Very informed article by the Transport Secretary, Patrick - TopicsExpress


Very informed article by the Transport Secretary, Patrick McLoughlin, on the Conservative Partys new proposals on strike action to protect our public services. I’m a union man, and I believe trade unions are a vital part of our democracy. I used to be a member of the National Union of Mineworkers. But 30 years ago, I worked through the miners’ strike – I crossed the picket line. Why? Because then, like now, I took issue with a trade union boss waging war without a mandate. Scargill wasn’t interested in listening to the voice of his members. He tried to get round the ballots. If we’d had proper ballots for industrial action, and if the ballots ruled in favour, I’d have joined the strike. The right to strike is a right protected and defined in law. But with all rights come responsibilities. It’s not fair that politicised trade union leaders can hold the country to ransom with demands that only a small percentage of their members actually voted for. For example, next week’s London bus strikes. It will cause major disruption to thousands of commuters and businesses – thanks to the backing of 16% of RMT union members eligible to vote. What sort of a mandate is that? A mandate to punish innocent commuters? I don’t think so. Sadly, low turnouts and low ballot majorities for industrial action are becoming the norm. Of the 102 strike ballots between August 2010 and December 2014, nearly two thirds failed to attract half of union members even turning up to vote. The devastating tube strikes last April were voted for by fewer than a third of the RMT’s members, and a smaller proportion still of the workforce of the London Underground! Regardless of the trade union barons’ political agendas, it’s plain to see the only ones who suffer are the British people. And so today the Conservative Party has announced a package of tough new measures – that will be included in our election manifesto – to protect parents, families and commuters. Most important of these is a statutory requirement for 40% of all eligible voters to call a strike across the essential services. I’m talking about health, education, transport and fire services. Services that people’s lives and livelihoods depend on. People can’t go to work when to earn a living when the trains stop running. Parents have to stay at home to look after their children if schools are shut. Patients can’t get treated when ambulances don’t run or hospitals close. We would also end the ban on using agency staff to cover for striking workers and put an end to rolling mandates, so strikes can’t be called based on ballots held years ago. And we’d conduct a review into the minimum service levels required, so people can always rely on core public services being there. Radical proposals that will not just support hardworking British people – but will also restore confidence in the trade unions. This is not war on the trade unions. It’s tough love. If our proposed thresholds had been in place, more than a quarter of strikes since August 2010 would have still gone ahead. As the party that backs hardworking taxpayers, who wants them to go on about their lives, commuting to work, taking their kids to school, as easy as possible – we Conservatives can’t just stand idly by. And we certainly can’t rely on Labour to do anything about this. Under Ed, striking unions have given his party an eye-watering £35 million. Little wonder Ed stayed silent during last year’s tube strikes. He’s too weak to stand up to his union paymasters, and too weak to stand up for the interests of British people. And this goes straight to the heart of the issue. Come May, you will all be entitled to cast your vote. And it will be a choice between competence and chaos. The competence of a Conservative Party working to a long-term economic plan – backing hardworking taxpayers who want to get on in life. Or the chaos of Labour who are too weak to stand up for them.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 14:06:22 +0000

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