Very often people will read articles like the one below and get - TopicsExpress


Very often people will read articles like the one below and get depressed, not knowing what to do. But its as simple as it always is. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Falling into fear and depression creates the more ugly world our hearts tell us is possible in a hurry. Acting from hope and love, doing things to create a more beautiful world - even if they seem small in comparison to doomsday predictions - we are living in the more beautiful world, right here, right now. And its only when we act from a different, darker place that we arent. And if humanity goes extinct in X amount of years if it is destined to do at some point anyway... Well that will always be beyond our control. At least we can choose to die in the more beautiful world, as long as thats where we are choosing to live and how we are choosing to guide our actions. Life will go on, in any event. You cant have an experience of nothing. Nature abhors a vacuum. - Alan Watts
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 18:00:08 +0000

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