Very often we say... I loved that piece of music / dance , I loved - TopicsExpress


Very often we say... I loved that piece of music / dance , I loved that painting / sculpture.... it really touched my heart. In other words, you connect with that piece of music, dance or a painting as it invokes a feeling or emotion in you. This is the concept of Rasa which holds a very important place in our fine arts - music , dance or any other visual art form. Let us discuss Rasa in the context of performing arts. Rasa literally means essence. It denotes the emotional state or theme of a work of art or the feeling that is evoked in the person that views, reads or hears a work of art be it dance, music, literature or painting. Bharata Muni in his Natyashastra, mentions eight Rasas, each having its presiding deity and a specific colour. Abhinavagupta ( 10th Century A.D.) the great Saint,Philosopher and Musician from Kashmir incorporated another rasa in the list of the existing – the one of Shanta. Thus the expression of Navarasa came into existence. These nine rasas are: Shringara – love, Hasya – laughter, Raudra – anger, Karunya- sadness, bhibhatsa- disgust, bhayanaka – horror, Vira- heroic, Adbhuta- wonder and Shanta – peace. When Navarasa is compared to colors, Shringara is depicted by the color green and Hasya by white. Grey is the color to show Karuna, red represents Raudra, Veera is shown by the color orange, black color depicts Bhayanaka, blue is the color that shows Bheebhatsya, Adbutha by Yellow and Shantha by off-white. A beautiful demonstration of the Navarasa ....
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 04:06:20 +0000

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