another heated debate between the mayor and I later as I informed them that they ALL have a duty to uphold British constitutional law. The meeting closed after about two and a half hours we remained, the councillors escaped to a private meeting between themselves and we were asked to leave by a total tosser I understand to be the Mace carrier? I told him that I had seized the building and that we were not leaving. The caretaker (Les), a real nice chap also asked us to leave but agreed to call the cops after we instructed him to do so.... about 45 minutes later a couple of PSCOs arrived to check out the situation, they immediately stood under their oaths and sat and listened quite friendly. They got the gist and radioed for more senior constables to attend the scene. Six more cops came a short time later and heard our complaint. They agreed that we were doing nothing unlawful and that we had seized the building and could remain but, at the expense of the caretaker who obviously wanted to go home at some point. They left after we had discussed the matter (all videoed) and we discussed between ourselves our next move. We decided that to cause Les loss of his freedom to go home as he would have to remain there with us if we were going too remain would not be an honourable way to proceed, especially as Les is a very friendly and easy going chap. We had made our point and decided that we can simple reseize the building with more impetus if required. I want to speak with a senior constable and secure a trial by jury for the criminality committed against me in the past by police, court staff and, I will prove the crime of treason at common law has and is being committed, an unproven claim as nobody can get such a case to a court. I will ONLY accept a properly convened court de jure for ANY hearing under common law ONLY. A trial of that nature would put a hold on the Nice treaty, as the Nice treaty is a civil affair whereas the matter of treason is criminal. A civil affair MUST be put on hold when their is a connected criminal matter to be dealt with first. The evidence of treason is overwhelming its an easy claim to prove under the judgement of a properly convened jury. I have now proven that Article 61 works, it is an unassailable method of dissent. I first proved this in 2012 when the so called courts backed off as did the police over alleged traffic offences. Ho many people do you know who have told the so called courts to bugger off and to stick their £1000.00 fine where the sun dont shine and get away with it? Now we have proven that Article 61 works when seizing property like the town hall, we could do the same with the council buildings there is no difference really. It would likely be a battle to take parliament however. Article 61 cannot be denied to have been invoked and, anyone who claims that we dont have a constitution will be deemed as crazy as the flat earth society members as the truth unfolds. The use of this clause is very powerful at this time but not for ,much longer people... it can be used for anything from council tax to speeding fines. Just stop consenting to their threats as they are empty when you employ Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 and declare yourself in lawful rebellion. Use it or lose it folks!!
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 14:18:49 +0000

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