Very interesting. Basically artificial sweeteners are changing the - TopicsExpress


Very interesting. Basically artificial sweeteners are changing the bacteria in our gut, which can impact our bodies ability to tolerate and process glucose, which may lead to weight gain and further pre-diabetes. If you are a chronic artificial sweetener junkie, myself included, the research is mounting and it is time to start curbing our consumption. Now, replacing artificial sweeteners with real sugar is not the answer, that WILL lead to weight gain. But, reducing artificial sweetener consumption by replacing common sources such as diet soda with water or unsweetened tea is a good idea. Read your labels carefully, its a amazing how prevalent NAS are in processed foods and avoid the most common culprits, diet drinks. It may seem difficult, but our taste buds will change, when we bombard our taste buds with sweet we lose the natural sweetness of many fruits and vegetables making them less appealing. Give your dietary changes some time and your sense of taste will change. As always, eat a varied diet that consists mainly of Real Foods, ie Fruits, Vegetables, Lean Meats, Low Fat Dairy, Whole Grains, Nuts, Seeds, and Legumes. Avoid heavily processed foods. Think of it as a continuum, for example Corn on the Cobb is better for you than Canned Corn, is better than Creamed Corn, is better than Corn Flakes, is better than frosted Corn Flakes, is better than Poptarts. All are made out of Corn, but the less processed food is the healthier option. Generally, the more processed the food the more calorie dense and nutritionally sparse the food becomes. Greater processing leads to more calories and fewer nutrients. The research isnt conclusive, but it is a clear indication that we dont fully understand how artificial sweeteners affect our bodies, and those effects are negative. Getting ahead of the curve and reducing your consumption to low to moderate levels is definitely a good idea. iflscience/health-and-medicine/artificial-sweeteners-associated-glucose-intolerance
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 20:13:37 +0000

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