Very true Don Kennedy Albert and TRUE. Thank you for - TopicsExpress


Very true Don Kennedy Albert and TRUE. Thank you for sharing! Jehovahs Witnesses on shunning their OWN children: i have only one thing to say to parents who have coldly rejected their own children in order to obey the directives of the watchtower corporation: (Jehovahs Witness CULT) congratulations. in our modern, permissive world, you have managed to commit the one sin that EVERYONE agrees is wrong: child abuse / neglect. you have failed the easiest of all tests: the test of loving your children. (1Tim 5:8) your blind obedience to the managing directors of a corporation has rendered you UNFIT as parents. you are officially relieved of your duties. the good news is that you have proved worthy to be called jehovahs witnesses. your clear answer to the question, will you sacrifice your children if called upon to do so? identifies you with a group of people willing to prove their loyalty by watching their babies die ~ whether literally, in emergency rooms, or spiritually, by abandoning them until they repent, return, and promise to believe and do what they are told. in other words, SHAME ON YOU. thats right, i said it. the shame is on you. the silver lining is that this is all quickly coming to the attention of a very connected world, a world that does not abide this kind of parenting. shunners, prepare for a taste of your own medicine. your psychological terrorism, once discovered, will not be looked upon with favor by your neighbors, employers, employees, workmates, customers, and ~ god forbid ~ worldly friends. the day is coming, and it is coming quickly, when everyone you meet in the field and everyone who finds out that you are a witness will look into your eyes and ask you if you would shun your own children. and when you try to give them your reasoning book answer, the look of horror in their eyes will tell you that they realize that you are completely out of your mind. governing body: mene, mene, tekel and parsin. yes, these truly are the last days. the last days of the watchtower, that is.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 05:32:07 +0000

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