Very sorry for a lack of recaps lately. The Winnipeg game - TopicsExpress


Very sorry for a lack of recaps lately. The Winnipeg game excluded, as I was working, but for the other most recent games, I have been mightily conflicted. I guess the important things to realize are these: Detroit is still taking points as a result of overtime losses, in same cases in games that they had no business going into overtime with. And they are heavily undermanned, missing key contributors that would otherwise serve to help draw opposing match-ups and make our team deeper. Even before that however, the trend of turnovers that has been happening is very disturbing and needs to be corrected. As well, the powerplay has not lacked in dogged puck pursuit, but, and I guess this goes hand-in-hand with being undermanned, there is nothing after the top unit that leads me to be confident in our extra-man unit. In last nights case, scoring even one goal in the extended powerplay chance turns the complexion of the game around. Instead, the opposition scores just after the advantage runs out. An opponent with superior effort and a superior level of play won last night, and with such an opportunity to have picked up a bonus goal on the powerplay having been present last night, it is tough to see these chances squandered. And I hope that that in itself will not develop into a trend, squandering chances... Let us look forward to getting the wheels back on the road against a Winnipeg team that will cap Detroits most recent homestand. Look for that action on Tuesday at 7:30. LGRW
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 21:17:58 +0000

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