Very impressive. This is only one of the many peaceful - TopicsExpress


Very impressive. This is only one of the many peaceful demonstrations organized these days in Romania. Similar actions are organized by the Romanian Diaspora across the Globe.The demonstration you are about to watch has been organized in City of Timisoara, located in Western Romania, the City where the 1989 Romanian Revolution started, causing Ceausescus fall. Ceausescu was the former dictator of Romania. Romanians gather in the streets to protest against 25 years of lies, corruption and bad running of the country by former Communists, Securitatea, opportunists and traitors that stole the rains following Ceausescus fall in December 1989. They say. People claim that, All all the Governments did in the past 25 years was to cast internationally an extremely bad image of Romania, and bring Romania in a stage of total decay. The PM of Romania, Victor Ponta, is one of their own, a young cub of the moldiness. Romanians say. Ponta now runs for presidency in a race with Klaus Iohannis, a native born Romanian citizen, of Transylvanian German ethnicity. Like in most countries, there are various ethnic groups in Romania, as well. Unfortunately, hate, racism, and nationalism are nourished at large in Romania, the overall sentiment being supported by numerous politicians in the Government. Asking for their right to lead a decent life, Romanians take it to the streets to demonstrate against Victor Ponta, whos, they say, the youngster of those that brought Romania to total decay in the last 25 years. In this demonstration they shout slogans against Victor Ponta, whom they dont want as President. God Bless Romania!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 04:33:50 +0000

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