Very interesting statement to me... May. 31, 2013 …which - TopicsExpress


Very interesting statement to me... May. 31, 2013 …which are still “inteligently designed”. I’m a systems engineer by profession–I develope sophisticated Internet systems. And believe you me, you folks have no idea how intricate and complicated it gets. Yet what I do pales…I tell you PALES, in comparison to the sophistication and complexity of the Universe. There is absolutely no comparison. So before you go looking at the downside, remember this–if it wasn’t someone with an amazing level of intelligence that put it in motion, it all happened by itself. Those are the only two options. And do you realize what that means–”by itself”? Yet even as smart as man is, he cannot even construct a simple tomato seed that grows. So man, with all his great intelligence, can’t do something as simple as that. BTW–results from the latest CERN tests indicate the “Natural” argument for the universe isn’t supportable. So much for something most of you “deniers” can’t wrap your minds around. Or you can go on without lifting a finger to find out what’s up, but doing so is what you’ve been doing up until now. So slither on (as befitting your perceived origin). theblaze/stories/2013/05/31/horror-author-stephen-king-has-a-message-for-atheists-and-non-believers-plus-see-what-he-said-about-intelligent-design/
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 01:02:58 +0000

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