Very interesting seeing the juxtaposition of two stories on my - TopicsExpress


Very interesting seeing the juxtaposition of two stories on my facebook timeline today and yesterday. 1st. The excellent article in the Observer about the racial / sectarian abuse Neil Lennon received, the death threats, the muggings, the bombs and the bizarre Not Guilty verdict when the whole country watched him getting assaulted on live TV. But worse than that, how the Scottish media and authorities tolerated it. Id go further and say it went beyond abuse to persecution and Scotlands people and authorities should hang their head in shame for not dealing with it. 2nd. The triumph of UKIP in the Euro elections. Many FB comments have shown disbelief in the English for voting for UKIP. These voters have been ridiculed as being childish. The end point being that Scotland must vote YES in September to avoid being represented by fascist, racist, homobashing UKIP wannabe politicians in a possible hung UK parliament. Now heres the rub. I actually think that if Scotland were to vote YES in September then it is actually more likely that our politics will become more polarised. It is more likely that small minority parties from the far right and far left will get a strong foot hold in our country. Look at the current crop of Scottish politicians, can you honestly point to any of them and say that they are World Class? European Class or even UK Class? Worst of all, unless and until Scotland deals with its massive sectarian issues it is very likely (in my opinion) that Scottish politics will slowly turn into a watered down version of Northern Irish politics with political parties and votes split down sectarian lines. Glasgow and the West of Scotland has a massive sectarian dark cloud hanging over it. As a nation Scotland has not shown the necessary maturity to deal with it. Does this nation have the maturity required to deal with world issues on our own? Too often our people hark back to events of 324 years ago on a separate island citing our heritage, our tradition or a mystical book which is a collection of stories from 2,000 years ago. Dont believe me? Look at the Glasgow City Council politics over the past few decades. Its an absolute farce. Alternatively look at South African politics post Apartheid. The ANC had 1 goal, the end of Apartheid and democracy for all. Once that had been achieved and Nelson Mandela had moved on the ANC has become a party of vicious infighting and unable to run the country as effectively as it should. The prevention of condom distribution to prevent AIDS sums up the ridiculousness of it. Once the SNPs goal is achieved and Alex Salmond has moved on where does that leave them? Tillerless. Salmond is a great politician, sadly he has no-one in Scottish politics who can come close to being his equal. Thats my thoughts. Id love it if you proved me wrong and gave me a strong coherent reason why Scots are better democrats than the UKIP voting Southern English. Why do us Scots deserve Independence when we cant even allow our kids to be educated together in harmony. For the avoidance of doubt I do not support UKIP, I do not support many of the SNPs policies however I did vote for them at last Scottish election because I thought they had done a decent job as a minority government and Scottish Labour / Scottish Conservatives are appalling. I proudly voted for devolution in the earlier referendum and I voted for the Green Party last week. I am not a Rangers fan or a Celtic fan. In-fact I have no footballing connection. theguardian/commentisfree/2014/may/25/neil-lennon-persecution-shames-scotland-celtic-manager
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 16:12:57 +0000

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