Very few people want to go through a sanctification process to get - TopicsExpress


Very few people want to go through a sanctification process to get healing. Much like we go to a Doctor to get a pill, because we want instant healing. We can lose our healing when we do not deal with the root causes of our sickness. ...Most, if not all medications simply deal with the symptoms, not with the causes. We run away from personal responsibility. We want quick, simply, easy fixes. ...Sin-based theology is often condemned. But, when we learn about sin, we learn about an ANSWER to a problem. ...Those who are afraid of sin today, do not understand Gods heart. Do not understand what God did for us. Do not understand how much He loves us. They have almost always created a big, bad God of the Old Testament, and a newer, kinder version in the New Testament. They do not understand the love of God that created the Scriptures for us. They look at the law as a nasty, mean, dirty thing that only kills, brings death, and sin - misunderstanding the meaning of those verses... Do you want to have your ears tickled, or do you want the TRUTH, the hard answers? If you start teaching repentance, most churches will reject it. Beware when there is 95% right and 5% wrong. That 5% will pollute the whole bag. Satan will always try to counterfeit the most important truths. The more intensely we try to figure it all out, the more easily we go to an extreme, and imbalance. Going into Satans side, causing fear, overwhelming regrets, condemnation, guilt-trips, shame, sorrows that lead to death, not to repentance... (Or, in trying to avoid these, our own way, we give false assurance and false answers also.) Any good thing, truth, goal ... can be taken too far. E.g. Causing me to try to do it myself, apart from Christ. Be faithful with the little things we know to do. Do not get overwhelmed by the BIG stuff, that we do not know the answers to! Rest in, Trust in, Rely on God and let Him be God, not you. ~ Please listen to the entire Tuesday morning session~ at least. From the Wellspring Ministries link below. ~ Jesus ~ “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because He anointed Me to preach the GOSPEL to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives, and the recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord. Luke 4:18,19
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 20:45:42 +0000

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