Very important questions 1. Which among the following kings was - TopicsExpress


Very important questions 1. Which among the following kings was also known as Mamallan (great wrestler)? [A]Pulakesi II [B]Mahendravarman I [C]Narasimhavarman I [D]None of the above Ans - c 2. Which among the following is the correct set of the plays written by Harshavardhan in Sanskrit? [A]Malavikagnimitram,Vikramorvashiiyam and Abhijñanasakuntalam [B]Svapna Vasavadattam, Pancharatra and Pratijna Yaugandharayaanam [C]Nagananda, Priyadarshika and Ratnavali. [D]None of these. Answer: Nagananda, Priyadarshika and Ratnavali. Explanation: 3. Where and when was the second Buddhist council held? [A]Patliputra in 250 B.C. [B]Sri Lanka in 1st century B.C. [C]Vaishali in 383 B.C. [D]Mandalay in 1871 A.D. Answer: Vaishali in 383 B.C. Explanation: 4. Who among the following succeeded Samudragupta as the next ruler of Gupta Dynasty ? [A]Chandragupta II [B]Chandragupta I [C]Vishnugupta [D]Mahendra Answer: Chandragupta II Explanation: 5. As per Asoka’s inscriptions, which among the following place was declared tax free and proclaimed only 1/8th part as taxable? [A]Kushinagar [B]Lumbini [C]Kathmandu [D]Sarnath Answer: Lumbini Explanation: 6. Which among the following places have given the earliest evidence of agriculture in Indian subcontinent? [A]Pratapgarh [B]Mehrgarh [C]Quetta [D]Kalat Answer: Mehrgarh Explanation: 7. Which among the following Vakataka ruler performed all the seven sacrifices viz. Agnishtoma, Aptoryama, Ukthya, Shodasin, Atiratra, Vajapeya, Brihaspatisava, Sadyaskra and four Asvamedhas ? [A]Rudrasena-I [B]Pravarsena-I [C]Prithvisena-I [D]Narendrasena-I Ans-B 8. Who among the following was the 23rd Jain Tirthankara ? [A]Nemi Natha [B]Mahavira [C]Parshvanath [D]Malinath Answer: Parshvanath 9. The Satapatha Brahmana and Taitriya Brahmana are the Brahmana texts of ___: [A]Rigveda [B]Yajurveda [C]Samaveda [D]Atharavaveda Answer: Yajurveda Explanation: 10. Which among the following is the most unique feature of Dholavira site of the Indus Valley Civilization? [A]Its cities were horizontally divided in multiple parts [B]Its cities were unevenly divided [C]Its cities were divided into 2 parts [D]None of these Answer: Its cities were divided into 2 parts Explanation: 11. Which among the following Kushana king adopted the epithet Dharma-thida? [A] Vima Kadaphises [B] Kuzul Kadaphises [C] Kanishka the Great [D] Huvishka Hide Answer Answer: Kuzul Kadaphises Explanation: Kuzul Kadaphises (or Kadphises I) was the founder of kushanas dynasty. Kujula known to have assumed in his coins the epithets Dharma-thida and Sacha-dharma-thita which evidently refer to his adherence to the Buddhist and Saiva faiths. 12. Which among the following Gupta emperors called himself “Lichchhavi-dauhitra”? [A] Shrigupta [B] Chandragupta I [C] Chandragupta II [D] Samudragupta Hide Answer Answer: Samudragupta Explanation: Chandragupta-I married the daughter of Licchhavis, a royal influential family .His son and successor Samudragupta calls himself Lichchavi-dauhitra the son of the daughter of the Lichchavis. 13. In Pali texts, who among the following is referred to as Nigantha N?taputta? [A] Gautam Buddha [B] Mahavira [C] Parshvanatha [D] Rishabha Hide Answer Answer: Mahavira Explanation: Nigantha N?taputta refers to Mahavira. A Nirgrantha refers to Jains. A person who has attained kevalya can be a nirgrantha. 14. At which among the following sites of Indus Valley Civilization, the rows of distinctive fire altars with provision of ritual bathing have been found ? [A] Mohen-jo-daro [B] Harappa [C] Kalibangan [D] Lothal Hide Answer Answer: Kalibangan Explanation: Kalibangan – is an archaeological site where Ploughed Field, Bones of Camel, Circular and Rectangular Graves, distinctive fire (Vedic ) altars with provision of ritual bathing have been found. 15. The earliest evidence of rice cultivation comes from which among the following valleys? [A] Central Ganga Valley [B] Belan Valley [C] Gomal Valley [D] Bolan Valley Hide Answer Answer: Belan Valley Explanation: Belan Valley, Allahabad is one of the regions the earliest evidence of rice cultivation has come. 16. The inscriptions of Ashoka and the Brahmi script were deciphered by ___? [A] Alexander Cunningham [B] James Princep [C] Max Muller [D] Mortimer Wheeler Hide Answer Answer: James Princep Explanation: James Princep (1799-1840) was an English scholar, orientalist and antiquary. He was the founding editor of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal and is best remembered for deciphering the Kharosthi and Brahmi scripts of ancient India. He was the first to decipher the inscriptions of Ashoka and the Brahmi script. 17. Which among the following is a Tamil grammatical treatise ? [A] Pattupattu [B] Ettutogai [C] Silappadikaram [D] Tolkappiam Answer: Tolkappiam Explanation: The Tolkappiyam is a work on the grammar of the Tamil language It is written in the form of short formulaic compositions and comprises three books – the Ezhuttadikaram, the Solladikaram and the Poruladikaram.It deals with orthography, phonology, morphology, semantics, prosody and the subject matter of literature. 18. Veda which is partly in prose and partly in verses is ___ ? [A] Rigveda [B] Samaveda [C] Yajurveda [D] Atharvaveda Answer: Yajurveda Explanation: Adhyayas of Yajur Veda, made up partly of verses and partly of prose, contain a number of prayers and sacrificial formulae. Extensive details for carrying out different sacrifices are given in the chapters of the Yajur Veda. 19. Which of the following Chola kings was the first to capture Maldives ? [A] Rajaraja [B] Rajendra I [C] Rajadhiraja [D] Rajendra II Answer: Rajaraja Explanation: Rajaraja Chola I laid the foundation for the growth of the Chola kingdom into an empire, by conquering the kingdoms of southern India and the Chola Empire expanded as far as Sri Lanka in the south, and Kalinga (Orissa) in the northeast. He conquered Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Sumatra and other places in Malay Peninsula. The naval conquest of the ‘old islands of the sea numbering 12,000’, the Maldives marked one of the conquests of Rajaraja. Rajaraja I built a strong navy with the aim of controlling the sea. 20. Who among the following authors is known for his satires exposing the evils of contemporary society ? [A] Ksemendra [B] Pravarsena [C] Sriharsa [D] Visakhadutta Answer: Ksemendra Explanation: Kshemendra was a Kashmirian poet of the 11th century, writing in Sanskrit.In his most of the works like ‘Kalavilas’, ‘Narma Mala’ describes the inner weakness of man and society and the corrupt official machinery of those times.In his one of the work ‘Samaya Matrika’ ,he depicted super seductress ‘Kankali’ character By depicting it ,he wishes to reform the degradation in the society. In short Ksemendra had chosen the vehicle of satire. 21. Among the five monolithic rathas of Pallavas at Mahabalipuram, the largest is ___? [A] Arjuna [B] Bhima [C] Dharmaraja [D] Draupadi Answer: Dharmaraja Explanation: Mahabalipuram Temples: Pallava dynasty: The five monolithic rathas are square or oblong in plan, pyramidal in elevation and varying in their overall dimensions. the Dharmaraja ratha constructed in Pallava style is the largest of all, having huge pillats in the portico with statue of lions, pyramidal tower and turret roof. 22. Who among the following was the first Satavahana King to introduce the Ruler’s head on the coins ? [A] Satkarni I [B] Gautamiputra Satkarni [C] Vasishthiputra Pulumavi [D] Yajna Satakarni Answer: Satkarni I Explanation: . Satavahana dynasty ruled from Pune in Maharastra to Coastal Andhra Pradesh in the 2nd century BC onwards.The coins issued by Satavahanas had Bilingual legends. The name of the Kings was mentioned in Prakrit as well as some south Indian Language. Satavahana Kings promoted Buddhism. Satkarni I was the first Satavahana King to introduce the Ruler’s head on the coins. 23. Which of the following parts were situated on the west coast of South India ? 1. Kaveripattanam 2. Korkai 3. Musiri 4. Tondi Choose the correct answer from the codes given below. [A] 1, 2 [B] 2, 3 [C] 3, 4 [D] 2, 3, 4 Answer: 3, 4 Explanation: Musiri and Tondi were situated on the west coast of South India. 24. Which one of the following places was a mint centre of the Yaudheyas ? [A] Bayana [B] Rohtak [C] Bareilly [D] Mathura Answer: Rohtak Explanation: The sacred town of Rohtak, also called Rohtak or mint of the Yaudheyas . Note : Karttikeya was the principal deity of the Yaudheyas. Very important questions Ancient Indian History Series#33 Posted on September 22, 2013 by Team Examsbook in GK Question Bank, History, IB // 0 Comments Very important questions Ancient Indian History GK for Bank PO , IBPS , Bank Clerical Exams, SBI,IAS, RAS, UPSC, SSC Tier-1 and all other exams 25. Who among the following was the ruler of Kanchi during the time of Samudragupta ? [A] Hastivarman [B] Mantaraja [C] Nilaraja [D] Vishnugopa Answer: Vishnugopa Explanation: King Vishnugopa (Pallava dynasty ) of Kanchi is mentioned in the list of rulers of the South defeated by Samudra Gupta. It is mentioned in the Allahabad Pillar inscription of Samudra Gupta. 26. Who among the following is known to have performed four Asvamedha sacrifices ? [A] Pushyamitra Sunga [B] Pravarasena I [C] Samudragupta [D] Nandivarman Pallavamalla Answer: Pravarasena I Explanation: Vakataka Dynasty : 3rd Century -5th Century AD. They were the most important after the fall of Satavahanas and before the rise of Chalukyas and they ruled in Modern Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.power They were contemporary of Guptas.The dynasty was founded by Vindhyashakti. Pravarasena I was the real founder of Vakataka empire.He performed four Asvamedha Yajnas. 27. In which of the following inscriptions Ashoka made his famous declaration, “All men are my children”? [A] Minor Rock Edict (Ahraura) [B] Pillar Edict VII [C] Lumbini Pillar Edict [D] Separate Kalinga Rock Edict I Answer: Separate Kalinga Rock Edict I Explanation: Separate Edicts: They were found at sites in Kalinga »Separate Edict I : Asoka declared all people are my sons »Separate Edict II: proclamation of edicts even to a single person. 28. The beneficiaries of Asoka’s donations in the region of Barabar Hill were__? [A] Buddhists [B] Ajivikas [C] Svetambar Jains [D] Digambar Jains Answer: Ajivikas Explanation: The Edicts of Asoka are a collection of 33 inscriptions on the Pillars of Asoka. The one of the Edict of Asoka is “Barbara cave Inscription : giving away the Barbara cave to Ajivika sect. Dasharataha is known to have gifted the Nagarjuni hills to Ajivikas. 29. Who identified “Sandrokottus” of the Greco-Roman literature with Chandragupta Maurya ? [A] D. R. Bhandarkar [B] Alexander Cunningham [C] R. P. Chanda [D] William Jones Answer: William Jones Explanation: i. Maurya Empire was the first and one of the greatest empire to be established in Indian history by Chandragupta Maurya. ii. He dethronged the last Nanda ruler Dhananand and occupied Patliputra in 322 BC with the help of Kautilya(Chankya). iii. In 305 BC ,he defeated Selecus Nikator ,who was one of the generals of Alexander The Great (Greek ruler). iv. He is also well-known in the Greek texts as – Sandro Kottus, Androcottus, Sandokyptos. 30. Rulers of which of the following dynasties maintained diplomatic relations with distant countries such as Syria in the West ? [A] Maurya [B] Gupta [C] Pallava [D] Chola Answer: Maurya Explanation: »Mauryan Emperor Bindusara had friendly relations with the Greek King Antiochos-I of Syria. Deimachos was a Syrian Ambassador who came in the court of Bindusara. »Mauryan Emperor Ashoka the Great: In his rock edict 13th mentions the names of 5 Hellenic kings– Antiochus II of Syria, Ptolemy II of Egypt, Antigonus of Messedonia, Magas of Syrina, Alexander of Epirus .He sent missionaries to all of them. »This shows that Mauryan dynasty maintained the diplomatic relations with distant countries like Syria in the West. 31. Who among the following was the author of Abhidhamma treatise Kathavatthu? [A] Mah-a kassapa [B] Mahinda [C] Milinda [D] Moggaliputta Tissa. Answer: Moggaliputta Tissa Explanation: The Abhidhamma treatise Kathavatthu was written by Moggaliputta Tissa. He was a Buddhist monk and scholar who lived in the 3rd century BC . Moggaliputta-Tissa was the spiritual teacher of the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka, and his son Mahinda, who brought Buddhism to Sri Lanka. He also presided over the Third Buddhist Council. 32. In which among the following sacrifices, the sacrificial materials used was sura in Vedic Era? [A] Agnistoma [B] Rajasuya [C] Sautramani [D] Vajapeya Answer: Sautramani Explanation: Sautramani was the sacrifice of the asuras and was adopted by the devas. The sacrificial materials used was sura, wine. In the Sautramani sacrifice the oblations of sura are prescribed. 33. In the Rigvedic Dasrajan Yudha (Battle of Ten Kings) the Bharatas emerged winner at the bank of __? [A] The Indus River [B] The Saraswati River [C] The Sutlej River [D] The Parushni River Answer: The Parushni River Explanation: According to Rigveda,the famous battle of ten kings ( or Dasrajan Yudha) was between Sudas, a Bharata king of the Tritsu family and the confederacy of ten well-known tribes- Puru, Yadu, Turvasa, Anu, Druhyu, Alina, Paktha ,Bhalanas,Shiva and Vishanin.In the bloody and decisive battle on the banks of River Parushni the Bharatas emerged victorious. 34. The Boghazkoi inscription was discovered in __? [A] India [B] Iran [C] Syria [D] Turkey Answer: Turkey Explanation: Homeland of Aryans : one of the inscription proves that the Aryans are from Central Asia is Boghazkoi (Asia Minor ,Turkey ) Inscription. 35. The Aryans dedicated whole of a separate Mandala in Rig-Veda for the hymns dedicated to __? [A] Agni [B] Varuna [C] Indra [D] Soma Answer: Soma Explanation: Soma & Haoma : (It is the 9th Mandal of Rigveda which contains 114 hymns ) The fermented juice of the plant called Soma appears to have been the only intoxicating drink used in Vedic times. So much were the ancient Aryans addicted to this drink, that Soma was soon worshipped as a deity both in India and in Iran (under the name Haoma in the latter country), and we find one entire Mandala, or Book, of the Rig-Veda, dedicated to this deity. 36. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched ? [A] Nagananda ?Harsha [B] Mudrarakshasa?Visakhadatta [C] Mrichchhakatika ?Sudraka [D] Ratnavali ?Rajasekhara Answer: Ratnavali .Rajasekhara Explanation: »Mricchakatika, is a ten-act Sanskrit drama written by Sudraka. »Nagananda is one of the best Sanskrit dramas in five acts dealing with the popular story of Jimutavahana’s self-sacrifice to save the Nagas, written by king Harsha(Vardhana Dynasty). »The Mudrarakshasa (“The Signet of the Minister”) is a historical play in Sanskrit by Vishakhadatta that narrates the ascent of the king Chandragupta Maurya to power in Northern India. »Ratnavali is a Sanskrit drama about a beautiful princess named Ratnavali, and a great king named Udayana,written by Indian emperor Harsha(Vardhana dynasty). 37. Who among the following was a lady Alvar Saint? [A] Andal [B] Madhura Kavi [C] Perumal [D] Tirupan Answer: Andal Explanation: Andal was a 10th century Tamil poet who is revered as a saint in the southern parts of India, the only woman Alvar (saint) of Vaishnavism (a cult devoted to Lord Vishnu). 38. Parnadatta was appointed the Provincial Governor of Saurashtra by __? [A] Chandragupta Maurya [B] Rudradaman [C] Chandragupta II [D] Skandagupta Answer: Skandagupta Explanation: Skandgupta’s Junagarh Inscription: It states that Skandagupta appointed Parnadatta as goptri (governor) of Surashtra (Saurashtra) 39. The title “Paramasaugata” was adopted by ___? [A] Bhaskar Varman [B] Shashanka [C] Rajya Vardhana [D] Harsha Answer: Rajya Vardhana Explanation: Rajyavardhana has been mentioned as Parama- Saugata in Harsha’s Madhuvana and Banskhera inscriptions 40. Garuda was adopted as dynastic emblem after the imperial Guptas by ___? [A] Rashtrakutas [B] Western Chalukyas [C] Shilaharas [D] Chedis Answer: Rashtrakutas Explanation: Rashtrakutas adopted “Garuda”as dynastic emblem after the imperial Guptas. 41. “The king was the ruler of all except Brahamanas”. This was the view of __? [A] Manu [B] Yajnavalkya [C] Apasthamba [D] Gautama Answer: Gautama-dharmasutra Explanation: The Dharmasutras: The Law Codes of Apastamba, Gautama, Baudhayana, and Vasistha The Dharmasutras are the four surviving written works of the ancient Indian tradition on the subject of dharma, or the rules of behavior a community recognizes as binding on its members. Gautama-dharmasutra is believed to be the oldest of the four Hindu Dharmasastras, It survives as an independent treatise. According to Gautama the ruler is the owner of everything in his realm except the brahmanas 42. For which among the following offenses, Manu recommended higher punishment to Brahamans than the persons of other varnas? [A] Profanity [B] Murder [C] Theft [D] Treason Answer: Theft Explanation: According to Manu, a Brahamana was to be awarded higher punishment than the persons of other varnas for the offence of Theft. 43. Metronymics were borne by the later rulers of which among the following dynasties? [A] Maurya [B] Sunga [C] Kanva [D] Satavahana Answer: Satavahana Explanation: Metronymics: A name derived from the name of a mother or female ancestor. The metronymics are borne by the later Satavahanas and not by the early Satavahanas. It was mainly because Satavahanas had to establish matrimonial alliance with maharathis. The metronymics of the Satavahanas was the result of such alliances. 44. One of the writers of the Dharmashashtra disapproved the practice of Sati declaring it as an act of suicide. Identify him from the given options: [A] Angiras [B] Medhatithi [C] Usana [D] Visnu Answer: Medhatithi Explanation: Medhatithi is one of the oldest and most famous commentators on the Manusmriti. He considered sati system identical to suicide, which was forbidden by the Vedas. One shall not die before the span of one’s life is run out. 45. Vallabhi era is identical with which of the following era? [A] The Vikrama era [B] The Gupta era [C] The Harsha era [D] None of the above Answer: The Gupta era Explanation: Vallabhi era is identical with Gupta era and Vallabhi era followed Gupta era in A.D. 366. 46. The cotton cloth worn by Indians had a brighter white colour than any cotton found elsewhere. This view was recorded by __? [A] Alexander [B] Megasthenes [C] Nearchus [D] Pliny Answer: Megasthenes Explanation: Megasthenes – an ancient Greek historian and diplomat, author of an account of India, the Indica, in four books. He was sent by the Hellenistic king Seleucus I on embassies to the Mauryan emperor Chandragupta Maurya. He wrote that the dress worn by the Indians was made of cotton of a brighter white colour than any cotton found elsewhere. 47. Which among the following is / are the terms used for coins of the Gupta period? 1. Dinara 2. Dramma 3. Rupaka 4. Suvarna Choose the correct answer from the codes given below: [A] 4 only [B] 2, 3 [C] 1, 4 [D] 1, 2, 3, 4 Answer: 1, 4 Explanation: The gold coins of Gupta period were called Dinara inspired by the Roman coins but later the coins were minted in the Indian style with the weight standard of 9.2 gms of gold and called Suvarna. 48. The Kushans issues the coins made of __? 1. Gold 2. Silver 3. Copper Choose the correct option from the codes given below: [A] Only 1 [B] Only 1 & 2 [C] Only 1 & 3 [D] 1, 2 & 3 Answer: 1, 2 & 3 Explanation: The Kushans issued coins of Gold, Silver and Copper . 49. The last Mauryan ruler, who was killed by his Commander-in-Chief was __? [A] Dasaratha [B] Kun-ala [C] Samprati [D] Brihadratha Answer: Brihadratha Explanation: Maurya Emperor Brihadratha was killed by his senapati (Commander-in-Chief) Pushymitra Shunga . Pushymitra Shunga founded the Shunga Dynasty in around 185-183 BC. 50. According to the beliefs of the Pasupata sect, Siva is the lord of Pasu. Pasu here refers to __? [A] Lion [B] Bull [C] Parvati [D] Jiva Answer: Jiva Explanation: The Pasupata was a Saivite sect associated with Siva in his aspect of the “Herdsman” (pasu, “animal” and pati, “lord”). The devotees of Pashupati Siva are called Pashupatas. 51. King Ashvapati of the Upanishadic Age was the ruler of which among the following Kingdoms? [A] Kekaya [B] Matsya [C] Panchala [D] Sursena Answer: Kekaya Explanation: LATER VEDIC AGE – The Kekaya kingdom was situated on the bank of River Beas, east of Gandhar kingdom. King Aswapati ruled Kekaya when Janak was the king of Videha. 52. With which among the following Vedas, the Shatapatha Brahmana is related to___? [A] Rigveda [B] Yajurveda [C] Samaveda [D] Atharvaveda Answer: Yajurveda Explanation: Yajurveda is the book of sacrificial prayers.The world’s oldest prose literature of the Indo-Europeans is contained in Yajurveda.. There are two primary versions or Samhitas of the Yajurveda : Shukla(white) and Krishna(black) This implies that the Krishna Yajurveda includes the Brahmana prose discussions within the Samhita (no Brahman) while the Shukla Yajurveda has separately a Brahmana text, Shatapatha. 53. Which of the following was not a diety of the Harappans? [A] Shiva [B] Mother Goddess [C] Peepal Tree [D] Vishnu Answer: Vishnu Explanation: Mother Goddess, Pashupati Shiva, Peepal, Pigeon, Swastik were worshipped by the Harappans. 54. Which among the following places has given the earliest evidence of agriculture in Indian Subcontinent? [A] Brahmagiri [B] Chirand [C] Mehrgarh [D] Burzahom Answer: Mehrgarh Explanation: The site of Mehrgarh is located near the Bolan Pass, in the region of Baluchistan, to the west of the Indus River valley. In 1974, Mehrgarh excavated by the French Archaeologist Jean Francois Jarrige. 55. Robert Bruce Foote, who discovered first Palaeolithic tools in India, was originally ___? [A] Palaeobotanist [B] Geologist [C] Archaeologist [D] Historian Answer: Geologist Explanation: Robert Bruce Foote – Father of Indian Pre-history. He was a geologist of the Geological Survey of India, brought out publications on the tools found in the laterite formations in the then Madras and South Arcot districts, documented the antiquities of the Neolithic and Iron Age in Salem district in Tamil Nadu, wrote memoirs on the geology of the south Maharatta country and neighbouring districts, collected antiquities, painted landscape such as “View of Cape Comorin, the Kumla Kumari Pagoda…” and skilfully handled his finances. 56. Which of the following is the most common motif of the Indus Seals ? [A] Unicorn [B] Bull [C] Rhinoceros [D] Elephant Answer: Unicorn Explanation: The unicorn is the most common motif on Indus seals and appears to represent a mythical animal that Greek and Roman sources 57. Which of the following Harappan towns is divided into three parts ? [A] Kalibanga [B] Lothal [C] Chanhudaro [D] Dholavira Answer: Dholavira Explanation: The Dholavira is the largest Indus Valley Site in independent India. It is located on Khadir Beyt, an island in the Great Rann of Kutch in Gujarat.It has been excavated by R S Bisht team of ASI. It had three citadels. Each of these three citadels of Dholavira was improved than Harappa and Mohen-jo-Daro and had an inner closure as well. 58. The rulers of which among the following dynasties adopted the title Devaputra ? [A] Maurya [B] Sunga [C] Kushana [D] Saka-Kshatrapa Answer: Kushana Explanation: Kushanas Empire: Kanishka (100 – 126 AD), a prominent ruler of the Kushan Dynasty who achieved remarkable milestones in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. His descendants called him as Devaputra which means son of gods. 59. The Mahasamghika School arose at which among the following places? [A] Bodha Gaya [B] Rajagriha [C] Sravasti [D] Vaisali Answer: Vaisali Explanation: Also known as Mahasamghika, Mahasanghika, or Mahasanghika. »Great monastic community. »One of first schools of Nikaya Buddhism »Result of (the first schism at) the Second Council at Vaishali where they were outvoted and seceded. »The teachings of this school concerning the nature of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. 60. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched ? Sakiyas ?Kapilvastu Koliyas ?Ramagrama [A] Sakiyas ?Kapilvastu [B] Koliyas ?Ramagrama [C] Kalamas ?Allakappa [D] Mallas ?Kusinagara Answer: Kalamas ?Allakappa Explanation: All are related to Gautam Bhudha and Kautilya also mention many self governing clans in which these exist. ?Sakiyas of Kapilavastu : A republican clan with the capital at Kapilavattu, was a vassal of King Prasenjit of Kosala It was a great center of Buddhism. ?Koliyas, a republican clan had 2 chief settlements in Ramagama and Devadaha. Buddha was related to the Koliyans through his mother and wife. After the demise of the Buddha, the Koliyans obtained a share of his relics and erected a stupa over it. ?Mallas had 2 confederacies; one at Kusinara and the other at Pava Kusinara was famous as it was the site of Buddha’s Mahaparinirvana. Malla Roja initially opposed Buddhism, later accepted him after he heard the Buddha’s discourses. ?Bulis of Allakappa, Moriyas of Pipphalivana and Kalamas of Kesaputta. They were followers of the Buddha. 61. Who among the following laid down for punishment for a person becoming mendicant without making adequate provision for dependent wife and children? [A] Manu [B] Yajnavalkya [C] Kautilya [D] Narada Answer: Kautilya Explanation: Chanakya : He is also known by Vishnugupta, Kautilya,was born around 350 BC and is known for his being the chief architect of Mauryan Empire and writing the pioneering work in the Economics and Political Science that is Arthashstra. He is known as Indian Machiavelli in the western world. 62. With which among the following places, the twenty third Jain Tirthankara was associated? [A] Vaishali [B] Kausambi [C] Varanasi [D] Sravasti Answer: Varanasi Explanation: Tirthankar Parshvanath was the son of king Ashvasena and queen Vama of Varanasi. He achieved Nirvana on the Sammet Sikhar. He lived in Varanasi around 800 BC. Parsvanatha is the 23rd Jain Tirthankar. 63. Which of the following Upanishads is written in prose ? [A] Isa [B] Katha [C] Brihadaranyaka [D] Svetasvatara Answer: Brihadaranyaka Explanation: Brihadaranyaka Upanishad was first work to give the doctrine of transmigration and deeds. It means “the great forest of knowledge.” .It consists of three sections or kandas: the Madhu kanda, the Yajnavalkya or the Muni kanda and the Khila kanda. Popular shloka: 64. Who among the following were teachers of Gautama Buddha before his enlightenment ? 1. Alara Kalama 2. Udraka Ramputra 3. Makkhali Gosala 4. Nigantha Nataputta Indicate your answer from the codes given below. [A] 1 and 4 [B] 4 and 2 [C] 2 and 3 [D] 1 and 2 Answer: 1 and 2 Explanation: i. At ‘Vaishali’, Alara Kalama (Sankhya philosopher) taught the techniques of meditation and the teaching of Upanishads to Gautam Buddha. ii. At ‘Rajgriha’, Udraka Ramputra taught him to achieve the highest level of meditation. iii. At last ,at the age of 35,Gautam Bhudha attained nirvana at ‘Bodh gaya ‘in Bihar. 65. Which among the following is an extant Shaka of the Rigveda Samhita? [A] Saunaka [B] Ashvalayan [C] Shakala [D] Sankhayana Answer: Shakala Explanation: Rigveda is the oldest Veda .In it,only two shakas of the Rig-Veda, Shakala sakha and Baskala shaka, remain alive out of the 21 which existed at one time. 66. Who was the priest of the Bharatas in the battle of Ten Kings ? [A] Visvamitra [B] Vasishtha [C] Atri [D] Bhrigu Answer: Vasishtha Explanation: The battle of ten kings was fought between Sudas, a Bharata king of the Tritsu family and the confederacy of ten well-known tribes- Puru, Yadu, Turvasa, Anu, Druhyu, Alina, Paktha ,Bhalanas,Shiva and Vishanin. In the bloody and decisive battle on the banks of River Purushni, the Bharatas emerged victorious. The reason behind the war is the rivalry between Vishwamitra and Vasishtha. 67. That the homeland of the Aryans was Arctic Region, was propounded by ___? [A] Max Muller [B] Edward Meyer [C] Bal Gangadhar Tilak [D] Herzefeld Answer: Bal Gangadhar Tilak Explanation: The Arctic Home in the Vedas is a book on the origin of Aryans by Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak The book was written at the end of 1898, but was first published in March 1903 in Pune .It propounded the theory that the North Pole was the original home of Aryans during pre-glacial period which they had to leave due to the ice deluge around 8000 B.C. and had to migrate to the Northern parts of Europe and Asia in search of lands for new settlements. In support to his theory , Tilak has presented certain Vedic hymns, East Iranian passages, Vedic chronology and Vedic calendars with interpretations of the contents in detail. 68. Who among the following invented Zero? [A] Aryabhatta [B] Varahamihira [C] Bhaskara I [D] An unknown Indian Answer: An unknown Indian Explanation: the most fundamental contribution of ancient India to the progress of civilisation is the decimal system of numeration including the invention of the number zero. This system uses 9 digits and a symbol for zero to denote all integral numbers, by assigning a place value to the digits. This system was used in Vedas and Valmiki Ramayana. Mohanjodaro and Harappa civilisations (3000 B.C.) also used this system..So,we can say Zero is invented by unknown Indian. 69. Which of the following musical instruments is / are composite or Indo-Islamic in origin ? 1. Sitar 2. Shehnai 3. Tabla 4. Sarangi Choose the correct option from the codes given below: [A] 1 & 2 Only [B] 1, 3 & 4 Only [C] 1, 2 & 3 Only [D] 1, 2, 3 & 4 Answer: 1, 3 & 4 Only Explanation: Shehnai is not composite or Indo-Islamic in origin. 70. Which among the following is known as the earliest example of Panchayatana style of temple? [A] Dashavatara temple at Deogarh [B] Temple at Pathari [C] Shatrughneshwara temple at Bhubaneshwar [D] Lakshmana temple at Sirpur Answer: Dashavatara temple.Deogarh Explanation: The Dashavatara Temple or Vishnu Temple also called Gupta temple at Deogarh. It was built in the Gupta Period (320 to c. 600 AD ). Archaeologists have inferred that it is the earliest known Panchayatana temple in North India. A hindu temple is a Panchayatana one when the main shrine is surrounded by four subsidiary shrines. 71. Which among the following is the hallmark feature of the Dravida style of temple architecture? [A] Shikhara [B] Gopuram [C] Vimana [D] Mandapa Answer: Vimana Explanation: Vimana is a term for the tower above the Garbhagriha or Sanctum sanctorum in a Hindu temple in Dravidian style. 72. Which among the following is / are works of Kalidasa? 1. Ritusamhara 2. Meghaduta 3. Dasakumarcharita 4. Kumarashambhava Choose the correct option from the codes given below: [A] Only 1 & 2 [B] Only 2, 3 &4 [C] Only 1, 2 & 4 [D] 1, 2, 3 & 4 Answer: Only 1, 2 & 4 Explanation: Dashakumaracharita (The narrative of ten young men) is a prose romance in Sanskrit, attributed to Dandin in the 7th century CE. Dandin is a 6th-7th century Sanskrit author of prose romances and expounder on poetics. 73. Which among the following is the most famous Bronze Image of Chola Period? [A] Murugan [B] Nataraja [C] Venkateshwar [D] Vishnu Answer: Nataraja Explanation: Chola art: The most famous of all the bronze icons is that of Nataraja, the Divine Dancer. The symbolism presents Siva as lord of the cosmic dance of creation and destruction. 74. Which among conclusions has been derived from the debasement of the coins and gradual disappearance of gold coins during the post-Gupta period? [A] Commodities became cheap [B] Gold Mining was stalled [C] Money economy was gradually replaced by Barter Economy [D] There was a decline in trade Answer: There was a decline in trade Explanation: Debasement of the coins and gradual disappearance of gold coins during the post-Gupta period indicates the Decline of Trade. 75. Which among the following ancient authors has complained of the drain of gold to India (due to trade hegemony of ancient India)? [A] Ptolemy [B] Nero [C] Strabo [D] Pliny Answer: Pliny Explanation: The lamentation of the Roman writer Pliny in the 1st century A.D refers to heavy drain of Gold from Roman into India in payment of her imports from India. He writes that the drain of Gold is in return for unproductive luxuries. The Roman gold and silver were steadily drained into South India in exchange not only for spices, but also muslin, silk and other costly luxuries. 76. In the revenue department of Mauryas, who among the following was in-charge of the collection of all revenues in the empire? [A] Sannidhatri [B] Pradeshta [C] Yukta [D] Samahatra Answer: Samahatra Explanation: Mauryan administration: Samaharta – chancellor of the exchequer; responsible for the collection of revenue. The Revenue Department had Samharta who was incharge of the collection of all revenues in the empire 77. The Pagodas at Mahabalipuram had been constructed by ___? [A] Cholas [B] Chalukyas of Kalyani [C] Pallavas [D] Pandyas Ans-c
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 06:49:52 +0000

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