Very little news from the little diner by the river. Business has - TopicsExpress


Very little news from the little diner by the river. Business has been slow and Im just hoping it isnt a permanent trend. Any suggestions? Heres another hunting story for you anyway. I lived in Baton Rouge for a couple of years in the early 80’s. Working as head bartender at Ted & Ruth’s seafood Inn. The wait staff there was notorious for its parties. Naturally, I fit right in. One such party was what the locals called “camping”. Imagine, a four bedroom condo on the bayou, complete with showers, a kitchen, Jacuzzi, sauna and a boat dock. Real roughing it, huh. While out for a wild weekend “camping”, I decided to do some hunting with a few of the guys. We were after squirrel, raccoon or whatever came our way. They gave me a rifle with a scope and sent me on my way. After some walking, I decided I’d sit and wait out the prey, rather than go any further and get lost. I sat quietly for half an hour before I saw a thing. Finally a squirrel comes into view and I follow him to the waters edge with my scope. He stood up on his hind haunches and looked out over the bayou. Using the scope, I follow his line of vision and see that he’s studying a lone hickory nut sitting on a cypress stump in the middle of the swamp. He steps back a few feet and takes a running start leaping into the air and landing on the stump. I watch as he opens the nut and has lunch. When finished, he starts to look for a way off his perch, finally deciding to leap back the way he came. Imagine my amazement when an alligator comes up out of the water and snatches the squirrel in midair, taking him down under for his own lunch. I sat in awe for several minutes until I noticed some activity in the water. A little gator arm comes out of the swamp and places another hickory nut on the stump. Maybe I had had too much to drink that morning, maybe not. Just the same, Have A Daybreak Day!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 03:34:19 +0000

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