Very good. :) If I may add to it, I pick Habakkuk 1 :) , “Why do - TopicsExpress


Very good. :) If I may add to it, I pick Habakkuk 1 :) , “Why do You show me iniquity, and cause me to see trouble? For plundering and violence are before me; there is strife, and contentions arise. Therefore the law is powerless, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked SURROUND the righteous; therefore perverse judgment proceeds.” Sp makes this remark “It is noteworthy how the belief of one of the Doctrines of Grace naturally leads to the belief of all the rest. The system of the Gospel is so logical, its Truths fit so well into one another, that you cannot get a right knowledge of one of them without, at once, or in a very short time, discovering the others! The Lord begins by teaching us His foundation Truth of our utter depravity, and He knows right well that the other doctrines will follow and that, when this Truth is really understood by us, it shall not be long before we have orthodox views of the whole Covenant of Grace and the great system of the Gospel of Jesus!” Sp thinks that when the Lord reveals to us iniquity, it is to put us on our watchtower. The Lord often shows us iniquity for this reason also—to make us value salvation all the more! All these things are matters of the HEART. It is the heart experience of all true believers to shun evil and cling to what is good!!! To know the plague of the human heart is to be aware of the essential thing that makes us to differ from unbelievers! The sight of iniquity has made us wiser, more cautious, more prudent, more humble, more affectionate—and made us more firm in our belief in our Savior than we had ever been before! Is this not so? We have grown STRONG by these griefs! (Well, some of us :) ). God sometimes allows us to see the sins of others, to teach us to admire His Sovereignty which plucked us as brands from the burning. We look at our neighbors and see them drinking down sin as a greedy ox drinks down water, and we say, “What has made us to differ from them?” Grace—Free Grace. And then we ask, “Why has Grace come to us, and not to them? Why have these favors been given to us?” And we are obliged to say, with Christ, “Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in Your sight.” (Well, again, some of us anyway :) ). So, I think a Christian in the Church of Christ is not a thing to be wondered at so much. The Sovereignty of God is not so much seen among the righteous by themselves as it is when we find the Christians growing up amid the bushes and brambles of an ungodly world—and proving themselves to be “blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation.” :) Whoever noticed glowworms in the daytime? But, in the night, you will see them SHINING!!! :D And that right brilliantly 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999...% of the time!!!!!!!!!! :D (y) When he is in good company, is a blessed man and great instance of Divine Love—but when, in the order of Providence, he is put into a dark place where there is little of Gospel Light and Truth—then it is that his lamp begins to be most useful and he is MORE NOTICED than he ever was before. Have you noticed being noticed so much more? :) God shows us the sin of our fellow men, that we may set more earnestly to work, and that we may be the means of saving souls and extending the Kingdom of Righteousness. Finally, “The question is, Why does the Lord show us iniquity? I will give you the right answer. It is in order that He may DELIVER *us* from it”!!!!! :)
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 11:16:56 +0000

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